The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 236 - The Shocking Truth (2)

True to her role of a pawn, Marcy was kept in the dark and she didn't know any secrets of the Red Moon pack, so she wouldn't be very useful if Alpha Damon decides to attack the Red Moon pack, but just refusing to do Alpha Edward's bidding would be a major punishment for her father.

Marcy thought how that would be ironic. Her father spent a lot of time and effort to set her up to be Alpha Damon's bride, and if Marcy cuts her ties with him, it would be all for naught. Poetic justice.

Of course, Marcy felt no gratitude toward her father or mother. They sent her away when she was a child and didn't bother raising her, and now that she came of age, they were determined to use her. What a joke!

Marcy couldn't wait for the moment when she becomes the Luna of the largest pack in North America. The first thing she will do is to give her father the middle finger.

The only person who could boss around will be Alpha Damon. Marcy didn't have big hopes in a loving marriage with Alpha Damon, but she was confident that they will find a compromise where both of them get the most out of their union.

But until Marcy's time to shine comes, she needed to be careful, obedient, and most of all, she needed information. That's why she decided to keep an eye on Nora and watch her movements.

It was too risky to follow Alpha Edward or Beta Raymond as they were either stuck in their offices, or outside with warriors, and her mother was totally focused on parties, spending money, and pampering. However, Nora was different.

Even if Marcy was discovered, she could come up with a believable excuse as to why she was watching Nora.

Like now.

Marcy's goal was to overhear what Nora and her father are plotting, but if they see her, she will just say that she was looking for Nora, her friend. Her best friend.

After glancing left and right to double-check that the hallway was empty, Marcy stood next to the open door of the lounge on the second floor and she listened attentively. Nothing.

A full minute passed before Marcy lost her patience and made her way inside.

Marcy's brows furrowed at the sight of an empty lounge. Didn't Anna say that Nora came here with Alpha Edward? Did they leave already?

Marcy cursed her luck. She hoped to find something useful, but she ended up coming late.

Well, it didn't matter. In a few days, Marcy will go to the Dark Howlers pack, and with any luck, she won't return here ever again.

Marcy was about to return to her room when a faint noise got her attention. It came from the storage room that can be accessed from the lounge.

Marcy's stared at the inconspicuous light brown door that matched the wainscot that stretched along the walls of the lounge.

The lounge is used by her father to entertain high-profile guests, and that storage room has glasses, extra drinks, a refrigerator, and a food-prep area. But, without people in the lounge, there was no need for anyone to use that storage, especially because Omegas were gone for the morning. Suspicious.

Was someone there, or did Marcy imagine that sound? Since no one else was in sight, Marcy decided to investigate.

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Marcy was a few steps away from the door when the shuffling sounds were heard again. She didn't imagine it. Was some Omega late with cleaning duties?

Marcy's hand hovered above the doorknob, and she decided to listen a bit more sneakily because the sounds were ambiguous.

Little by little, Marcy's ear got stuck on the door. Now she could clearly hear shuffling and heavy breathing. Definitely suspicious. It took her a moment to distinguish the sounds of two people. One male and one female.

Marcy's eyebrows shoot up when she heard moaning and groaning. Was someone…?

"Oh, yes…", a sultry female voice followed by another moan confirmed Marcy's suspicion. Why did that sound like Nora? Marcy's stomach dropped when she heard the next lines, "Alpha Edward, just like that… You are the best…"

Marcy couldn't believe it!

Her father and Nora!

Marcy was nauseated.

What about her mother? Luna Layla should feel the discomfort of her mate being intimate with another woman. Or was Luna Layla alright with her mate sleeping with another woman? And not just any woman, this one was young enough to be his daughter! And Nora is the daughter of Beta Raymond!

Marcy sneered. Her mother threw away her dignity in order to enjoy the luxuries of being the Luna of the Red Moon pack.

Did Beta Raymond know that his Alpha was sleeping with his daughter? All this was too twisted.

"Fuck! Your pussy is fine!", Alpha Edward's labored voice was heard, followed by Nora's throaty moan, and Marcy stumbled backward.

This was too shocking!

She needed to get out of there.

Marcy had no idea how she found herself back in her room, staring blankly at the ceiling and trying to make sense of what's going on.

She knew that her father was obsessed with power and that her mother didn't care about things as long as she can maintain her lavish lifestyle, but now Nora's role in all this changed.

Nora was not just some girl who was keeping an eye on Marcy. She was her father's mistress!

Was this something ongoing, or a one-time thing? Considering their relationship, it would be difficult to believe that it was only once, or twice.

Since when? Did it start when Alpha Edward and Nora left the party at the Lightclaw pack early? Alpha Edward said that he will punish Nora for approaching Alpha Damon on her own and disturbing him, but now Marcy understood that there was not much punishment involved.

Now that Marcy thought about it, her mother was unusually stiff and grumpy after Alpha Edward and Nora left. Was it because her mother knew what is going to happen between those two?

Would her father still be interested in Nora if he knew that she slept with Alpha Damon? Probably not.

Alpha Edward is consumed with greed for power, and he would gladly push his daughter into marrying Alpha Damon; compared to that, accepting that his mistress slept with Alpha Damon doesn't seem to be much.

Marcy thought that the walls were closing in on her.

People around Marcy wanted to use her for their own agenda, or they didn't care about her, and this was supposed to be her family, damnit!

Marcy told herself not to bother with things she can't change.

Marcy saw her trip to the Dark Howlers pack as a way out of this hell. She will be whoever Damon wants her to be, and he will mark her and make her his Luna, and then Marcy will be able to cut off her ties with this twisted family and the Red Moon pack.

Marcy laughed bitterly. Isn't Alpha Damon just as twisted as her father, if not more? If he had any decency, he wouldn't sleep with Nora when he came to discuss marriage with Marcy.

But no matter how bad Alpha Damon is, surely, it can't be worse than here.

However, just in case, Marcy needed a backup plan.

She got an idea.

Marcy will take her jewelry when she leaves for the Dark Howlers pack. If things don't work out, she will sell it and use that money to disappear. Maybe she could return to France. Her apartment in Paris was still leased under her name, and she could stay there until she figures out what to do next. And she also has a few friends speckled through Europe.

Will her father look for her? Probably. She will need to be sneaky because if her father catches her after disobedience, Marcy will be in a heap of trouble.

She let out a frustrated breath. Will she dare to defy him?


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