Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 171: Prestige

"This humble subject’s name is Zhuo Yuan Jiu."

"Zhuo Yuan Jiu, so it’s the son of this prefecture’s Governor. Pleasure meeting you." As soon as Pei Zi Yun heard his name, he had an impression of who he was. Zhuo Yuan Jiu was the son of Governor Zhuo Du.

Zhuo Yuan Jiu was a cultivation fanatic. He was obsessed with the idea of immortality and had acquired countless of copies of books on this topic. However, he was a talented individual and relied solely on these books to cultivate, without the guidance of anyone else. He absorbed the materials extremely efficiently, as he was one of the great scholars of the secular world.

According to the original owner’s memories, this person was stuck at the stage of opening the gates of heaven, and couldn\'t progress further. Some time later, he was imprisoned for some unknown reason, and details about him were no longer made known.

Zhuo Yuan Jiu noticed that Pei Zi Yun didn\'t reply and continued, "I urge master Top Scorer to attach importance to the critical situation at hand, and not to ruin your own cultivation efforts. Since nobilities and officials are immune to the effects of Dao arts, you should act prudently. Although he’s just a mere prison warden, he’s a subject of the Imperial Court afterall. Killing him would not be beneficial for you regardless."

Immediately after listening to him speak, Pei Zi Yun realized that Zhuo Yuan Jiu didn\'t know anything about him being pursued. He then smiled, "I am the one who\'s being wrongfully chased."

"Don\'t you know about this man trying to capture and kill me stealthily? I am after all a High Scholar. If they really wanted to apprehend me, they just have to get the minister of education to cancel my title and status for me to have no authority. Why would they take matters into their own hands and try to kill me sneakily?"

"What? Something like that happened?" Zhuo Yuan Jiu was shocked. He’d never heard of such a matter. At this point he looked up at Pei Zi Yun and frowned, "Could it be that these past few days, the traitor that the entire city was talking about is actually Master Top Scorer?"

"Indeed, that\'s me. There\'s actually more than meets the eye. I suggest that brother Zhuo doesn’t get involved in this messy affair." Pei Zi Yun smiled lightly. Although this person was the son of a governor, and with his strength, Pei Zi Yun was able to kill him, he wasn\'t an enemy, and thus there wasn\'t a need for Pei Zi Yun to act aggressively towards him.

"You must know that these men are acting on orders to capture and kill me, and I have to defend myself. Besides, I\'m acting on orders as well, and I need to kill this man. Young Master, do you want to get embroiled in affairs of the Crown Prince and King Lu?" Pei Zi Yun asked, using the power of the Crown Prince to scare him off. Whatever he said wasn\'t false by any accounts anyway.

Listening to Pei Zi Yun’s words, Zhuo Yuan Jiu inhaled a mouthful of cold air and took a step back. He exhaled and didn\'t speak. Even though he was the son of the governor, getting himself involved in such a complicated affair wouldn\'t end well for him.

At this point, Tian Hong struggled to his feet and picked up the blade beside him. With a piercing scream, he charged at Pei Zi Yun. The flash of a sword was all that was needed to end his assault. Fresh blood spurted out from his wound and he fell to the ground, dead at last.

"A person less wouldn\'t affect the world in any way." Pei Zi Yun sighed, as a certain brightness permeated into his vision. The Plum Blossom had appeared and he tapped on it.

Information Interface: "Mission: Kill off the chess pieces in Ying, Yong and Liang Prefectures (Completed)"

\'Eh? This time I don\'t have to kill all their underlings and henchmen?\' Pei Zi Yun looked at the screen before realizing why. This man was a subject of the Imperial Court, a bailiff. Although he had men under him, his death will severely cripple the strength of all his men, and they\'ll be powerless to act against Pei Zi Yun. That was why there wasn\'t a need to take it another step further and kill every single person working under these major players.

\'So much the better, I\'m getting tired from all the killing anyway.\' Pei Zi Yun turned around as his finger tapped on the screen in front of him, \'Retrieve!\'

For a short time the Plum Blossom could distinctly be seen appearing on his forehead. It lingered for a fraction of a second before fading out, and became completely transparent. All of a sudden, he felt some information flowed into his periphery, and bubbled up to the surface of his mind.

Although the naked eye was unable to see this, a subtle wind blew over and washed over Pei Zi Yun.

\'This is?\' Pei Zi Yun looked suspicious as a strange feeling welled up within his heart. He felt like as though he had broken through a concrete wall. He then tapped on the information interface once more.

The semi transparent information interface which bore with it a faint light perception appeared into view. Pei Zi Yun looked at it carefully and didn\'t see that anything was strange about it. There wasn\'t any new change. After thinking for some time, he tapped on a random box.

