Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 726 - 143- Trinity – Battling A Hydra Part 1 (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 726 - 143- Trinity – Battling A Hydra Part 1 (VOLUME 4)




So, how was I going to keep four dragon heads busy all at one, protect Rudy, Alexio, Zachary, Zande, and Zayden, all while trying to figure out how I was going to kill this dragon, destroy Hekate's soul, and get back home? This was not a small task. This was something major that I needed to figure out. I couldn't afford to make even one mistake or we could all end up dead.

I couldn't let that happen. For one thing, Rudy and Alexio were only here because of me. They weren't supposed to be a part of this. I dragged them into it. Quite literally in Alexio's case. Rudy came willingly, but I asked for his help in the beginning. I couldn't let either of them get hurt because without me, they would have lived out their lives with no incidents at all.

And as for the boys, I couldn't let their little lives end here and now. They haven't even had a chance to live at all. They are too young, too innocent, and way too fucking adorable to be snuffed out right now. I needed to protect them and be there for them. I was their mother after all. It was up to me to protect them now and forever.

So, I had to think fast. Be quick on my feet. And make sure that every strike that I made was perfectly positioned and filled with as much power as I could pack into it. And I needed to do all of that while being smart with the way that I moved.

I may not have the help that Hercules had when he fought a Hydra, but I had magic at my disposal. I would guess that was probably just as good, if not better. At least I could think that it was anyway. And if I thought that it was enough then it would be enough. It had to be.

"STOP STALLING!" The left center dragon head, the one that was the original center, yelled at me with Hekate's voice. "Come here and fight me already, little Trinity. I will end you and take that power and soul of yours. I will get out of hell and it will be all your fault. Then all those things that I said before will be true. I will kill them all. Millions and millions will die and it will all be your fault. I will destroy the world, and it will all be your fault." Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard as she screeched at me. Then she laughed her maniacal laughter again. Only this time, that laughter was made worse because it was coming from four heads instead of just one, or the three that she had before this.

" HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" That laughter made me want to cover my ears and scream. I swear it was getting worse and worse each time.

OK, so she wanted me to do something. Let's see. I could try using Hercules's strategy. He had cauterized the necks of the beast as he cut them from the body. OK, well, he had someone else cauterize them and I was going to have to do it all myself. Still, I would make it work. Somehow.

I was going to need a new weapon as well. I needed to have one that might be able to help me defeat the bitch and that had an actual effect on her. Unlike my ice sword, I needed something that would be more effective.

Well, if this snake had ice and water, impervious to my ice magic, then I should try something more along the lines of what Reece would use. I needed a sword made of fire instead of one made from ice. We always joked, from the very beginning, that I was the ice to his fire. I was the one that would calm him and put out the flames of his rage. Well, right now, I was the one that needed to be filled with fire and rage. And there was no one here to calm me when I raged too far out of control. There was no ice to put out the flames when it was all done and over with. I was on my own here.

I took the sword that I had still been holding onto and thrust it into the air. I was putting it away in whatever interdimensional sheath that it went to when I wasn't actively using it. The blade sliced into the air above my head and just stuck into the sky. When I pulled my hand away, the sword was pulled up and out of sight while whatever slice in the edge of space and time that I created sort of just healed itself. All was right with the world now as I already started to make the other sword for me.

I never took my eyes off of Hekate as I put my hands in front of my body. I placed both hands in a position that would be like I was holding onto something with two hands. While I held my hands in that position, I started to imagine the sword that I wanted to make. I imagined the heat that would be coming off of it, intense, but pleasant to me.

I went beyond just what it felt like in my hands though, I imagined what it would look like. It would have a long thin blade in the middle, almost like a katana. The thin blade would be surrounded by thick, raging flames. The flames would be so large that the sword would look like a large claymore instead of a katana.

While I imagined the sword in my mind's eye, while also never taking my eyes off of the crazy ass four headed Hydra bitch, I felt that it was taking shape in my hands. I could feel the weight of it in my grip, the fact that it was actually there for me to grip as well. I could feel the heat licking off of the blade with its bright red flames. And then, there was the fact that I could hear the cracking and spitting like it was a campfire in my hands.

This was definitely the strangest sensation in the world. And it was one that I had experienced twice now. When I made the sword out of ice and now this one. I wonder if I could make other elemental blades as well. Or if I should just leave it at the two. It's not like I can use more than two of them at once anyway.

"Oh look, you have a new toy." The main dragon head said before the other heads laughed maniacally. "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" That laughter really was getting more annoying every time that I heard it. "Do you think that this sword will do any better than the last one that you used? Do you think that this will do anything for you?"

"Yeah, Hekate, I do. And I guess we will find out soon.." I glared at her as I brought the sword back and prepared for the moment when I was going to strike her.

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