Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1040 - 1040 Chapter 25- Trinity – Our Meeting with the President Part 1 (VOLUME 6)


You know, even with me being a Queen, I had never met the president before. Probably because the president hadn’t been a shifter before, so there was no reason for me to meet them. Nor were they a witch, warlock, Fae, vampire, or any other nonhuman person. And to the humans, I was just a normal person. There was nothing special about me.

Now though, I was on my way to the president’s office. It was oddly terrifying just then. As I created the door into her office, using a photo that Senator Stevens had sent me, I felt butterflies stirring in my stomach. I knew that within seconds I was going to meet one of the most powerful people in my country, as well as reveal the truth about who and what I was to that person. Who the hell wouldn’t be nervous and worried about that? I mean, damn this was pretty intense.

The door appeared though, just like it always had in the past. And now that we were walking through it, and that short ethereal hallway, we were actually on our way. The door to the other side opened and we stepped through. Leaving our living room with all seven of our kids watching us and transporting ourselves into the oval office.

“What the hell!?” I heard a panicked cry as Reece and I stepped into the room on the other end of the door.

I immediately saw the six politicians that were waiting for us. And behind a large dark desk, was the woman that had won the presidency a few years back. Actually, this was another election year, I had voted myself just a few days ago. Right before all of this stuff started. The ballots were still being counted, though it looked like President Maddock was in the lead. So that was good. We didn’t want to deal with her, and then have all of this undone by the inauguration of another president. That would be a huge mess.

“Good evening, President Maddock.” I smiled at the woman. “I am Queen Trinity Gray, and this is my husband, King Reece Gray. Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice.”


“OK. Something really weird is going on here.” There was shock and still an edge of panic in the woman’s voice, but she hadn’t raised her voice or screamed at all. That was good.

“Yes, there is a lot that we need to discuss with you, President Maddock. And that is why we are here.” I explained to her calmly. “Thank you, by the way, for not shouting or screaming in protest. I see that you do not have any of your security here with you at the moment either, that seems like a miraculous feat as well.”

“Yeah, well, they insisted on talking to me privately. And so, I decided to oblige them. I didn’t think that this was going to happen. What the hell was that?” She pointed at the space behind me, where the door had been just a few moments before.

“That was a magical door. And that is one subject that I need to talk to you about. Please, Madam President, have a seat so that we can explain this to you.”

“I don’t know if I am ready to take a seat.” The president crossed her arms and just stared at me. “Please just explain things Mrs. Gray, before I call for the security that I sent away.”

“Queen Trinity isn’t a threat, Madam President.”

“Why do you refer to her as Queen Trinity?” The president glared at Senator Stevens who seemed to be the leader of this group. “She called herself that as well. Why do you think that you are a queen? There are no queens and kings in the United States.”

“Well, yes and no. There is no ruling monarchy of our country, but there are actually several royals that reside in this country of ours. They don’t rule the nation though, just their own people. My people, for instance, live all over the world. These politicians that have come to see you today, they are all my people. However, they are citizens of the United States.”

As I explained this to the president, I saw that she put her hands on her head as if she had a headache. After shaking her head a little, she went to take her seat at her desk.

“Alright, this is confusing. What is it that you are trying to say? That there are hidden kingdoms all over the world? And that people can be citizens of one nation but part of that kingdom? How is that possible?”

“They aren’t citizens of my kingdom because of where they live, Madam President.” I was speaking softly and calmly so that I didn’t scare the woman with my words. “The people of my kingdom, wherever they are across the world, are my people because of what they are.”

“What are they?” The president looked at me. “Explain yourself please?” She was glaring at me.

“My people aren’t like you, Madam President. My people are different. They are special.”

“Special?” She was still wondering what it was that I was trying to get at. I didn’t want to scare her, but I knew what I needed to say next. It was the next logical thing here.

“They aren’t human. And neither am I.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.” She laughed long and loud at that. I knew that she was going to have a hard time believing me. She definitely didn’t believe that there were people that weren’t human. “That is funny. I don’t know what you are trying to get at, Mrs. Gray, but that was hilarious. You look pretty damned human to me.”

“How many humans do you know that can open a magical door into your office?” I spoke a little more sternly than I had intended to, but she didn’t seem to notice. My words had made her remember how I had gotten in here.

“W..well, none.” She looked a little worried now. “And I am still wondering how you did that.”

