The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 206 - Confrontation With Lisa

Talia thought that her interaction with Rose might be bumpy, but now Talia realized that she worried for nothing.

After breakfast, Talia and Damon parted ways. Maya and Caden also left the packhouse, and Talia found that two Omegas (aka Rosa and Kate) were waiting for her in the kitchen.

Talia, Rose, and Kate inspected the rooms that need to be prepared, and Rose and Kate listened attentively to Talia's instructions.

Omegas will start with cleaning bathrooms and then proceed with dusting and vacuuming before setting up the beds with the fresh bed linen. By mid-afternoon, Talia can inspect it and if anything else is needed, Rose and Kate will handle it before heading home for the day.

Maya told Talia that she will accompany her after lunch to Darkbourne to buy small chocolates, soaps, and welcome cards that Talia can arrange for guests, as a small welcome package. And then the two of them will sit and discuss various activities in the newly opened cafe that was close to the town square.

Damon and Caden said that they will join the girls, if their schedule allows it, at least for the cafe part.

Guests were due to arrive in two days which left Talia with one full day to handle the details.

Talia was buzzing with excitement.

Once she was done with Rose and Kate, Talia had free time until her training session.

Looking at the time, Talia knew that Damon was still busy with warriors, so she decided to head to the study. Her plan was to check emails and watch educational videos until Damon returns.

Damon promised that before lunch they will go to the gym and train, and Talia was looking forward to the shower that will happen after training.

She bit her lower lip and smiled mischievously while remembering Damon's expression and all the sounds Damon made when she took him into her mouth. At that time, they were in the shower enclosure, she was on her knees in front of him, his face was veiled with lust and pleasure, and she was in control.

She was so bold!

Talia really wanted to do it again.

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Talia was a few steps from reaching the study when she realized that the door was open and Lisa's form came out.

Talia had a bad feeling about this, and her instincts screamed that she should avoid meeting Lisa.

It's not that Talia was afraid of Lisa, but Talia knew that Lisa was in a bad state of mind, and considering Talia's friendship with Kalina, Talia feared that Lisa will hate her.

On top of that, their first interaction was not good, and Talia didn't want things to escalate.

Lisa was going through a heartbreak, Stephanie is her mother, Lisa is now living in the same packhouse as Talia, and Damon told Talia that Lisa was the closest thing he had to a sister. How can Talia offend her?

Talia's plan was to avoid Lisa until Damon confirms that Lisa was fine, but Lisa was right there. Where could Talia go?

Talia glanced up and down the hallway and she cursed her luck. There was no one.

Lisa froze when she saw Talia.

Lisa met with Talia a few times, but this was the first time without others present. And Lisa now knew that Damon and Talia have a special relationship.

Lisa's mood worsened as she remembered how Stephanie praised Talia. Talia is working, studying, learning… Talia this, Talia that. And now that Lisa got another look at Talia, she concluded that Talia was nothing special.

Why was Damon giving attention to Talia? There were so many more attractive she-wolves, even among Omegas.

"Can I help you?", Talia asked. She saw that Lisa scrutinized her and Talia wanted to be done with it.

"I was looking for Damon."

Talia thought how this was odd. No one just comes to look for Damon and misses him because everyone would usually mind-link him first to confirm where he is and if they can come. But then… Lisa lived with the Lightclaw pack for a decade, did she change loyalty? Or maybe she didn't have the right to mind-link Damon directly.

Whichever it was, Talia's response wouldn't change.

"Damon is busy with warriors and should be back soon. If it's anything urgent, I can give him a message."

"Alright. I came to ask him if we can avoid Tony's visit."

Suddenly, Talia regretted her offer to convey Lisa's message to Damon. Did Lisa really think that Damon is not aware of how Tony's presence might make things awkward for Lisa?

Talia realized that Lisa came to demand from Damon to cancel Tony's and Kalina's visit.

Talia knew that Lisa would have a problem with this, but Talia also hoped that Lisa will not make a big deal of it.

How can Talia not understand Lisa's thoughts?

After all, Marcy's visit was hanging over Talia's head, and it was getting closer with every passing day, but Talia never voiced her grievances about it. It's Damon's business and he will need to consider the impact on the pack if he acts rashly. Talia already decided that if Marcy comes, she will hide in the room, or maybe ask if she can crash with Dawn or Zina for some time, and if Marcy would stay longer, then Talia would request a room in one of the common buildings and stay out of sight. In any case, she wouldn't make presumptuous requests only because she didn't want her bully to come here.

But alas, Lisa was not Talia and Lisa had no problems with telling everyone about her likes or dislikes, and Lisa was definitely not shy from making demands.

Can Talia convey this message to Damon? Sure. But there was also another explanation that Lisa should realize...

"Tony asked Damon for guidance so that he can prepare for his role as an Alpha. He is coming here with four of his men to train and to learn from Damon. This visit will set the stage for future collaborations between the Dark Howlers pack and the Lightclaw pack."

Lisa grimaced. "Kalina will come also."

Talia opened and closed her mouth a few times, unable to find the right words, except for… "I'm sorry, Lisa, but…"

"You are sorry?", Lisa interrupted Talia angrily. She couldn't accept that some nobody (aka Talia) was patronizing like she knows everything. "Why are you sorry? Do you think that this won't happen to you?"

Talia's brows came together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Lisa smirked. "At first, I thought you are just an Omega, but now I see that your skills extend beyond setting the table. Do you think that Damon cares about you? Unless you are his mate, you are just temporary entertainment."

Talia felt her insides churning. How was that any of Lisa's business? "What are you trying to accomplish by saying this?"

"I am telling you this because I was in your shoes until Tony found his mate. He took me places and introduced me as his yet look at me now… alone and heartbroken. Or are you hoping that Damon won't find his mate and will mark you? Let's imagine that he gets to choose his Luna. Do you really think that a powerful Alpha like Damon will mark a wolf-less she-wolf? You are happily talking about preparing rooms for your so-called friends but remember my words, the moment Damon dumps you, all those friends will dump you as well. Do you think they like you, or do they like that you are Damon's bed warmer? Maybe you think that I'm mean, but I'm just not kissing your ass because I know that your position in Damon's life is short-lived."

Lisa snorted at Talia who stood frozen, and she moved down the hallway, bumping Talia's shoulder with hers. It was on purpose.

Talia had no idea how long she stood there, feeling emotionally numb.

Why did Lisa say those things? Even if they were true, that was still mean.

But Talia knew that Lisa was right. If not for Damon, she wouldn't get a chance to meet Mindy or Kalina. Thanks to Damon she met many other people also. Will they abandon Talia once Damon dumps her? Talia didn't have an answer to this question.

The reality was that Talia owed her current lifestyle to Damon, and just as it all came easily because of Damon, Damon had the power to take it away.

This thought made Talia displeased. Didn't she say that she will study and learn and be independent?

She shook those thoughts away. It's still early. It will take time. These things can't be rushed.

Talia knew that Lisa was bitter and angry and that she was just projecting her frustration on Talia, but that didn't mean that Lisa's words didn't hit a vulnerable spot in Talia's confidence that allowed Talia's insecurities to resurface.

Talia had no idea how she found herself in the garden.

The rustling of leaves called for her from the distance with a promise of calm that Talia always felt when surrounded by nature, and this time Talia didn't sit on a bench. She continued walking toward the forest, and then she broke into a run.


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