Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 786


Just as Griffin and I entered the operating room, we heard a round of laughter. I didn’t know what was so funny, but I knew that things must be going OK for my Little Bunny so far. I mean, she wouldn’t be laughing like that if something was wrong, would she?

“Ooh, it sounds like a party in here.” Griffin laughed as well as he walked ahead of me. At that moment my sweet, adorable, beautiful Little Bunny stretched her fingers out toward me.

“Reece!” I was a little taken aback as she called out to me. Her arms were strapped down to these strange little boards next to the bed. And just as she said my name, a nurse was putting a screen up around her chest. I guess that it was so that she didn’t see herself getting cut into or something. But, well, I mean, my mind went other places. I was imagining it being some sort of net that caught the gore that might splatter all over the place when Griffin started cutting into her.

I trusted Griffin. I really did. And I knew that he had performed several cesarean sections before. I mean, he delivered Shawn and Dietrich’s kids this way, and that happened all the way over in Germany. This was here in my town with all the best equipment that Griffin could ask for. However, that didn’t stop me from being worried about my wife and babies.


I think that seeing my Little Bunny strapped down to a table about to be cut open was the moment that it all really and truly hit me. This was happening. My wife was having surgery. They were going to cut her open. They were going to take the babies out of her belly through a hole that was not there before. This was not going to be like it was with Reagan and Rika, or with Talia. They were born naturally. But the triplets, they were all facing different directions and this would be the easiest and best option for my Little Bunny. We all knew that. Still, it didn’t make me feel any better.

“Reece?” My Little Bunny called out to me again when I had not moved to come closer to her right away. “ everything alright, Reece?” She asked me worried now. “Are you going to be OK?”

“I am fine.” I smiled at her and walked to her side. There was a chair that was pulled up and the nurse pointed at it for me.

“King Reece, Sir, please sit here.”

“Thank you.” I nodded at her. I didn’t know who she was, but I could tell that she was not human. For one thing, she called me King Reece. She actually smelled like she was some sort of feline. All of the people in this room were something other than human. That was good. It would definitely help us to have people more like us at our sides.

I sat next to my wife and kissed her gently on the forehead. I could tell that she was no longer in pain, that was good. And she was excited, just like me.

“How are you doing, baby?” I asked her as I gripped her hand. It was a little awkward trying to hold it while her arm was strapped down, but I managed.

“I am excited, Reece. I get to see the boys again for the first time since I have been back. I can’t wait to hold them in my arms.” There were tears of joy filling her eyes as she spoke.

“Yeah, I know Little Bunny. I can’t wait to hold them either. They are going to be our perfect little boys.”

“Are you ready to begin?” Griffin asked as he stepped up to the hospital bed. I saw that he had a mask and gloves on as well as something that was covering his hair and an off apron-like thing that was covering his scrubs. Was it really going to be that messy? Was delivering triplets by cesarean section really that hard?

“Yes, Griffin, I am ready.” My Little Bunny nodded her head.

“Yeah, we’re ready.” I assured him. Just as I said that, a nurse slipped an oxygen cannula into Trinity’s nose and draped it over her head so that it was out of the way.

“Now you’re ready.” She laughed and took her place on the other side of the screen.

Oh my Goddess. With my wolf sense of hearing, I could hear the moment that Griffin took that scalpel into his hand and started to cut into my wife’s tender body. And the sound of the fluids that were all involved. There was iodine, so much of it that it smelled like Trinity was covered in the stuff. And the smell of the blood too. That was not something that I particularly liked. Smelling my mate’s blood like this would normally indicate that something was wrong. However, here I sat as happy as I could be. This was just conflicting information for my senses, and it was hard to cope and process. I didn’t care though. I was going to make sure that I was right here with my Little Bunny the entire time. I wasn’t going to go anywhere.

It was getting hard for me though. I didn’t like that I was able to taste my wife’s blood in the air. It was hard to not start letting the beast out of me. He wanted to find who was hurting our Little Bunny and kill them. Only, I could see my Little Bunny and I knew that she wasn’t hurting. She was just fine. That was all that kept my beast back inside of me.

Just as I started to take some deep breaths to make this all a little easier on me, they were meant to be deep calming breaths, I heard Griffin call out in a happy sounding voice.

“Alright, I am getting in there. I can see the first baby through the membranes right now. And I can already tell that he has his daddy’s black hair. Congrats on that Reece.”

Griffin hadn’t been there when we were watching through the screen. He had been told but he didn’t quite remember that I knew what the boys were going to look like. He didn’t remember that, according to the way that they looked in the underworld, and on that screen, they were the spitting image of me. The three of them looked even more like me than any of the others did. They were three identical copies of me, and I definitely couldn’t have been more happy or more proud about that fact. These were three little boys that Trinity and I were going to be proud of and love with all of our hearts.

I warred with myself for a moment. I debated on whether or not I wanted to look on the other side of the screen. I didn’t know if I could handle it though. Seeing my Little Bunny cut open like that, it would be hard. Still, I was eager to see the baby and know the moment that he was brought into this world and the moment that his life outside of the womb began. It was so hard not to look, it really was. But I knew that it was for the best. I knew that it would be better for me in the long run, if I just stayed on this side of the screen.

“You’re doing great, Trinity. This is just the beginning, but the hardest part is over. We are about to get to the first little baby boy and I know that you will be so happy to have them out of you.” There was more laughter in Griffin’s voice. I wondered for a moment if he always jokes like this with people that he performed a cesarean section on. I guess it was possible. I mean, he was a nice guy that typically did build a nice rapport with his patients. This way that he was talking probably helped to calm a lot of women down. And being calm was essential in moments like this.

My Little Bunny was calm. That was easy to see. She was grinning happily and I could see a light shining in her eyes.

“Yeah, you’ve got that right, Griffin.” She laughed back at him. “I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore. I just want to have the babies with me.” She laughed again and then added some more. “I guess I would like pregnancies to be instant. Like oh, I am pregnant, that’s cool. Where is my baby now?” That made all of the doctors and nurses in the room laugh. They didn’t know how serious my Little Bunny was though. We probably would have a lot more kids already if pregnancies were an instant sort of gratification for us. If my Little Bunny didn’t have to wait to see the babies and if she didn’t have to go through all the rules that Griffin put on her, she would have a lot more babies. Hmm, that would be kind of nice. How many kids could I have then? A lot, that is for sure.

“Well, Trinity, thankfully it does take a while. The baby needs time to grow and get healthy. Not to mention that anticipation needs to grow. I mean, how else would I be able to tell you that I am about to deliver the first of your triplets.” There was excitement in Griffin’s voice then, and I knew that this was it.



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