
Chapter 10

The mansion released more arrows towards me . Without twisting, it flew straight to us .

I knocked all of the arrows down .

I tried to get inside the mansion, but Miu not wanting to get separated kept on clinging .


She buried her face while kept saying no .

I guess she must be really terrified .

“Then how about we enter the mansion together?”


*Bikun* she trembled .

She lifted her head and looked at me, there was even more tears began flowing out from her eyes .

Ice arrow came flying but I knock it away using backhand chop .

Miu who had just witnessed such action was amazed .

Due to the surprised the tears that Miu had earlier stopped flowing .

“Don’t worry, I’m right here by your side . I will protect Miu properly . ”

Miu stared at me for a while motionlessly . While looking down, she said

“Master will not leave me and…… run alone?”

“Hm? Whether I’ll run away alone when things get dangerous?”

“……Yes . ”

“I won’t do something like that . If things get dangerous I’ll take you with me first and then run . ”


Miu was still doubting me . I wonder why does she have to worry about such thing .

“I won’t run away alone . I still don’t have enough *mofu mofu* afterall . ”

“Master still going to do that!?”

Miu said sounding very surprised .

However, the way she was surprised are different from earlier .

Well, the topic is different, confronting with ghost and partner is two different thing after all .

Miu looked at me even more intently (At the same time there was another 2 ice arrows came on our way) and nodded timidly afterwards .

She stopped clinging on me, and instead stand on my side .

She picked up the frill of her maid outfit .

“Yoshi! Here we go . ”

“Okay . ”

We entered the mansion together .

When we opened the door we were attacked by a cold chill through our body .

“Muu, what is that?”

“What is it?” – Miu

“Over there, there was a shadow at the corner a little while ago . ”


“Let’s go . ”


In the end, tears start to flow out from Miu’s eyes .

With that girl by my side, we turn around to the corridor . ”

This it I was able to see the shadow very clearly .

“Maid, huh?


“Just now you saw it didn’t you . It was wearing something that looked like a maid uniform . ”

“I-I didn’t see anything though…?”


We chase after it . We are even faster than the shadow, we were able to catch up with the shadow after turning a few corner .

Our eyes met, as I thought it was really a maid . I could see a young maiden .

“Miu, how about now?”

“I don’t see anything . ”

Miu began to hold her frilly maid outfit and looked even more scared than before .

It is hard to say that Miu had overlook the maiden in front of us . Our eyes met, it only took a few second before she disappeared into another corner .

“In other words, it is only me who can see her . ”

While muttering to myself, I run taking Miu away with me .

I go around the mansion . It was quite a spacious mansion, I climbed up stairs and go down stairs, goes out to the garden and then went inside again .

And I kept on doing it .

Before long, I managed to chase after that ghost .

I chased after her to the first floor . It’s a place where the sunlight doesn’t hit, a damp place .

It was a place where are a lot of small room just for sleeping was available . Probably it’s a room that was built for the maids to sleep in .

I managed to chase after the ghost there .

When I looked at her carefully once again, this time I confirmed that it’s a young maiden with maid outfit .

But she was transparent that you can see the other side of the wall, and her expression was grim .

Ghost— or rather evil spirit, that is the feeling that I got .

“— !”

The ghost let out an indescribable voice . It was running away from me until a few minutes ago but right now she’s charging to attack .

“Hold on tight!”

While pulling Miu who was very light to my side, I used a counter-punch against the ghost .

I’m not quite sure how effective my punch would be, but I give a lot of effort in that one .

It was a punch which can send the mountain cow at least 10 meters away .


“sukatta!? Dammit so that’s how its work . ”

TLN: I don’t even know what it meant… Such noobness .

My punch went through the ghost . Because it was a ghost physical attack won’t work against it, well at least that is how I supposed .

The ghost who my fist went through it earlier went behind our back, however it stopped immediately . Once again charging after us .

This time she came attacking with ice arrow surrounding her entire body like satellite .


“I’m okay . ”

I brushed away the ice arrow and avoid her charge .

What should I do?

Suddenly, I remembered about a certain thing .

At the same time, the ghost came flying toward me once again .

Seeing that her arrow doesn’t work, this time she flew solo .

It’s convenient for me as I don’t need to deal with small things .

Using one of my hand, I used a fire magic .

On top of my palm, on big fireball emerged .


Once again the ghost let out a indescribable voice and her expression changed .

The ghost was hit by my magic as they clashed together .

My magic crossed and I turned around .

The ghost right shoulder was on fire .

“You know when you hear it . ”

A smile was formed on my lips .

“After that it would be easy . ”

I shot out the fireball that was formed in my hand before .


The ghost disappeared . On the same time, the mansion that was filled with ominous cold air had dissipated too .

“With this everything is setteled . ”

I’m quite interested what did the maiden ghost had said before she disappeared, but as there is no way to find it out I decided to forget about it .

“Are you okay?”

I looked at Miu who was still holding onto her maid outfit .

Looking up at me, Miu’s pupils were shining .




“Against a monster that is so strong… very easily…… Master you’re a very strong man . ”

“Well there’s no denying it . ”

For the mean time I’ll put on airs . It feels good when Miu looked at me admiringly with her sparkling eyes, she will never thing of betraying me .

“If there’s anything, leave it all to me . I will clean it all up by myself . ”


When I declared clearly, Miu admiration towards me getting higher and higher .

Good good, this is gewd .

“That’s right… Work!”


“I was in the middle of cleaning……”

“Ahh, you were disturbed by the ghost right . Well then, please do your work well, I leave it all to you . ”


Miu gave a big nod and bow down her head, and with a quick step she went away .

Looking at her retreating figure who was filled with trust, I remained at the scene while savoring the good time .

After finished savoring the moment I intended to leave but at that moment…

At the place where the ghost dispersed, I saw a piece of paper .

“Was there such thing earlier?”

Thinking that it was quite weird, I approached it and picked it up .

Looking at it intently, I got a feeling that I’ve seen this piece of paper before .

“Lottery ticket…?”

That’s right . Lottery ticket . The ticket that you usually get when you do shopping . And the thing that gave me a chance to come to this world .

The more I looked at it, it was definitely a lottery ticket .

Why would there be such thing here— while I was thinking so .

Lottery ticket—lottery .

I hold on a certain expectiation .

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