"Divine Powers : Stars Transposition Level One (0.01% Completed)"

Pei Zi Yun paused for a second before noticing that the number increased to 0.02%, before increasing again. Pei Zi Yun jumped in surprise as he looked at it once more. At this point he could then feel a certain strange happiness welling up within his heart before subsiding. This sensation caused him to give a soft groan. He could feel a tiny bit of energy being converted into Divine Powers energy a little at a time. The numbers which were constantly increasing proved that it was the case. Although it was moving very slowly, it was still constantly moving.

\'So that\'s how it works. Being a Yin Master means that my Divine Powers is gradually improving all the time. Being a Yin Master would mean that I’ve aligned myself to Paradise, and have a link with Paradise. Paradise would thus replenish and restore my Divine Powers and spiritual energy gradually.\'

\'That was the crux of the cultivation world here. Also, the Plum Blossom could pave an entire new and different route for me to take.\' Pei Zi Yun could not help but smile as he started reciting a poem in joy.

"The knight rode across the state of Zhao, his sword sparkling with the falling snow."

"He rode atop a spotless white horse, which moved like a meteor in the night sky. "

"Every ten steps, he slays a man, a thousand steps he takes, showing no mercy."

"After the matter had been settled and concluded, he flicked his sleeves and walked away, not giving a hint to his identity."

"Walking down the mountains to consume some wine, he placed his sword atop his legs."

"He drained three cups before swearing an oath, taking the matter of such vows extremely gravely."

"Despite the flush in his cheeks and ears, he remained steadfast to his words."

"Even after his death, his reputation spread far and wide, for being a steadfast and true hero of his time."

"And who could ever emulate the actions of this white knight, who set a legacy for all his forebears to come."

As soon as he recited the poem, he turned around to leave. When Zhuo Yuan Jiu heard the completion of the poem, he was awestruck. Seeing the torn and tattered figure departing away from him, he hurriedly chased after him, and shouted loudly, "Master Top Scorer is indeed a poem deity. Now that you’ve murdered someone, I’m afraid you’ll be in some trouble. I have a place for you to rest in until you’re better."

When Pei Zi Yun heard this, he paused before turning around, "Oh, aren’t you afraid of being implicated?"

Zhuo Yuan Jiu laughed out, "My father is an official, and is a loyal subject of the Crown Prince. Although it’s true I might get implicated, and would rather not get involved, I am still able to find a place for master Top Scorer in his time of need."

"Please enter the cart. I have another mansion outside of the city, which is suitable for you to recover and recuperate in."

"Very well!" Pei Zi Yun smiled and boarded the cart. He closed his eyes and leaned against the interior of the oxcart. His physical body and mind was indeed extremely fatigued, and was deep in thought as the cart moved off.

The system could now transform prestige and popularity. The more famous and popular he becomes, the faster he would improve. At this point, he was trying to find a way to gain wider exposure and more popularity.

After a long time, the ox-cart finally halted and the driver shouted, "Young Master, we’ve reached your second mansion."

Pei Zi Yun disembarked, and a cold breeze assaulted him. When he looked up, he noticed that this mansion was next to a river, and if the need arose, he could escape via the river. The snow was getting heavier such that his vision of a short distance was being obscured.

"Not a bad place at all. To the right of the mansion are the mountains, and to the left is the river!" Pei Zi Yu spoke out, and realized that it was quite a small mansion. There were three bedrooms, with two adjoining halls. At this point, snow covered the entire area.

Next to the wall, there were several young plum blossom plants growing, carrying with it a very fragrant smell. Pei Zi Yun exclaimed, "There are plum blossoms too, I like it."

Zhuo Yuan Jiu noticed him mumbling himself and smiled, "Does master Top Scorer have another poem to recite?"

Pei Zi Yun forced a laugh and replied, "I’ve exhausted my poems, and have none to recite at this point."

The both of them entered the house as they spoke. Although it wasn’t the most impressive of houses from outside, it was well furnished and decorated very nicely. There was a bed, thick quilts, book shelves, quills and paper and even a furnace.

There were rice noodles and meat within the kitchen. Zhuo Yuan Jiu then said, "Thankfully I lived here just a few days ago, and thus the house is well supplied at this point. Since it’s snowing heavily, I’m sure nobody saw us enter the house. However, to prevent raising the suspicions of anyone, I cannot send anyone here to wait on you. Master Top Scorer would have to do everything by himself."

Pei Zi Yun nodded his head, understanding what he said. In order to prevent being discovered, he sent Zhuo Yuan Jiu off after exchanging a few sentences, where he disappeared into the thick snow.

After some time, Pei Zi Yun boiled a large pail of water, and retrieved a set of fresh robes. He then sat inside the tub of hot water, and felt the warmth water bring comfort to his aching body. All these days, he’d been killing people, and been the target of assassination in the cold weather. At this point, he was so tired and comfortable that he felt extremely sleepy.

