The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 348 - Wanton Scent (2)

Chapter 348 – Wanton Scent (2)

'Patience, patience…', Marcy chanted internally while Damon and George talked about James' training nonsense.

She was confident that once they finish talking serious business, Alpha Damon will focus on her.

After all, she is his future Luna. He won't ignore her.

Eventually, Damon and George ended the talk about James' training with the agreement that James will join in the afternoon session. With that, George went to his next topic.

"Alpha Edward instructed me to escort Miss Marcy everywhere until we establish security protocols."

Marcy frowned at this. Didn't her father say that George's task is to ensure Marcy reaches the Dark Howlers pack safely? What was that nonsense about escorting her?

Damon thought for a moment before responding, "We have patrols in the area. Due to security reasons, we don't share that information with the outsiders, but I can assure you that the packhouse and vicinity are safe. As you can see, none of us has additional security. However, I have no objections to you escorting Miss Marcy until you are satisfied."

Marcy had a bad feeling about this. Was George going to stick to her forever?

But before she could say anything, Damon was talking to her.

"Miss Marcy, do you foresee occasions where you will stray away from the group? Do you plan to go somewhere on your own?"

Marcy was not sure how to respond to this. "Other than spending time with you, Alpha Damon, I don't have other plans."

Damon was about to say something, when his wolf exclaimed in his head, 'Wait!'

'What?', Damon grumbled back.

'I know you want to diss her, but don't.'

Damon was confused. 'Didn't we agree to set the mood from the start that will send a clear message about how Marcy is not important? I remember clearly that the motive was to get Marcy pissed so that she makes a scene and I kick her out.'

'Trust me. Just continue talking to the non-mate like you are interested and let me observe. There is something strange going on with the Commander.'

Damon gritted his teeth in annoyance. Who cares about Commander George?

Damn it! Damon had a good point to make, but with his wolf interrupting, he lost his train of thoughts.

What did Marcy say? Oh, yes… something about spending time with him. How can he respond like he was interested without taking it too far and without making Talia misunderstand? Talia was working on her computer, but Damon felt Talia's anxiety bubbling.

Damon plastered a smile on his face and prayed that this will work.

"As much as I would love to spend time with you, Miss Marcy, you should be aware that we are currently hosting guests from other packs, so we can't ignore them."

For Damon, the WE was for him and Talia, but for Marcy that WE was for Damon and Marcy.

Marcy's lips lifted into a smile. "I understand. Should I entertain the guests?"

Damon released a sharp breath because he felt Talia's hostility rising by the second. He really wanted to tell Marcy to scram, but his wolf was urging him to add more fuel to the fire.

Damon wondered, what exactly was his wolf planning to accomplish? To get rejected not only by Talia's wolf but by Talia herself? He didn't want to sleep on the sofa!

However, his wolf got him out of the pickle many times, so Damon decided to trust the old guy. He needed to act swiftly before Talia blows up.

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"If you could entertain them, that would be splendid.", Damon said to Marcy, and when Talia's anger hit him full force, Damon added. "Keep in mind that Talia already has a schedule for the next couple of days. You can coordinate with her to see where you can participate and if you have ideas on how to improve it, I'm confident that Talia will consider your inputs."

Marcy smiled brightly. "I will be happy to help. I don't know what Miss Talia planned, but I assure you that I know how to organize age-appropriate entertainment."

Alpha Edward told Marcy to jump into the whole future Luna role as soon as possible. She thought it will be difficult, but it was easier than expected. However, she was not pleased with just entertaining guests. "I hope that we can set aside some time for the two of us. Maybe after guests retreat for the night."

This time, even Damon felt hostility sizzling from George. It was a bit exaggerated for a guard, but Damon didn't have time to think about it because Talia was listening, and any misstep could put him in big trouble.

'Any more, and we will be in trouble with Talia.", Damon growled at his wolf.

'OK. You can back off now.', Damon's wolf responded, and Damon took this as his cue to get things to a closure.

Damon stood up from his chair.

"It will depend on my schedule, Miss Marcy. I'm sure you know that Alpha's duties don't end with entertaining guests. I will let you know when my calendar clears up. In the meantime, feel free to explore the area, participate in activities, and make yourself at home."

By this time, Damon was next to the door, holding them open in a sign that George and Marcy should leave.

Marcy frowned. She just got here and was supposed to leave? She turned to Talia. "Miss Talia, when can you show me the schedule?"

"I have a few important things to deal with here.", Talia said while gesturing toward her computer. "I will find you when I finish."

George was first to get up. He nodded at Talia and extended his hand for a handshake toward Damon. "Thank you, Alpha Damon. We will see you for lunch."

Damon shook George's hand and then robotically extended his hand toward Marcy.

'Smell her!', Damon's wolf exclaimed in Damon's head and the moment Marcy's hand landed in Damon's. Damon tugged Marcy toward her, and he leaned closer while inhaling discretely.

Talia narrowed her eyes at Damon who was getting too close to Marcy. What the hell was he doing? Did he just sniff her? But Talia didn't move from her spot because, officially, she was Damon's assistant.

Talia waited patiently for Damon to close the door behind George and Marcy, before asking irritably, "Does she smell good?"

Damon turned to Talia robotically. "George."


"There is something going on between Marcy and George.", Damon said. When he saw that Talia was frowning, he explained, "While I was talking to Marcy, George was getting hostile. And now… I picked up a hint of George's scent mixed in with Marcy's. It was arousal with something else. Like when I enter a room that was recently used for carnal pleasures. Definitely wanton."

Talia blinked. "Wanton?"

"My wolf agrees."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure.", Damon admitted. "But it's something we should explore. Let's find out what's going on."

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