Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 705 - 122 Reece Opening Talias Magic TV Part 2 (VOLUME 4)

"Let me see you, Mommy." Talia said in a whispered voice. It was almost too quiet for me to hear even though the room was silent, and I was not that far from her. "Let me find you so that I can see you again. Come back to me, Mommy. Come back to all of us. Daddy misses you. Reagan misses you. Rika misses you. And I miss you too, Mommy." Talia said the words that we all knew already. Words that we all didn't want to say but we felt the power of every single minute of every single day that my Little Bunny was gone.

After those words I just watched my little girl and her two companions.

With her eyes closed and her head tilted back, Talia was putting her all into this magic that she was trying to do. I wasn't a warlock or anything of the such, but even I could feel the sheer amount of magical power that was pouring out of her at the moment. It almost felt overwhelming, like there was too much power for anyone to contain. However, I refused to stop looking at her. I refused to miss even a second of this whole process that was happening before me.

And I was so glad that I had refused to look away at all. If I had looked away for even a second, I might have missed the fact that my little Talia was floating. I mean she was literally floating off of the floor and in between the twins that had been standing on either side of her.

Charlie and Chloe were still holding her hands, so I didn't have to worry about her floating up too high or anything. But still, that was not something that I was prepared to see. I had not been ready to see my four year old little girl do so much magic that she was floating in the room in front of me. How had she even managed to do that?

"My name is Talia Serene Gray, I am the daughter of Trinity Faith Gray. I am the daughter of the Goddess. I am the daughter of the Queen. I am the daughter of the Luna. I am the daughter of the most powerful woman that I know. And I seek help from the spirits to help me find my mother. I seek help from those in the underworld to guide my magic on a path straight to my mother and three brothers that are with her. I call on those that are friends, as well as those that are neutral. If you hold no ill will or malice toward my family, please help me to find my mother, the Goddess of the Shifters, the Goddess of the Magic Users and the Goddess of the Fae. Please help me see where she is and what she is doing. Please aid me in my quest to find her. Please help to reunite our family. I only ask that you have sympathy for me and my family. Help me. Please."

Was it just me, or was Talia speaking a lot more clear and using more mature language than she had ever used before? I mean, It had to just be me right? It wasn't really that my little girl had just suddenly started to speak like she was a teenager or adult. It was all in my imagination, right?

"Reece, when did Talia start talking like that?" Trevor came sidling up to me where I was sitting on the bed and whispered to me. He wasn't the only one either.

"Reece, son, when did Talia start acting like this?" Mom's eyes were wide as she looked at her youngest granddaughter.

"I've never heard of a four year old that was able to talk like this." Valerian couldn't take his eyes off of Talia as she floated in the air.

"Uhm, Reece, should we be worried?" Juniper whispered to me next. "This is like some next level horror movie stuff, right? What if her head starts spinning and she starts to spew pea soup all over the room? Or what if the whole house started to shake and monsters and ghosts started crawling out of the woodwork? Are we ready for something like that to happen?"

"I never thought this would happen." I told them, rising from my seat so that I could see my little girl better. "But you know what, this just shows how powerful she is. She's strong, just like Trinity. She is going to be an even more special girl when she is older. More special than she already is right now."

Like the rest of them, I was nervous about seeing this happen right in front of me. I was afraid that I was not going to be able to keep up with her or my Little Bunny as time went on. However, I would never look at Talia or Trinity like there was anything wrong with them. Talia, like her mother, was very special.

Why were the others afraid? Why were they scared of this magic? I wasn't scared of it. This was magic that my little girl was using out of love for her mother and the rest of us. She was a sweet, innocent little girl. And we were all here to keep her safe. There was nothing to be afraid of.

"Thank you all. Thank you for the help." Talia's voice was calm and steady as she thanked people that none of us could see. "Yes. Please. Show me the way. Show me where they are. Guide me to them."

As Talia spoke, I saw a bright pink dot appear on the wall in front of her. The dot got bigger and bigger. It grew and grew until it was about eight feet tall and at least twelve feet wide, maybe bigger.

I swear, it looked like an actual TV. This looked like a larger than life television that was glowing into life on the wall in my bedroom. This was crazy. It was insane. And it was perfect.

"You will follow the path they took?" I heard Talia speaking to someone again.

"Yesss." A voice echoed and hissed back. "I will follow where sheee went." The voice seemed normal enough, it was just a little off at times.

"I appreciate that. Thank you so much." Talia nodded at the wall, still held in place by the hands of the twins that were holding her.

None of us said anything. And none of us moved at all. We were as motionless as it was possible to be as we watched the screen before us. It started in a place that looked just like the castle that we were currently in, only it was completely devoid of all color.

The place that the images first opened up on was just outside the throne room. It was right about where Vincent said they found Trinity when she had fallen into this coma-like state. I guess it was true, that was where it had all happened.

As I thought about that, I saw that the images in the magical TV started to move and change.

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