Pei Zi Yun was deep in thought. Prestige, how would he further increase his popularity?

When it comes to poems, he was already a renowned poet with many great works to his name. However, his reputation had not spread across the entire nation yet, and there were still many who had not heard of him. Once it spreads to the corners of the world, his prestige would increase significantly. However, to take it a step further, the best way to increase his prestige in the shortest time would be to become a Grand Scholar, and a high ranking official soon after. It’s just that since he was now a Daoist, the foundations of a Daoist would inevitably clash with the Imperial Qi, and cause damage on both sides. Hence, this was an impossible option.

Pei Zi Yun had been travelling across the lands, killing people from Ying, Yong and Liang Prefectures. Being able to accomplish such a feat was in fact indicative of the legendary fighter that he was. However, such matters were extremely secretive and sensitive. Even the Royal family and King Lu wouldn\'t dare making a big deal out of the people they’ve killed. How then, could he use all these killings to increase his reputation?

Poetry becomes precious when it’s administered with quality, and not quantity. Since he had just composed a poem, he shouldn’t compose another soon.

As for academics, word would only spread among the very small circle of existing scholars and learned people. Besides, in order to gain a good reputation and achieve renowned status a person would have to conduct numerous research before being noticed. It can be said that to excel in this regard would require a great deal of time, and would be impossible to accomplish in a short period.

\'Apart from these, is the only option left to write great books?\'

\'To become prestigious through the writing of great books would mean that it had to be understood by anyone and everyone. Although my poems are of high standards, there were very few people who could actually appreciate the beauty of it. The most effective way to get the highest prestige and most popularity was to create a work that would be passed on by everyone due to the excellence of it.\'

In this world where Daoists and their powers existed, so did monsters and demons, and beautiful ladies which were actually evil spirits. Stories on such matters could be written into a book. In his previous life, he recalled that Pu Songling dedicated his entire life to writing a book. Although he achieved no fame nor prestige when he was alive, his book started increasing in popularity upon his demise and was passed on and read for several hundred years. Pei Zi Yun had read the books in this world, and realized that all of them were average at best.

Right, when the original owner was still alive in this world, he had a close friend who confided in him when they were both drunk. He mentioned something about a secret manual that would produce great works. However, he didn’t manage to write any books then, maybe he could try doing so in this life.

Just as he was thinking about this matter, the information interface flashed past his eyes, causing him to pause.

"Divine Powers : Stars Transposition Level 1 (1.7% Completion)"

‘Looks like I shall embark upon this route. Since I’ve already accomplished so much, I should remain hard working.’


It was still snowing extremely heavily, and more than a thousand men were searching the grounds. Fang Jie and Tian Hong had died, and even the military men had been mobilized. They searched for several days consecutively and couldn’t find or even locate a trace of him.

Eunuch Ding was pacing back and forth in a huge all, his face was ashen. A patrol officer stepped forward, with fear in his eyes, "Eunuch Ding, we’ve searched the mountains thoroughly, but couldn’t find him."

"We’ve also searched all the medication shops, inns and restaurants around the city several times over, but he hadn’t been to any of those places. All the ox-cart drivers have also been interrogated, and nobody picked anyone that required medical aid up. We’ve been through this numerous of times. Maybe Pei Zi Yun has really escaped."

Eunuch Ding looked unhappy, and deeply dissatisfied. After taking several paces, he shouted loudly, "This man was injured, and the few hundred of you were unable to locate him? What useless bunch of men you are!"

"We’ve just received word from the magistrate’s office. They said that even if they wanted to give you face and allow you to continue your operations, the city cannot be sealed up for such long periods. Especially not with so many guards patrolling the entire city the entire time."

"With such futile efforts, how do you expect me to account for my failure to his majesty?" Eunuch Ding glared at the group of men gathered around him, his eyes were bloodshot in anger.

The group of men felt a chill ran up their spines, as the patrol officer had droplets of sweat forming on his forehead. He then thickened his skin and replied, "Eunuch Ding, at this point, maybe we should relax our hold outside, but tighten the grip inside this city. We should watch for the inns, restaurants and piers. Once we discover him in one of these places, we shall surround him instantly and apprehend him."

The patrol officer didn’t include that the weather was at its coldest at this point, and had been snowing heavily the past few days. Many soldiers froze to death on the mountains while searching for him. If this continues, the morale of the troops would suffer. When the need for these men arise, there might not be many left to rise to the occasion.

When eunuch Ding heard this, he controlled his temper, and refrained from lashing out in anger. He looked at the men before him, and noticed that each of them looked down, and were silent. He then realized that his measures might have been too tough of his men. He thought for some time before speaking out, "Fine, we shall do it your way then."

As he finished, he clapped his hand once, and the soldiers followed him out.

At this point, everyone around exhaled deeply in relief, and yet they were still extremely upset.

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