The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 154 - Advice For The Future Alpha

"To be honest, I'm not sure from where to start.", Tony said. "It's not a secret that my father didn't treat me as his heir so far. I am clueless about how to lead the pack or how to do politics. Tell me some bits that might be good for a total newbie to start with but keep it low level so that I understand."

Damon thought how Tony's behavior is not befitting an Alpha. Yes, Tony has Alpha blood in him, but his father suppressed him for such a long time, that Tony looked like a toothless pup.

"It is good that you are aware of your shortcomings.", Damon said bluntly. "Start with three things. First, increase your training regime. Future Alphas have intense training from the moment they hit their teens, some earlier. When did you start?"

Tony was embarrassed to admit. "I didn't."

He exercises regularly, but there is no combat training and whenever he asked his father about it, Alpha Magnus would say that there is plenty of time and that Tony should focus on academics first. Eventually, Tony stopped asking.

"If you don't have trustworthy people, you can come to my pack for guidance. My generals can show you the ropes."

Tony picked up something from Damon's words. "Are you saying that I shouldn't trust my pack members?"

"Ask yourself if they are yours or your father's. Soldiers don't serve two Alphas. The fact that you asked me that question tells me how sheltered you are. Werewolves follow the strong one. You have the Alpha gene working in your favor, but if that's the only thing you are relying on, people will challenge your position openly and ridicule you behind your back. And that brings me to my second point. Trust. You need to find people who will watch your back through thick and thin."

"How do I do that?", Tony was really clueless. He has a bunch of friends, but will they risk their safety for him? Tony was not sure.

"Everyone is different. Only in a time of need, you will confirm who will come to your rescue. Be prepared to be disappointed by people you pinned on, and also to get unexpected assistance."

Tony nodded in slow motion while his heart turned heavier by the moment. Alpha's standing is determined by his power and support of his pack, and Damon just told him that he has neither.

"And the third point?", Tony asked.

"Open your eyes. Keep in mind that person you consider as your enemy can't betray you."

Tony didn't like this. "Are you saying that people close to me will backstab me? Are you talking about my father?"

"That's not what I said." But, yes, your father. "You need to use your eyes and your head, all the time. Ask yourself, what kind of an Alpha do you want to be? Who is helping you and who is hindering you? If the day comes that you get your father's position and you don't have your Beta by your side, it will be too late to pick one because the moment you ascend that position, everyone will suck up to you with the hope to gain benefits…"

Damon didn't have problems sharing some of his experiences with Tony, but he didn't want to do the work for him. If Tony doesn't see that his father is using him, that will be Tony's downfall.

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In one of the supporting buildings, behind the packhouse…

Nora plopped on the bed and looked around the room.

There were two twin beds, one for her and one for Marcy, one dresser, two armoires, and a table with two chairs.

The view from the window was just pointing at some trees and rocks, and Nora could see two more buildings that were the same as the one she was in.

The good thing was that the room came with a private bathroom.

Nora was not happy. Not because the room was subpar, or because she needed to share the room with Marcy, but because Alpha Edward and Luna Layla got a room in the main building (aka the packhouse), and also because… "Are you fine that Alpha Damon is here with some slut?"

Marcy rolled her eyes. Of course, she was not fine! With everyone believing that she is going to be the future Luna of the Dark Howlers pack, and Damon coming with another woman to this event, it will only stir rumors that her engagement plopped, or that he is cheating and there is not a damn thing she can do about it.

But what were Marcy's options? To stay home and hide? How will that help?

By showing up, at least she can feign that his behavior doesn't impact her.

As a Luna, Marcy needs to be above pesky quarrels and trivial events.

Any woman warming Damon's bed is insignificant compared to Marcy being his Luna, and Marcy will need to swallow her grievances for another week (give or take a day), and once the engagement is official, she will push for the Luna ceremony to happen as soon as possible.

Once Damon's mark is on her, the bond will form, he will stop sleeping around, and then she can start openly claiming what's hers. At least that's the plan.

Besides, Marcy knew that Nora was provoking her, and she didn't want to give Nora the pleasure of seeing Marcy losing her cool.

"You heard my father, Nora. If I stir trouble before the engagement is finalized, it will only explode in my face. I don't want to risk angering Alpha Damon now. With his temper, he might back out of it. This is my chance to show Alpha Damon that I am levelheaded, and I know my place. If he brought a woman, as an Alpha, that's his right. Alpha Damon bedded many women, why is this one different than any other?"

Nora narrowed her eyes at Marcy. "You know that he never came with a woman. Alpha Damon is a lone hunter; he finds a woman, gets a taste and moves on. This time he came WITH someone. The WW Magazine will be here and if they snap a photo of Alpha Damon and his date, they will become a viral item. How can you be so calm about this?"

Marcy shot her a side-glare. "And why are you so hyped up about this? If I don't know better, I would imagine that you are trying to claim him as yours."

Nora laughed nervously. "Nonsense. I am only upset for you. That's all."

Marcy plastered a smile on her face. Yeah, right.

"Well, I am thankful to have you for a friend, Nora. But I have no intention of going against my father's orders. I am here to make friends with the future Luna of the Lightclaw pack. It will benefit the Red Moon pack and my future husband. Who knows? Maybe WW Magazine snaps a photo of me and Alpha Damon talking? As for you..."

Marcy narrowed her eyes at Nora. "You are here because you wanted to accompany me. Be good and don't cause trouble. If we bump into Alpha Damon, with or without his date, we are to greet him politely and move on. Since you know so much about him, you should also know that he doesn't like clingy women."

Nora exhaled sharply in frustration.

"I am overjoyed that you are so concerned about me, Nora. However, it is not necessary to lose sleep over trivial matters. Once Alpha Damon marks me, I will be the only woman in his eyes and none of these bed climbers will have a chance. He will look only… at… me."

Nora's face was blank, but on the inside, she was boiling.

Marcy's smile was irritating, and Nora wished to scratch her face. But she also knew that Marcy was right.

Nora hoped that Marcy will get close to Damon and Nora takes advantage of that, but it was true that after they mark each other, Damon's interest in other women will wane.

Where does that leave her?

With every passing second, Nora's fury swelled, and she couldn't stand it anymore. If she allows her fa?ade to crumble in front of Marcy, it will all be over. Nora scooted off the bed with urgency.

"Where are you going?", Marcy asked when she saw that Nora was heading for the door.

"Out. There are almost two hours until the party starts. I will take a walk. Maybe I meet someone I know."

"Don't cause trouble.", Marcy warned her.

"I'm not a baby. I will be back in time to get ready…" And with that, Nora left the room.

Marcy wanted to stop her or maybe join her, but then she gave up. Marcy was tired of pretending to be friendly with Nora. Like this, at least she can relax on her own in the room, and if Nora causes an incident, Marcy can say that Nora did it on her own. Besides, Nora is not a baby. Those were her words.


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