Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1092 - 1092 Chapter 77- Trinity – Sending Help (VOLUME 6)


Over the last couple of weeks reports of the supporters and protestors had been coming in from all over the country. Hell, from all over the world. In Japan, where the werewolf that married into the royal family had been discovered there were people waiting outside of their doors. They had more supporters than they had rioters and protestors though. Most likely due to the fact that it was the royal family and there was nothing that could be done about them. Granted, the royals didn’t actually run the country and were more of a figurehead, it wasn’t like they could be fired from being the royal family.

In most of Europe, where there seemed to be a lot more acceptance than there was in most other parts of the world, they had very few rioters and protestors. That isn’t to say that they didn’t have their fair share of people that were against the revelation of the millennium, but they didn’t have much destruction yet. They had people that gathered outside of capitol buildings and screamed obscenities, but they didn’t have people being murdered or buildings destroyed. I loved that.

In most of Asia there was either apathy or acceptance. The rumors and legends there had never fully died down over the centuries. Most people fully believed that the ‘creatures of the night’ were real and that they lived among them. They weren’t surprised to find out that it was all true. And because nothing had really shocked them, they went about their business as usual.

There were some countries though, the ones that were more controlling than others, that had some incidents. That is, until they learned that the people in power had already taken steps to protect those nonhumans, then they stopped fighting them at all. Knowing that hurting a super natural was against the law had been enough to deter most of the citizen. I take it that they were just mostly afraid of being arrested and sent to prison. I could hazard a guess then, that the prisons they would go to were not at all pleasant.

Africa, like most of Asia, hadn’t had a lot of issues either. I know that this has more to do with the fact that myths and legends were more widely believed there than anywhere else. And not only that, but because the nonhumans were healthy and often powerful in the more impoverished parts of the world, they didn’t have much to worry about there.

The bulk of the issues came from the Americas. North America, Central America, and South America. However, I am not even going to put all the blame on the others. Yes, South America had its own fair share of riots and people getting hurt, and I made sure to send people to help them as soon as I heard about it, they still were the ones that had the biggest problem. Those nations, while a mix of different statuses and states of development, didn’t put as much focus on the issues as we did here in the United States.


Yes, here in my own country, the place that a lot of people call the greatest country in the world, that was where the most hate was concentrated. We were not feeling like we were in the land of the free or anything like that. And I was definitely not feeling like my country was all that great, not with all that was happening.

There had been a riot the day that everything had been revealed. And there had been those bombings. A riot in Waterton, California, and then mostly just protests. Things had seemed to be settling down pretty quickly and had put us into a false sense of security. And I want to put a lot of emphasis on the word false. It was all an act, a mirage that was there just to distract us.

About a week after Reece returned to work and the kids went back to school, there was a rise in small incidents. There wasn’t a lot that was going on in the beginning. There had been trashed buildings when the members of a new group known as the DOE, or the Destroyers of Evil, had suspected our people to be. They were trying to narrow down who was part of our community. Little did they know though, we were everywhere. We were all around them, and they would never be able to know it unless we told them who we were.

Reece and I were still in danger though, and that was made evident when one of those crazy bastards tried to kill Reece in his own office. I will never forget the way that I felt when the call came through that day. Reece and Noah were OK. So was Blaire and the other secretaires that were there. No one had been hurt at all, but there had been a lot of damage to the building.

There had been other small attacks as well. Nothing major just yet. The bombs that these people were sending seemed to be more of a warning than weapons. It was like they wanted us to know that they were there and that they had power.

We were actively trying to find them though, they were our top priority at the moment. If we didn’t find these people before they moved onto the next phase of their plans, then people might actually get hurt.

Aside from the DOE, there were other groups to worry about. Other terrorist and supremacist groups that thought that they needed to put an end to the chaos of the world. They were attacking random people. Human and nonhuman alike were falling victim to these people, and they were the ones that we needed to send out help to.

Reagan and Rika, always wanting to help, had been dispatched to a small town in Oregon that was seeing a rise in attacks from these supremacists. I think that the general consensus was that aside from Colorado Springs, the highest concentration of nonhumans would be found in small towns. Perhaps it was because they didn’t ‘see’ these monsters in their own communities, so they must be in the other ones.

Along with Reagan and Rika, we had sent Griffin and Juniper, as well as a dozen soldiers that would protect the people that were there. Yes, they arrived through a magical door, so there was no denying who they were. Yes, they received some opposition, but only from the supremacist group. Those that were residents of the community had been getting harassed by those people for almost a week by the time that the twins got there, so they were happy that someone was going to help them.

