Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 333 - Trinity - Honeymoon Part 7 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 333 - Trinity - Honeymoon Part 7 (VOLUME 3)




The honeymoon had been amazing. Reece and I got to spend so much time together, just the two of us. I was reluctant to see it end but we needed to get back. When you're the ones in charge then you can't truly leave for too long.

With Reece being the Alpha and running our pack and the two of us technically being the Alpha King and Luna Queen responsible for the welfare of all the world's shifters we were always busy. We had been having a lot of visitors over the past month or so. Ever since we got back from California and the people from the battle in June spread the news of the new Luna Witch Queen.

We had been visited by several members of the bird clans, various different magic users, and every type of mammal shifter there was. They all wanted to get to know us, specifically me. I wasn't used to it and I was feeling overwhelmed at times. That's part of the reason I asked Reece for this trip. I needed to get away from it all for a little bit.

And, just like I had already known, he didn't disappoint me. Reece was the best thing that ever happened to me and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

The morning we were due to head home Reece had gotten up early and made breakfast without me. He brought it to me in bed on a tray that had not only the food but a vase with a bright blue flower from the island. It was amazing.

"What's this?" I asked him as he sat the plate across my lap once I was sitting up. I had to hold the sheet against my chest because I was once again naked underneath them.

"I've never served you breakfast in bed before. And this is my last chance since Abigail will be making our food again once we get home." There was nothing but love in his eye and a sweet, sincere smile on his lips.

"You're the best. Have I ever told you that?"

"Maybe once or twice." He leaned forward and kissed me softly before turning toward the door to the hallway.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, confused.

"To get my plate, we're eating together."

What did I do to deserve all of this? I had to have been blessed somehow by someone. Reece truly was the ultimate prize of a man.

He came back a few minutes later with another tray piled high with food. He had gone all out and made all of our favorites. Possibly because he needed to use the rest of the food in the fridge. Still, it was a feast. There was sausage, bacon, and ham for the meats, French Toast with powdered sugar and syrup in a little jar, poached eggs, yogurt with fruit and granola. It was so amazing.

Following the wonderful breakfast that Reece brought me we cleaned up the kitchen together. Took an intimate shower together. Packed the rest of our things. Then it was time to go. I could already hear the helicopter coming toward the island so Reece carried our bags down ahead of me while I went at my own pace.

I had noticed that my belly grew somewhat over the last two weeks. It was just a little bit but I noticed it. I knew that I was going to grow a lot more but I was not looking forward to it.

I was walking leisurely down the stairs when I felt something in my stomach. It was sudden and quick but it was there.

I stopped, uncertain of what it was for a moment. I had been feeling like I had butterflies moving in my stomach for like a month recently. I just figured it was nerves with everything that had been happening lately. These weren't butterflies though. This was something more.

I was still on the stairs, one foot on a lower step than the other and my left hand on the railing. My right hand was on my stomach trying to feel it again. That's the way that Reece found me when he came back into the house to see what was taking me so long.

"Little Bunny? Is everything OK? Are you alright?" He sounded scared and worried, most likely because I had a nervous or scared look on my face.

"Reece!" I was excited but I was also wondering if I was wrong.

"Trinity? Sweetheart? What's wrong?"

"I felt them, Reece."

"Felt what? What are you talking about, baby?"

"I felt our babies." I was grinning now, I had felt my cheeks raise as the smile spread across my face. "I felt them move."

"Y-you did?" Reece wasn't expecting me to say that, he wasn't expecting such happy and positive news.

Quick as he could Reece dropped to his knees on a step in front of me. I felt him put one hand at my lower back and the other on my already rounding belly. There was a big smile on his face and his eyes were dripping with excitement and other happy emotions. I even saw tears brimming in his eyes.

I had been trying to feel the babies move again but they hadn't. However, the moment Reece put his hand on my belly I felt them move again. Two quick little movements like they were reaching out for their daddy.

I cried. I literally cried when I felt them and saw the happiness that radiated from Reece's face at that moment. He was crying tears of joy as well while he laughed happily.

"I felt them. They moved. I felt them, Little Bunny."

At that moment Reece leaned forward and kissed my belly twice. Once for each baby.

"Hello babies. It's me, your Daddy. I love you. I can't wait to meet you. My little Reagan and Rika."

I thought that I had already loved as much as I possibly could, but I realized at that moment that I was wrong. As long as he continued to be this sweet and perfect I would love him more and more and more as time went on.

"You two be good to your Mommy and grow healthy and strong. We will be waiting for you." When Reece said the word mommy it made me realize with complete shock, I was really going to be a mommy. This was my second pregnancy and these were going to be my first babies. I knew all of that but it finally hit me that I was going to be a mommy. When Reagan and Rika learned to talk they were going to call me Momma and Mommy. They were going to call Reece Dada and Daddy. Mom and Dad were going to be Grandma and Grandpa. Lila was going to be Grandma as well and Grandfather was going to be Great Grandpa. This was all going to be real. Everything was going to change but in such a good way.

It took several minutes for us to get over that moment. We were crying like babies and the first thing that Reece did when he finally stood up was kiss me. It was sweet, loving, and messy since we both had tears running down our cheeks.

Reece had wrapped his arms around me and picked me up for the kiss. He stepped back off the stairs and onto the floor where he spun me in a few slow circles. I loved every second of it.

Finally, we made it outside and to the helicopter. The pilot was a little weary when he saw that we were both still crying. Hesitantly, he asked the question that seemed to be bothering him.

"Sir, are you and the lady alright?"

"We're more than alright, Francis. Everything is actually perfect. My wife and I felt our babies moving in her belly for the first time today. It was wonderful." It seemed like Reece was happy and proud. He would probably be telling everyone about this new development for weeks.

"That is wonderful news, Sir. Congratulations to you and the lady. I wish much good luck to your family."

"Thank you, Francis." I smiled at him as he opened the door to the helicopter and waited for us to enter.

We made it back to the airport in no time at all. Reece and I cuddled the whole time, the beautiful view not enough to compete with the happiness we were feeling. Our plane was ready for us and we boarded immediately after clearing security.

We snuggled up with each other for the flight home and slept once again. When we landed Gabriel was once again our driver as he had been waiting for us to arrive at the airport.

"Welcome home, Queen Trinity." He spoke as politely and properly as ever.

"Thank you, Gabriel. I hope all was well while we were away."

"Yes my lady, everything went smoothly. How was your trip?"

"We felt the babies move this morning." Reece exclaimed excitedly just like he had back on the island. I knew he would tell everyone that he could so I just let him be. Besides, Gabriel looked almost as excited to hear that news as Reece had been. I was so happy to have such wonderful people in my life.

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