Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Two glorious weeks of beautiful sandy beaches, bright sunlight, and a radiant Shawn had left me in the best mood of my life. We had spent more than half of that time away wrapped in each other's arms, tangled in the sheets or covered in sand.

But there was wonderful news on the way home from the trip. Our house was finished and it was time for us to move the furniture in. I had a lot of things that I had already purchased and had in storage waiting for this time.

I spent that first week back from our trip staying at Shawn's place every night as we both picked out our new things and packed the things he wanted to take with us. He was giving up the apartment and giving most of his things away to friends, family, or charity.

Shawn said that all he wanted was his keepsakes, photos, and clothes. I tried to convince him to take more but he said he wanted to fill our home with things that represented us together.

We had flown back on Saturday, eight days before his and Shane's birthday and it only took six days to move everything in. We planned to move in on Saturday, the day before my love turned twenty-seven. We were having a joint birthday party for Shawn and Shane and a housewarming party.

All of our friends, new and old, were there with us. The guards from the pack and the Sentinelle, the warlocks, the other vampires and shifters that had settled in the area, into the houses that Reece's construction company had just recently finished.

The party was larger than Shawn would normally have wanted, but I swear he was more than willing to let it happen this time. And everyone brought gifts for him and his brother (we had forbidden gifts for the house since we had covered it all ourselves).

But, the real party that night was between the two of us after all of our guests had left.

I led Shawn by the hand up to our new room. The interior of the house had mostly been done in shade of gray and blue since those colors had seemed to fit us so well, and our room was no exception. The hardwood floor was covered by a large, soft rug that had varying shades of the two colors. The furniture was all done in black with accents of blue or gray. The extra large king sized bed was draped in a stormy gray comforter that had a pattern that consisted of streaks of blue lightning running across it.

I pulled my mate, my Geliebte, my husband into the room with me and I backed up toward the bed.

"I want to make our first night here special." I said as I sat him down on the edge of the soft mattress. I went around the room then, lighting the candles that I had placed there for us. Then I grabbed two glasses of champagne for us to toast with before walking back to his side and sitting next to him.

"Thank you." He smiled as he took the glass from me.

"A toast, my love, to us. Together for all eternity." I smiled softly.

"Forever and ever." He added as he too smiled.

We each drank a few sips of the bubbling liquid from our glasses before setting them aside. There was like a magnet between us then, drawing us toward each other.

Cupping his cheek, I leaned Shawn back and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was passionate, heated, and hungry. I needed him, even though I have had him so many times before I would never get enough of him.

Shawn was returning the kiss with fervor, matching my hunger, my need, my desire. We both wanted each other in that moment and neither of us saw a reason to deny it at all.

Shawn's hands found the buttons to my shirt then, at nearly the same time that I had started to undo the buttons on his shirt. Working in tandem we had each other stripped in no time at all.

With Shawn laying sprawled on the bed beneath me I set my lips to his body, kissing every inch of him that I could. This night was a special one, and I wanted this to be sweet for my love. I went about my work gently, arousing the both of us at the same time.

When we were both ready I leaned against the headboard of the bed, I then pulled Shawn up from the bed and sat him in my lap. He worked with me to position himself as I slid into the only place that has ever truly felt like home for my body.


"Ngh!" We both moaned at the feel of the pleasure at the same time.

"I love you." Shawn's voice was already breathless when he spoke these words.

"I love you too, Liebling." I whispered back to him as we both started to rock our hips in a rhythm that seemed to be perfectly in sync with each other.

Our pace was slow, and unhurried. We were more focused on being joined, being connected with each other, than we were with anything else.

The slow rhythm of our joining was like heaven. Shawn rocking above me, panting and moaning. My head pressed against Shawn's chest listening to the steady rhythmic pounding of his heart as I panted and moaned right along with him.

I felt the building of power within me. I didn't quite understand it but it came with a vision of a future for us. A vision of Shawn and I after having been married for Goddess knows how long, a future after we had already adopted or contracted a surrogate. It was a future with the family we would one day have. And the joy on our faces, it was something I never thought was possible until I had met my Shawn.

The tension in our bodys reached the fever points then and we came together, calling each other's names.



We collapsed together against the bed then, panting and exhausted. We roused a few moments later for a quick shower just so we could go back to the bed together, wrapped in each other's arms for sleep this time.

It had been after midnight when we came together for this union, it had officially been my mate's birthday.

I had slept peacefully, not moving an inch as I held Shawn against me all through the night. But now, now that morning had come, something was tickling my nose and making me want to simultaneously smile and do a double take at the same time.

What was that scent? What was it I was smelling right now? What was this strange feeling I was sensing?

If I didn't know any better, I would say that I was sensing more life forces here, in this room. But that was crazy, wasn't it? It was just me and Shawn alone in our room.

In a state of foggy confusion I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Looking for the source of the extra energy I was feeling. Was there an animal in the room? No, I didn't smell one. Was there another person in the room? No, I didn't see or smell someone else either. But I was clearly sensing more people here with that added sense of mine.

And what was strange. I could smell strawberry cream, custard, and other confections that went above and beyond Shawn's normal scent. Was this what it was like to be married?

I was staring at Shawn, trying to figure it out, to figure out what it was that was different. After a moment it hit me.

"OH MEIN GOTT!" I yelled, inadvertently waking Shawn, scaring him really.

"What? What is it? What's going on?" Shawn had jumped up, sitting up next me to where I was leaning against the pillow, staring at him. "What's wrong Dietrich?" He rephrased his question after he had seen my face.

"Shawn, my love, this is a miracle." I grinned at him.

"What is?"

"We're going to have children."

"Huh?" He tilted his head then, confusion plain to see on his face. "Yeah, we will, eventually. After we adopt them."

"No, my love. We do not need to adopt them."

"Fine, we will use a surrogate."

"No, you're not understanding me, my love. We do not need a surrogate or to adopt." I know I was grinning like a fool then.

"What are you trying to say?" He was getting nervous now since he had not fully understood what I was getting at.

"You, my love, you will have our children."

"What?" He looked like he was about to laugh then.

"You, Liebling. You are pregnant. Pregnant with twins."

"WHAT?!" He screamed the words then, jumping out of the bed. "That's impossible. I am a man, Dietrich, I cannot be pregnant."

"I do not know how it has happened, but I see it, Shawn. I see the babies inside of you, the two life forces that were not there before."

"I don't see anything like that."

"You will learn to see them as you get older, Geliebte. But I see them. One boy and one girl. You, my love, are giving us children that are from the both of us."

"This can't be." He was backing away from me now. "Dietrich this is impossible."

It took a while to get Shawn settled down enough to call in some help. The only people I could think to call were Trinity and Reece, as they could speak to Gabriel on our behalf. Gabriel was a wise man who had collected a lot of information over the centuries. He was even older than I am and he was here to be Trinity's personal assistant. If anyone knew what was going on it was him.

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