The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 144 - A Temporary Patch Of Happiness?

"Good morning…", Talia mumbled back drowsily and snuggled next to him.

Talia is used to Damon's topless proximity, and she doesn't mind sharing the bed with him while wearing only his t-shirt (without underwear). Damon's hands wander over her body occasionally, but he keeps the rest of him in check.

Between working as Damon's assistant, studying, training, and steamy make-out sessions, the time is passing like a flash.

It's the day of the Luna announcing event at the Lightclaw pack!

Instead of being excited about this upcoming party, Talia wished that she can avoid it somehow. If they can stay in bed all day and cuddle, that would be perfect.

Talia had no idea how much Damon was struggling against his urges to devour her completely.

He wants to touch her everywhere and to do much more than touching, but at the same time, he wants to take things slow, at least until he finds a way to disclose they are mates.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Damon was planning to set the mood and to stir the conversation in the right direction, with Caden gone, there was more workload, so he was busy, and the days passed faster than intended.

The good thing in all this was that Talia was in Damon's visual range during the days, and they spent the nights holding each other. They were inseparable and he wouldn't want it any other way.

Talia was aware that Damon was busy. She tried to help him how much she could, and when she couldn't, she read Travis's book and tried not to disturb Damon.

Talia is almost done with the book and Damon promised to accompany her for another health checkup with Travis where she can also return the book and seek further guidance in learning about medicine.

Damon kept his promise. No matter how much work he had, he wouldn't leave the bed until Talia woke up.

He starts the day by demanding his morning kisses and cuddles, then they get ready for the day together and head to their office. It is THEIR office because Talia has her desk which is nearly identical to Damon's, and she has her chair and a laptop and a desk phone and everything.

Their original plan for this day was to work in the morning and after lunch to head to the Lightclaw pack, but last night Damon decided on some changes.

"After breakfast, you will go with Maya and Stephanie to a spa.", Damon informed Talia.

Talia blinked. "A spa?"

Damon hummed in confirmation. "In the evening, we will attend the party. I heard that girls go to a spa before such functions. It's a must."

Talia exhaled helplessly. "I never went to such a place. I am already nervous about the party, and now you are adding a spa as well."

Damon pushed a lock of hair from her face and looked at her lovingly. "There is nothing to be nervous about, kitten. Spas are for pampering and relaxing, so I want you to not think about work or studying or training. Use those few hours to unwind. It's in the human town and those people are paid to serve you and make you feel good. Maya and Steph will be with you."

Damon also demanded all-female service, making a point that no guy gets to massage, beautify, or touch Talia in any way.

"As for tonight, I won't leave your side. Treat this party as if it's just the two of us, and feel free to ignore everyone else. If anyone dares to give you a hard time or just look at you the wrong way, they will need to deal with me."

Talia's heart swelled.

So far, the unpredictable Alpha treated her kindly with respect, and she couldn't prevent herself from falling for him more by the minute.

"Won't you join me in the spa?", Talia asked while drawing invisible patterns with her finger on his bare chest.

Damon frowned a little. "Spas are not for men."

"But I am going to miss you."

Damon's heart skipped a beat. Did she just say what he thinks she said?

In one swift move, Damon rolled them over, placing himself on top of Talia.

"How about this, kitten…", Damon murmured. "I am going to kiss you thoroughly so that you can feel me on your lips until you return."

"What if the feeling wanes sooner?"

"Count every minute, and I will make it up to you when you come back."

"With interest?", Talia asked cheekily.

"With whatever you want."

Talia's smile reached her honeyed eyes, and she welcomed Damon's morning kisses that made her toes curl.

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Talia noticed Stephanie's absence during breakfast.

After Talia waved goodbye to Damon and got in the car with Maya, she finally addressed the topic, "I thought that Stephanie will come with us."

"Something came up and she had to leave."

"I see…", Talia said. "I hope it's nothing serious."

But if it was not serious, why would Stephanie leave on short notice? Stephanie was always in the packhouse, making sure there is food and that Omegas are performing their duties, and Talia couldn't imagine what would make Stephanie just leave.

