Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1011 - 1011 Chapter 196- Epilogue 7 (VOLUME 5)




I hadn’t known that Arthur was coming to live in Colorado for the time being. And I definitely didn’t know that he was going to be staying in the castle with us. He wasn’t in the tower with us, but he was still there. And that meant that he was never too far away from me.

After that first day at school when he sat next to me, I knew that my friends thought that we were dating or something. And, well, I guess I wished that we were. I had started to crush on him when we were in England at his family’s estate. And when he was asking me out that night, before we were so rudely interrupted. And with all the people talking and the rumors going all around, I knew that the word about Arthur and I would get to my parents, and Lex, soon enough.

Lex had stopped me from talking to Arthur in England when he was talking to me, so I knew that Arthur was probably afraid of him, but I couldn’t be with Arthur unless Lex agreed. And that was because he was my guard and had to escort me around. Even with the danger gone, I still needed to be protected at all times. It was part of the territory when your parents were so famous. And there was a lot of attention on our family right now. Ever since the trial that my parents went to the other day.

It had also been a few days since Arthur started in school with me. He didn’t have all of my classes with me, but he had a couple of them. Probably because I was in so many advanced classes, and I was taking twelfth grade classes. He was advanced as well, but he was only in eleventh grade. So, I would be graduating before him.

I didn’t dislike Arthur though. Not by a long shot. I thought that he was quite good looking and that he was sweet. I wanted to get to know him more. And, well, I really did want to go out with him.


“Talia?” I heard him call out to me during lunch one day. And I wasn’t the only one. About half the kids in the cafeteria heard him call out to me, and that was why they now had their eyes glued to me as they slowly ate their food.

“Yes?” I smiled at Arthur and tried not to look overly embarrassed.

“I was wondering if you had plans for this weekend?” He was really asking me out. Seriously? Was this actually happening?

“, I don’t.” I shook my head as I answered him. I hoped that what I was thinking was about to happen was actually going to happen.

“Well, would you like to go out with me? I don’t know the city that well, but I am sure that it can come up with a nice place to take you.”

“W..well, I don’t know if I can get rid of my guards for a date. And being in public without them isn’t that good of an idea right now.”

“I can protect you, Talia.” He smiled at me and I saw the knowing look in his eyes. He really did want to go out with me. This was so surreal and so amazing.

“Well, if I can get my parents and Alexio to agree, then yes, I would love to go out with you.”

“Even if we can’t leave the castle grounds, Talia, we can just have a picnic or something. I really want to get to know more about you. I have ever since I first met you in Wolfhamm.”

“Same here. I mean, I have wanted to get to know you more as well, Arthur.”

“Good. Let me know if you get the permission to leave the grounds. That way I know what I am planning for this Saturday.”

“O..OK.” I nodded at him and thought that he was going to walk away to sit somewhere else. I don’t know why I thought that, because almost every day he had sat with me or close to me. And now wasn’t going to be any different.

“So, Talia, since you agreed to go out with me, can I call you my girlfriend?” He was smiling happily at me when he asked that. And the feeling that went through me when he said that was a little strange. I was scared of those words, but a little excited as well. I was going to have my first ever boyfriend. I was going to be dating someone. Someone actually wanted to date me. That was hard to process and believe at first.

I had known that boys thought that I was pretty in the past, but most wouldn’t ask me out even if they wanted to. For one, I was Princess Talia, not just Talia. And that intimidated people. Also, I was considered to be a big nerd. And in a way, I am one. That wasn’t a bad thing though. It just meant that I loved learning new things.

Also, I thought that my dad had a big part in people not asking me out. They were afraid of being on the receiving end of the king’s wrath. And that was probably why Rika never dated in high school either.

I wanted to be different from her though. I wanted to say that when I met my mate in the future, I had some sort of experience in dating. Not that I planned on sleeping with Arthur or anything. But I wanted to know what it was like to go out with someone. M..maybe even have my first kiss. You know, things like that. And I think that was the main driving force behind what I said next.

“U..uhm, y..yes, you can call me your g..g..girlfriend.” I finally answered him after a few tense moments. And the moment that I said those words, I saw pure joy spread across Arthur’s face.

“Good. I am happy that I met you, Talia. You truly are amazing.

When I left school that day, it was Mom who picked me up, along with the quads. They were all talking excitedly about what they had done that day, so I just stayed silent and listened. I think that my face was a little too happy at the moment though, because when we got home, while Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley all walked away from the SUV, Mom called out to me and made me stay behind.

“So, Tally, what makes you so happy?” She was giving me a knowing mom look. Could she tell what it was already?

“Well.” I tried not to squirm under her intense look. “I was talking to Arthur earlier.”

“Yes, I remember that you two have a little bit of history.” She really was giving me a knowing look.

“And he, uhm, he asked me out for this weekend. And he asked if I would be his girlfriend.” I finally said it as I looked into her eyes.

“And what did you say?”

“I told him that I had to ask to see if I could go out this weekend.” I told her honestly.

“And about being his girlfriend?” She asked me with a smile.

“I..I..I told him yes.” I prepared for her to get mad at me, but it didn’t come.

“Oh, your dad is going to love that.” She laughed at me. “I give you permission though. And I will deal with your father. Tell Alexio that I said you can go, and he can stay close to you, but not right with you. I want your first date to go well. And that won’t happen if you have him there looming over your shoulder.”

“Mom?” I was so shocked right now. “’re really OK with it?”

“Of course I am, sweetheart. I am learning more and more from your sister that I need to loosen the reins a little. I need to let you have a life or you won’t be prepared for the future. And because of that, I am letting you go on your first date. Not only that, but I missed your sister’s first date, and I don’t want to miss yours.” She looked almost as excited as I felt when I threw my arms around her.

“Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much. I will let Arthur know right away.” I was glad that I had his number. This way I didn’t have to mind call him. That was always an odd invasion sort of thing. Calling was so much easier.

I went from the garage to my room. I knew that Lex was likely to be in his room, waiting for me to let him know that I was home and that he could get to work. He hated that he wasn’t allowed in school with me, he thought that it was wrong for me not to be protected when I wasn’t at home.

“Hello Lex.” I said as I knocked on his door. It opened almost immediately since he had heard me coming.

“Welcome home, Talia.” He nodded at me. “You look happy today.”

“Oh, I am happy. Mom just told me that I can go on my first date.”

“Date?” he looked confused.

“Yes. Arthur, you remember him. He goes to school here now, and he asked me out.”

“Oh.” I explained to him what happened in school today and what my mom had said. How he was to guard me from a distance on the date. He listened and he even smiled happily at me when the explanation was done. “Well, Talia, I am happy for you.” He didn’t look angry at me, but he didn’t look all that happy either. I knew why though, he just didn’t want to let me out of the house without him right at my side. “Just tell that boy he better be good to you. As your guard, I will protect you from him if I have to.”

“I know, Lex. You are so good to me and I know that you would never let me get hurt.”

“Of course, Talia. I am your top guard after all. I plan to lead your troops in the underworld as well. If that should become necessary. I am at your disposal.” He put his left hand on his chest and bowed to me. He was giving me more than just a promise, this was him making an oath to me. And I knew that he was completely serious. He was going to make sure that he was there to protect me not just now, but always. He was the best guard that I could ever ask for. And to help him out a little more, I should look into finding him his mate. Or at least someone to date. He had been alone for far too long. He deserved to be happy as well.

For now though, I just went to my room to tell Arthur about the date. I knew that he would be happy about it.

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