The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 86 - The Shifters Nightclub (3)

Talia was flustered. Her hands were on Keith's shoulders and they were moving in the middle of the dancing crowd, and she became aware of how close they were. Too close.

Liam grinned at the sight of Talia who moved away from Keith, taking it as a clear sign that Keith didn't seal the deal with Talia. Well, Liam was not sure what Keith's intentions were, but he saw Keith giving attention to Talia at the training center, and now they were awfully close and exchanging whispers while holding each other on the dancefloor. Something was going on. Definitely.

"I was wondering if I can get a dance.", Liam said to Talia while ignoring Keith's glare.


"Me next!", Pierce exclaimed.

For some reason Keith couldn't explain, he was not willing to let Liam or Pierce dance with Talia.

Talia hesitated and Keith was quick to respond in her place, "We were just planning to go to the bar and grab some drinks."

"Excellent! We will join you.", Liam said.

And just like that, the four of them headed to the bar, and Maya was also there.

Talia sat on the barstool next to Maya, and three guys stood around them protectively.

"Don't drink too much. We have a game in the morning.", Keith grumbled at Liam and Pierce when they ordered their second round of drinks.

"Just one more, coach!", Pierce said while grabbing one of the unclaimed chilled beers that Katya placed on the counter for them.

Liam rolled the sleeves of his shirt high, and Talia stared at his tattoos. There was a cross and some geometric shapes, a sun, and... "Is that a cheetah?", Talia asked and Liam nodded smugly in confirmation.

"Why a cheetah?" She thought that werewolves would rather have wolves (or at least dogs).

"Cheetah is the fastest land animal.", Liam responded smugly. "And why I have it on my skin, you will find out during the game tomorrow."

"Liam is the fastest guy on our team.", Pierce said like it's not a big deal. "But tomorrow you will see that it's not only about the speed. Footwork is what counts."

Talia understood that Pierce is proud of his skills on the field. She squinted while trying to remember what game they will be playing. Soccer?

Liam snorted. "What's the point of the footwork when you can't reach the ball?"

Pierce responded something, and Liam said a few words in return. Talia's mind was getting clouded from the alcohol and she couldn't understand what they were saying, but she knew they were bickering.

Keith placed his hands on Liam's and Pierce's shoulders and gave them a harsh squeeze.

"How about you save that energy for the game?"

At Keith's words, both Pierce and Liam closed their mouths and nodded.

"Talia!", an excited cry came from the side and Talia saw a blonde pixie cut hairstyle that was bobbing through the crowd.

Talia waved at Dawn and Zina, hoping that the newcomers won't notice how buzzed she was, but Talia didn't miss that Dawn and Zina were immediately eyeing Keith, Liam, and Pierce.

Zina and Dawn know who Liam, Pierce, and Keith are, but they are not in the same circles, because Omegas don't mix with warriors and Keith is something like a celebrity trainer who earns an unimaginable amount of money with his line of protein shakes.

Pierce gestured to Katya to add more beers, and soon each of them had one.

After finishing the beer he was holding, Keith excused himself, saying that he has an early start in the morning, and he reminded guys not to stay too long and not to get wasted.

The truth was that Keith didn't want to leave, but he had duties before games start, and as the main coach from the hosting pack, he couldn't mess up and be late, or worse… late and hungover. He was planning to head home when he saw Talia, and that was a long time ago.

"Will you be OK here?", Keith asked Talia to what she confirmed with a nod and a silly grin on her face.

"We will watch over her.", Dawn said while hooking her arm around Talia's neck. "And no one can bully us with Beta Maya here."

Keith looked at Talia with a complex expression for a few long seconds, and then he shouted at Katya, "Don't give them any more drinks! I need them to play a good game tomorrow!"

Talia thought that Keith sounded like a concerned parent.

If Talia knew that Keith really wanted to take her home, maybe she would put up a guard against him, at least a little bit.