Maya saw that Talia was concerned and she said, "Don't worry, Talia. It's about Lisa."

Talia didn't meet Lisa, but she was aware that Lisa is Stephanie's daughter. "Did something happen?"

Maya was not sure how much to say.

This was the third day of Caden's absence and Maya started suspecting that this is Damon's way of punishing her.

The only reason why Maya was not a hundred percent certain that this was Damon's punishment was because this was not Damon's style.

Damon is a straightforward guy. He either ignores problems or deals with them head-on while this was a tricky situation where Maya felt wronged, but there was nothing she could point her finger at.

Just in case, since Caden left, Maya is keeping a super-low profile in an attempt not to poke the bear (aka the Alpha) and that also includes watching what she will say in front of Damon and Talia.

"Is it a secret?", Talia asked when she saw that Maya was silent.

"Not really. I guess you will find out sooner or later…", Maya paused before explaining, "Anthony, the future Alpha of the Lightclaw pack found his mate, and tonight you will attend her Luna announcing ceremony. What you don't know is that for the last few years, Lisa was dating Tony. Until he returned from his last trip with Kalina, Lisa hoped that she will be Tony's Luna."

Talia's lips formed an 'O' as she realized. "So, Lisa is upset, and Stephanie went to comfort her."

"Not just comfort her. This morning Steph got a call from her sister because Lisa was hysteric, and Steph went there with the intention to bring Lisa home. If Steph is successful, you will meet Lisa when you return tomorrow. Lisa is a good girl, about your age, I'm sure you will get along well."

Talia frowned a bit. Did Maya just say that she will get along with a hysteric girl?

"Will Stephanie force Lisa to leave the Lightclaw pack?"

"I wouldn't use the word 'force', but yes.", Maya responded before quickly adding. "You need to understand that Lisa is obsessed with Tony and if she stays there, it's only a matter of time before she offends Tony or Kalina, and that will bring disaster. Alpha Magnus, Tony's father, is very traditional. Even if Tony wanted to mark Lisa as his mate, his father would not allow it because he believes that only if fated mate becomes Luna, the pack will prosper."

Talia listened to all this with concern obvious in her face and Maya cursed internally while wondering if she let her mouth flap again.

Was Talia drawing a connection between Tony-Lisa's story and Talia's situation with Damon? Probably.

Maya scrambled to get herself out of this pickle.

This would be so much easier if Talia knew that she is Damon's mate! But if Maya blurts that out, Damon will skin her alive!

"Don't take it to heart, Talia. Lisa knew for more than a year that Tony won't make her his Luna because he was looking for his fated mate, just like other unmated Alphas…" Shit! Why did I say that!? "I mean… Your situation is nothing like Lisa's."

Maya bit her tongue so that she stops blabbering.

Talia let out a long breath. Is her situation like Lisa's? Of course, not.

As much as Talia is in love with Damon, she never gave into the delusion that she will be his Luna.

If Talia could have any wish in the world, she would wish that Damon is not an Alpha, and not that she can be his Luna.

Talia accepted that whatever is going on between her and Damon is her patch of happiness, and she is grateful for it, no matter how temporary it is.

"Don't worry, Maya. I'm fine."

"You should be. I know Alpha Damon for years and I can tell you that he is different with you. He is not playing."

Talia didn't want to talk about it. In the end, no matter what Damon feels about her, once he finds his mate, it will be over.

Maybe he never finds his mate? Does he even need a mate in order to dump Talia? There are many other she-wolves who are better than she is.

Talia shook those thoughts away. She shouldn't wish this for Damon. He deserves to find his mate and be happy, even if that means she will be heartbroken.

Talia decided to change the topic.

"I am anxious about the spa. I've never been into one. What should I expect?"

Maya was happy to talk about anything other than Damon and mates. "First, we will undress and put fluffy robes on…"

Talia listened with great interest about massages, facials, manicures, pedicures, scrubs, and cocktails. It all sounded fancy.


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