The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 303 - Maddox Needs A Drink (1)

There was a time when she was young and na?ve, and she dreamed about the moment she will meet her mate. In Tatiana's mind, her mate will be handsome and charming, and he would walk through the fire to make her happy.

Somehow… Maddox didn't fit into that picture.

Maddox is undeniably handsome, and he had moments when he was charming, and he said that he would do anything to make her happy, but still… something was missing.

Tatiana wondered if she was too picky. Objectively speaking, Maddox is a very handsome guy. Why can't she focus on his positives?

Or did she spend too much time among humans? Did she suppress her wolf side so much that she started acting like a human?

Any normal she-wolf would forget herself when she finds her mate; being mated to an Alpha is definitely a big bonus, but Tatiana was different.

Yes, his scent of coffee was intoxicating, and his flavor was addictive and then there were sparks that danced over her skin and made her feel like boundless energy coursed through her body. It was euphoric. Why can't it be enough?

Tatiana plopped backward into the soft grass while thinking how this is for the best.

Maddox is an Alpha. He should find a she-wolf who will fit his requirements for a Luna and Tatiana can move on with her life like they never met before.

She was not looking down on him, neither was she thinking that she was below him. It was just that they were not good for each other.

Two strong-headed people with explosive personalities can't make a good match no matter how she looked at it.

Everyone says that the Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes, but what if she made one this time?

It must be a mistake because a couple like Maddox River and Tatiana Wilkow will never work out, and she needed to get back to work and forget about him but… will she be able to enjoy coffee again?

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Tatiana returned to the beach, and she saw everyone relaxing on the towels.

Maddox was not in sight.

She was glad that he was not there because she didn't know how to face him.

While walking back, Tatiana told herself numerous times that things between her and Maddox won't work out, and she was determined to leave it at that.

However, they are mates, and just ghosting him or breaking up won't work. She needs to reject him and for werewolves, that's a big deal.

How can she say to her soulmate that she rejects him? Tatiana's wolf whimpered in protest at this thought.

Sure, Tatiana could steel her resolve on her own, but in front of Maddox, it will be a totally different thing. Maddox's presence comes with an undeniable magnetic attraction, and Tatiana was not sure if she will be able to keep her cool.

Maybe if he messes up again, and she rejects him in a fit of anger? But that didn't sound reasonable either.

"Where is Max?"

Mindy's question got Tatiana's attention.

"What?", Tatiana asked.

"I'm asking you about Maddox. My brother.", Mindy said while keeping the European fashion magazine to the side. "You were together and now you are not. I assume you know where he is."

It was not just Mindy. Everyone saw Maddox and Tatiana leaving with a picnic basket while holding hands, and they all assumed that the couple was somewhere being lovey-dovey.

"I don't know.", Tatiana admitted. Seeing Mindy's face coming together in a frown, Tatiana released a slow breath before explaining, "We went for a walk and we talked, and…" She couldn't say it because she felt guilty. Was it her fault that he left like that? Was she the unreasonable one? "He left ahead of me."

"How much ahead of you?", Mindy continued probing.

"I don't know. I didn't look at the time. Half an hour. An hour, maybe?" Tatiana was spacing out and sipping wine and she didn't think that someone will question her like this.

Mindy's eyes lost focus for a moment and then she looked at the group where Damon, Talia, Maya, Caden, Tony, and Kalina were. They were snacking fruits and watching as Talia drew something with a sharpie on Damon's shoulder.

"Alpha Damon", Mindy called in an official tone. "Is there a bar nearby?"

Damon was confused. "A bar? We have plenty of drinks here. Just tell Omegas what you want."

"It's not for me. Max is in a bar. Somewhere nearby."

Tatiana couldn't believe this. Did Max go to drink? Great! Is that how a grownup man solves problems?

Tatiana pressed her lips into a line when she realized that everyone was looking at her. Even people who played poker stopped their game.

No one said a word, but she knew that everyone wanted answers.

"We talked and disagreed, and he left ahead of me.", Tatiana said eventually.

Damon shook his head in disbelief. He set up Maddox for success, yet he blew it up.

Well, in any case, Damon couldn't leave things like this.

"There is only one bar nearby.", Damon said and turned to Talia. "I will go check on him. Promise you will stay here with Maya and Caden."

"I want to go with you.", Talia said with determination. She didn't want to separate from Damon because Damon in a bar without Talia meant there will be women sticking to him, and Talia had no intention to allow that to happen.

Damon agreed immediately. "Alright. Put your dress on." There was no way he will let her walk around in a bikini.

Damon's eyes lost focus for a moment, and he stood up to walk on the side.

But the time Talia put her dress on, Damon was back and pulling a gray t-shirt over his head. Talia recognized it as one of the spare t-shirts that Damon told her they have for pack members to dress up so they don't come out of the forest naked after shifting.

"I will also go with you.", Mindy said while grabbing her dress.

"We will keep an eye on things here.", Caden said when he saw Damon's concerned expression.

Damon was not concerned about the people here, but he wondered what happened with Maddox and Tatiana. At first, Damon assumed that Maddox messed up, but the two of them had privacy, and Maddox went there prepared to compromise. Whatever happened, it was bad if Maddox just left Tatiana behind.

Damon remembered that not so long ago Talia was a flight risk, and every time she was out of his sight, Damon feared that she will leave him. He couldn't imagine his life without Talia, and he knew that the mate bond between Maddox and Tatiana was quite strong already.

Damon wrapped his arms around Talia and pressed his lips on her forehead. He needed to feel her in order to calm his jittery nerves.

Talia hugged Damon back and let him hold her for a moment. She was happy to feel his anxiety simmering down.

Damon released a long breath and turned to Tatiana. "Are you coming?"

How Damon saw this, whatever happened, it was because of Tatiana, and it won't be resolved without her.


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