"Now that the coach is gone, how about that dance?", Liam asked Talia as soon as Keith was out of sight. Maybe Talia didn't notice, but Pierce and Liam noticed that Keith was hovering around Talia while making sure that no other guy gets too close.

Talia shook her head and swayed a little before leaning on Dawn. "I didn't drink enough to dance."

"Then we should drink some more!", Zina exclaimed, and Pierce and Liam cheered. Katya will not give them drinks, but if the girls place an order, then there will be no obstacles.

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Damon arrived at the Shifters nightclub with Caden, Alpha Maddox, Mindy, and Axel.

They stepped through the doors and stood on the platform that was five steps above the rest of the nightclub.

It was inevitable that Damon's appearance will stir the commotion as people nudged each other to pay attention to the five striking people that entered the nightclub.

She-wolves couldn't help but swoon over Damon while his eyes swept the space with his signature half-frown of a predator who shouldn't be disturbed recklessly.

Damon's hair was slicked back with a few messy strands falling carelessly on his forehead, and the black leather jacket gave him a dangerous biker vibe. Definitely a bad boy.

Damon's appeal was enhanced by the company of four other impressive individuals by his side.

Werewolves have their information network and magazines, and they knew who the newcomers were.

The Werewolf Weekly Magazine (aka the WWM) has a dedicated section for young and upcoming Alphas. Damon, Maddox, and Axel are celebrities, while Mindy is often featured as a young goodwill ambassador who will be an amazing Luna.

Caden was also popular, but after he mated with Maya, they stopped featuring him. After all, available hotties sell the magazine better. The magazine reached to Caden and Maya to be shown as a couple, but they wanted details related to their work as Betas, so Caden and Maya refused because they didn't want to disclose the inner workings of the Dark Howlers pack.

Damon's jaw tightened. The crowd and noise were familiar. This is the place where he came numerous times to pick his company for the night, but now the only thought on his mind was to leave as soon as possible.

Damon reminded himself that he can have one drink before heading back. He will come up with an excuse how there is something he needs to handle. And that something is cuddling with Talia because he was confident that Talia will be done with her girl time.

The Shifters nightclub is in the territory of the Dark Howlers pack and the owner (aka Katya) is a pack member, so naturally, Alpha Damon has his private booth that no one else would dare to use without Damon's approval.

The booth is elevated with a metallic rail separating it from the rest of the nightclub. There are two low tables with one curved sofa where at least ten people can sit without touching each other. That booth is the only area where colorful lights will never hit, giving it privacy in the darkness, while people who are in that booth can clearly see the rest of the nightclub.

Of course, Talia (just like everyone else) noticed a wave of commotion as five people made their way to the VVIP booth.

Damon's booth was on the opposite side from where the bar was, and it was in the dark, but Talia saw Damon climbing up. She would recognize him no matter how far away or how dark it is.

Darkness and distance were not a problem for Talia, and she never realized that others couldn't see clearly when she was able to spot every detail, like it was close up, during daylight.

Subconsciously, Talia held her breath as she soaked in Damon's every move. There was a majestic aura around Damon that projected danger and confidence and he was beyond handsome.

Unfortunately, that good eyesight allowed her to see Mindy walking close behind Damon, and piercing pain in her chest clenched her heart.

Talia didn't get it. Why did she care about Alpha Damon? Yes, they spent some time together, but she was careful not to allow her imagination to run wild, and she repeatedly told herself how Damon's attention doesn't mean anything; she was a temporary entertainment, a pet, a charity project… How did she find herself trapped in a web of fantasies that didn't even form in her mind? It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense.

Talia shook her head, together with any negative emotions that swelled within her. She will not allow him to spoil her mood.

With the corner of her eye, Talia thought that she saw Damon holding his chest just before he disappeared into the darkness, and Mindy moved with haste to support him.

Of course, Mindy will support him.

Talia told herself not to care. If Damon is unwell, Mindy will take care of him, and Talia doesn't have the right to get close to him. Her role in his life is done.

Talia took a big gulp of chilled beer, hoping that it will erase the thoughts and emotions that weighed on her.


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