Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 550 - Reece – Battling On (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 550 - Reece – Battling On (VOLUME 3)




"The only thing we can do now is continue to fight." Dietrich's voice came from behind Shawn. He must have followed me out here when I charged onto the field and after my mate.

"He's right." Landon added. "We can't go after her, but we can finish the battle out here. Let's put our all into it."

"I agree, we need to show all these dark Fae assholes that we mean business. Let's annihilate them and send their asses to hell. That way when Trinity comes out of there, she will be happy to find that the battle is over." Trevor sounded confident and that was good. I needed to make sure that I stayed confident as well. I could channel my anger, rage, and frustration into strength and use it to kill these monsters and Fae.

"I'm getting back to the battle." I turned away from the boulder and toward the monsters and Fae that were still fighting on the field.

"It's not your turn." Vincent reminded me.

"I don't fucking care. I am taking Trinity's turn on the field since she isn't here. And as your King I order you to fight with me. Is that understood?" I could tell that I was taking a little bit of my frustration out on him and that wasn't right, but I didn't care.

"Yes Sir." Vincent looked a little pissed off to be spoken to like that, but he followed my orders and started to march into the battle with me. This was how it was going to be until my Little Bunny got back out of there.

All of us, my Little Bunny's guards, Landon, Trevor, Dietrich, and myself, went back to fighting the enemies. If I couldn't kill the main baddie here, then I was going to kill as many of her lackies as I possibly could.

There were monsters and Fae everywhere, so I didn't have to look very hard to find someone to kill. I brought out my weapons and started to attack everyone that was within range. My arrows were flying in every direction, hitting as many targets as they could. I would fling my whip out and wrap it around a Fae to bring them closer to me. Once that Fae was close enough, I would cut their head off then slice through their body to make sure that they were fully dead.

This pattern worked for all the Fae that I encountered but not all of the monsters. When I came across a monster that was too large for my whip to wrap around, I took inspiration from my Little Bunny's battle that I watched earlier.

I didn't make my phoenix wings appear, but I put more strength into my legs so that I could jump high enough to reach the back of the monster's head. From there I would continue to fight, hacking away at the thing until it was nothing but charred pieces of bone and monster flesh. It was the only thing currently keeping me sane.

About four hours or so after my Little Bunny disappeared into the dark Fae realm, I could tell that we were getting closer to winning this battle. I had just leapt off the back of a dying elephant monster and was about to go after a crocodile looking one, but I was distracted by someone's shouts.

"Watch out, Queen Gloriana!" Vincent was charging after the Fae Queen, putting on a burst of speed at the last second. Gloriana was just turning to see what the problem was and saw that there was a massive viper looking snake monster coming up behind her, its jaws opened wide and ready to attack her. Probably to swallow her whole.

Thankfully, this beast was smaller than some of the ones that were there earlier, it was only about fifteen to twenty feet long and wouldn't have been able to fit a whole person in their mouth as easily. That didn't mean that it was harmless, though. The thing was definitely going to be able to cause a lot of problems.

Vincent got to Gloriana in time and knocked her out of the way. He readied his sword and was preparing to attack it but the beast struck before he could do anything to defend himself.

The snake caught him around his chest and stomach. I watched on in horror as its massive fangs pierced him and blood started to flow down his body.

"GAHH!" He cried out in pain just a little when the thing bit him.

"VINCENT!" I roared his name. I knew that he was fighting at his best, I knew that he was just doing his duty as a guard, and I knew that he very well might die because of this battle.

I couldn't let Vincent die. I just couldn't. He was the head of my Little Bunny's guards. He was a father. He was a good man. And he was my friend. I couldn't let this happen. I needed to get over there. I needed to find someone to save him.

"DAVID!" I called after him. "Find the best healer there is. Get them here now. Carry them so that we don't have to wait. Go! NOW!"

"I'm already on my way!" He said as he took off running. He disappeared immediately, moving so fast that my eyes couldn't keep up with him. He was, literally, the fastest person here. He would get that healer here as soon as he could.

While he got the healer, I needed to kill that beast.

I dropped my whip and charged toward the snake. I gripped my flaming sword in both hands and leapt at the thing's head. While it still held my friend and pack mate in its mouth, I slashed down with the sword, cutting the thing's head from its body. The head and Vincent both fell to the ground.

"Hang in there, Vincent." I said as I started to slowly pull him from the thing's mouth. "Hang in there, please.. Don't die on me."

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