“As I said, Madam president. I am not human. Reece isn’t human. And none of these politicians here are human. There are a lot of us in the world. And we have been here all along.”

“’re serious?” She looked at me with wide, shock filled eyes. “You really expect me to believe that? You really think that I will listen to you and believe that you are not human? That is absurd. It is impossible. What are you if not human? Huh? What is it that you think that you are, Mrs. Gray? What do they think that they are?”

“I don’t think, President Maddock. I am what I say that I am.” I didn’t want to be the one to say what I was first, so I looked at Senator Stevens and she nodded.

“Madam President, I am a Fox Shifter. That means that I am able to shift into a fox, though I am a little larger than the average variety.” The woman explained what she was and that started all of the others to explain their species. The group that was gathered here was a large variety and that helped.

“I am a wolf. And that means that I turn into quite the impressively large wolf.” Senator Silvers added next.

“I am a bear shifter, Madam President.” Senator William Feldman explained. “I am a polar bear, which is common in my home state of Alaska. My animal form is not that much larger than the real polar bears that are in the wild.”

“I am a feline shifter, Madam President. I can become a cougar at will.” Senator Carol Lawrence was next to offer up her species.”

“I am a witch, Madam President. I don’t become an animal, but like Queen Trinity, I can perform magic. And I am very skilled at it as well.” This was from Senator Francine Hillman.

“I am a Fae, I am from another kingdom than the others, my queen is Queen Gloriana, but that is Queen Trinity’s aunt so I still recognize her as an authority. My magic is related to plants. I am technically a pixie.” This was from Congresswoman Rosanna Greenbaum.

“As Trinity’s husband and mate, I am the king of my people. I am a wolf shifter. I have three forms though. A true wolf form, a werewolf form, and I can even become a phoenix after the magic that has been a part of my life.” Reece had his hands resting calmly at his sides. He was trying to appear as non threatening as possible.

“And lastly, Madam President, I am the queen of two different kingdoms that I combined into one. Those kingdoms were the shifters, the multiple varieties that they are, as well as the magic users, including but not limited to witches and warlocks. I am personally a Wolf, a Witch, and a Fae. I also have the souls of three gods inside of me and I am the Goddess Incarnate. There is so much about me that is different from the others in my kingdom that aside from my children, there is almost no one like me in this world.”

“ makes no sense to me at all. How can you all claim to not be human? It’s impossible. Thoroughly impossible. Wolf shifters, bear shifters, witches, and even Fae, those things are myths and legends. And you.” She pointed at Reece. “You said werewolf. Is that what these wolf shifters are supposed to be? Half man half beast? Like the Hollywood movies?” She still looked so skeptical.

“Not quite like that. Most wolf shifters can only become the wolf itself. Not a half man and half beast. I am the first Lycan, or true werewolf that there has been in centuries. And I gained that ability almost twenty years ago.”

“OK, yeah, now I know that you are all lying to me. There is no such thing as werewolves. I don’t appreciate being lied to or tricked. All of you are going to be on my list. I will never trust any of you ev-.” She stopped abruptly then, because she was stunned into silence.

Silence was the best really. She could have screamed with what she was looking at. I mean, Reece was standing there one moment and then the next he was in his Lycan form. And the president of the United States was standing face to face with a real life Hollywood-looking werewolf.

Then again, the woman might have been silent because she was scared shitless and unable to breathe. She was going pale and red faced at the same time. And then the red face started to look a little blue.

“Reece, shift back.” I snapped at him. “I will take care of the clothes.” I threw my hand up and blocked him from view before he was exposed to the president. She didn’t need to see him naked on top of his Lycan form. Then, with another wave of my hand I had clothes on Reece again. That was good, at least he was decent again. I even managed to make the scraps of clothes disappear from the room. “I am sorry about that, Madam President. Reece was just trying to help you to understand.” I glared at him, but I knew that he had done the right thing. He had chosen himself to shift because it would be the most impactful. It’s just that it was also almost the one that ended up killing the president.

I was still a little worried about President Maddock as she looked at Reece. She wasn’t blue anymore, nor was she red faced, but she was pale. And that worried me. What if she fainted or something? What were we going to do if Reece’s revelation to the woman was enough to make her go insane? What if we had just broken her? This was all a little too much for me to try and process while also trying to prove what we were, that we weren’t dangerous, and that we just wanted her help. UGH! This was all a little daunting all of a sudden.

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