The local police of Willamette, Oregon were overwhelmed and trying their best, but they weren’t able to take care of the situation on their own. The state police were busy with the bombings, and the FBI was stretched thin with all that they had to deal with. When we sent our reinforcements to them, just about everyone in the town, that was only about a third nonhuman, cheered in relief.

Griffin and Juniper worked hard to help the people of the community that had been harmed in the attacks. While the two of them did that, Reagan and Rika surrounded the supremacists with the soldiers and confronted them. A lot of them sneered at the twins and the others that were with them. They tried to lash out at them and hurt them, but barriers were erected to keep them in place. It was a good thing that we had taken to teaching the twins more magic now that they were older. They were able to contain the situation with ease.

And even though I know that this part might be a little wrong, we asked Juniper if she would be able to talk to those terrorists and change their minds about the people of the world. If she could remove whatever it was that had caused them to be filled with so much hate, then maybe they would be able to live peacefully with us all. When they got out of prison that is. They were still being arrested for their crimes.

The supremacists were all arrested, by the local police of course. They were taken to the county jail, where all inmates were kept until they were tried and sentenced. And I won’t go into detail, but the twins fortified the security while they were there, just to make sure that no one was able to escape that prison. It would be a shame if those human monsters had gotten away and were able to do all of this over again.

Speaking of getting away, all of the men and women that attacked Waterton, California that time had completely disappeared. No one knew who they were or where they had gone. However, I was sure that they were all part of one group or another. They were still wreaking havoc all over the country.

This was just the first time that we had sent out assistance to the other communities around us. The first time that someone had contacted us and let us know what was going on, or we had seen it on the news as ongoing. And I knew that it wasn’t going to be the last.

Tomorrow is going to be my birthday. I was going to be thirty-nine tomorrow, and I didn’t care at all. I was more focused on the events that were unfolding around me. At the moment, my personal issues weren’t a priority. I wasn’t going to let myself get distracted and end up letting someone get hurt. I couldn’t afford that.


Last week’s riots and attacks in Willamette have finally come to an end. And no, it wasn’t the State Police, the FBI, the DOJ, the NSA, or any other government agency that stepped in to help the overwhelmed and understaffed police department that was having a hard time dealing with the issue. No, the people that stepped in and helped the poor citizens of Willamette were none other than the ‘monsters’ that the group were searching for.

The group that attacked the poor, defenseless citizens of Willamette were terrorists. They were members of supremacist groups that have shifted from white supremacy to human supremacy. Actually, that is not nearly focused enough. They are now focused on white humans, and only the white humans. The so called monsters, and those that support them, are not welcomed. And of course, those that they hated before all of this started are still targets to their bigotry.

On Friday, more than a dozen people arrived in Willamette via a magical door. This door was not just similar to the one that we all have seen in the videos from the reveal, it was identical to it. It had been created by none other than Shifter and Magic User Queen, Trinity Gray. And who was among those that were aiding the citizens that had been terrorized for several days? Well, Queen Trinity Gray’s best friend, Juniper, doctor and magical healer, Griffin, and none other than Reagan and Rika Gray, twin children to Trinity and Reece Gray. There was no better group that could have come to the rescue of these people, by far they had the best rescue team in the world.

Juniper, a world renowned psychiatrist and mental healer, was there to help with the mental suffering that these people had endured, while at the same time Dr. Griffin was there to heal any and all wounds instantly. He used his ability so thoroughly, that a woman who was previously confined to a wheelchair for the last ten years is now able to walk. And there were others there that were sick and healed by the miracle doctor.

Standing on the front lines, facing the danger head on, the Gray twins, Reagan and Rika, took down the group that had destroyed so much in their rampage. Every single member of the group that was in Willamette were taken into custody and are awaiting their arraignment that will be taking place tomorrow morning.

All of the citizens of Willamette asked while being interviewed if they could make sure that a thank you was included in this article for the Gray family that sent help their way. They are making sure that a copy of this article is sent to their saviors, and they will forever give their thanks to the heroes that saved their lives.

Thank you, Reagan and Rika Gray, thank you Trinity and Reece Gray, thank you Juniper, Griffin, and the guards that didn’t give your names. The people of Oregon thank you for your help. You have the support of everyone in Willamette, and several others in this great state of ours. You are welcome here at any time. Without you, we would have lost so many lives, innocent lives that didn’t deserve to be interrupted. Innocent lives that deserve a chance at a future.

This article has been written for The Oregonian by Ray Anne Campbell, a lifetime resident of Meridian, Oregon.

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