
Chapter 515 Worst Case Scenario

Chapter 515 Worst Case Scenario

At that moment, Chen Xiaolian and Bluesea were standing in the central square. As Chen Xiaolian was ruminating what the ‘irrevocable’ command was…

A team of combat personnel from the Angel Corps rushed forward from behind them.

Over 20 Sentinel mechs moved forward in a line. Despite the fact that they were moving forward, they maintained their battle formation.

Zero City was in chaos.

After the Angel Corps issued out the evacuation order and after Chen Xiaolian used his authority to restore everything he had control over, all the outsiders who were stuck inside their rooms this night were released.

These people were all Awakened ones – could there be kind-hearted Awakened ones? In the beginning, there was the suppressive might of the Angel Corps. The patrolling Sentinel mechs continuously broadcasted warnings for them, telling them to stay within their rooms. Thus, not many of the outsiders would dare to defy the Angel Corps’ orders.

This was Zero City after all. The might of the Angel Corps was not something that most people would dare violate.

Although there were some individuals with unruly character who tried to run out to check what was going on, they were quickly subdued by the patrolling combat personnel from the Angel Corps.

However, when the evacuation order was broadcasted… … Zero City fell into chaos.


This had never happened within Zero City before.

The Angel Corps had given up on maintaining law and order. Their combat teams began gathering in the central square and they quickly established a cordon.

No one dared to break through the cordon made from the weapon-wielding Sentinel mechs… … some tried, but the Sentinel mechs did not hesitate to open fire with the energy-tier weapons installed into their mech arms. Using the energy-tier weapons, the Sentinel mechs created a deep gully across the ground. Seeing that, no one dared to take even a step across.

Even more outsiders rushed out of their rooms and asked around on the streets. There were looks of loss, anxiousness, shock and terror on their faces.

The number of people in the streets gradually increased and many of them flocked to the central square.

“For the first time ever, I get the feeling that there are too many people in Zero City.”

Angel Wu stood on the top of the stairs beside the central square and coldly observed the chaotic crowd that was surging forward. There in the distance, even more figures could be seen rushing forward in a disorderly manner.

The Angel Corps had already set up several high-powered searchlights and the searchlights’ rays illuminated the surrounding area in the central square.

As for Angel Wu, he was presently seated upon a very peculiar looking mech.

The hatch was left open and he sat inside the cockpit.

This mech was about four metres high. Although it could be considered as one of those small-scale mechs, it was one notch bigger compared to those patrolling Sentinel mechs.

Angel Wu, who was seated inside the cockpit, wore a leather jacket and his mouth bit down on a thick cigar. His pair of eyes darted around like that of an eagle as he examined the area.

“Maintain the cordon.” Angel Wu said coldly. “Send another team to maintain order. Mm, have Team C go. Also… … clear the street to the south. We need a path to quickly withdraw!”

Several assistants standing beside him quickly rushed off to execute his commands. There was a sombre and desolate atmosphere in the central square.

“We want to know what is going on here!”

“That is right! Let us go!”

“Damn it! I want to leave this place!”

“I want to leave this city!”

“Just what is going on here?”

“Why evacuate? Why stop us here? Why won’t you let us move forward?”

“Give us an explanation!”

“Damn it!”


There were shouts, pleads and questions coming from the packed crowd on the northern side of the central square.

However, with the Sentinel mechs pointing their weapons at them, nobody dared to step forward.

At that moment, the rumbling sound of vehicles entered their ears.

From the street in the south, oddly shaped tanks slowly moved forward, one after another.

Chen Xiaolian gave the vehicles a glance and saw that they were similar to Thunderstorm Tanks in appearance. However, these vehicles were slightly bigger. Additionally, each of them was dragging a huge carriage behind them.

More than 10 tanks drove forward and the originally spacious south street was suddenly crowded.

The tanks moved directly toward the central square, trampling the green space, the stairs and stone engravings along the way.

The carriages that the tanks were carrying opened up and heavily armed combat personnel from the Angel Corps rushed out from within. Some of them dragged out some strange looking equipment with them. They set up the equipment around the teleportation matrix in the central square.

Bluesea walked over. He first whispered something to one of the Angel Corps personnel, who then made way for him. Then, Bluesea brought Chen Xiaolian with him and he walked toward Angel Wu.

“What is your plan, old friend?” Bluesea stood before Angel Wu’s mech.

“Evacuation.” Angel Wu turned to look at Bluesea and smiled wryly. He said, “I thought you had already left.”

“I am the leader. The leader cannot be the first to flee.” Bluesea shook his head. “What about you? Is the Angel Corps coming out in full force? I have never seen such a spectacular scene.”

Angel Wu laughed and jumped out from his mech’s cockpit.

The cigar remained between his teeth and he cast a peculiar look at Chen Xiaolian. “This kid… … although he has modified his face, if I had to guess, he must be the one who participated in the Blood Verdict then, right?”

Chen Xiaolian simply stood silently beside Bluesea.

Bluesea narrowed his eyes. “Enough, Angel Wu. Tell me your plan. There is no need for us to fight like those fellows from the Board of Patriarchs.”

“… …” Angel Wu fell silent for a moment. “I do have a plan. However, I require our cooperation.”

Bluesea raised his eyebrows. “Tell me about it.”

Angel Wu spat out the cigar in his mouth and used his boot to stamp off the cigar. Then, he quickly explained his plan to Bluesea.

“Presently, we have no idea what is the situation outside… … it is as Gibbs had said, the security program of the outer passageway system has stopped protecting us. The position of the main gate in the outside world is now fixed – only Heaven knows if there is a large group of Electronic Guardians moving in on us outside.

“Thus, even if we want to evacuate, I believe we should not have a large group rush out recklessly through the main gate like headless flies… … that would be too dangerous.

“Thus, my plan is to make two sets of preparations.

“For the first preparation, I will be sending a team of combat personnel out through the main gate to determine that the outside area is secure. Next, have them establish several more teleportation matrixes as fast as possible!”

Hearing that, Bluesea raised his eyebrows. “Very clever. I agree!”

That move was a necessity.

The location of the main gate in the outside world was now locked. At a moment like this, having the people within Zero City charge out without any preparations was not only dangerous, it was also very stupid.

For example, the main gate may be fixed upon a certain street within a certain city in the outside world. If everyone were to rush out blindly… … -thousands of people from Zero City would end up crowding one specific spot. Should their enemies set up an ambush in the outside world for them, they would have no chance to make a run for it.

That was still considered a slightly better scenario.

An even worse situation would be if the main gate was on an island in the middle of the ocean. Should that be the case, things would get even more serious.

Even if everyone were to run out, they would still be trapped inside a small area. With the sea in every direction, where should they go to?

Not every Awakened ones could possess flying-type equipment or boats.

Thus, they should first send a team through the main gate for reconnaissance purposes and set up a defensive position. Next, establish several teleportation matrixes.

After that, the Awakened ones who needed to evacuate out could utilize the established teleportation matrix to teleport to various points across the world.

If they do not do this, they would face the danger of getting blocked during the evacuation process.

Thus, Bluesea strongly agreed with this first set of preparations in Angel Wu’s plan. “What is the second set of preparations?”

“You can already see for yourself.” Angel Wu pointed at the carriages parked around the central square. One equipment after another was being moved out from the carriages.

“Electromagnetic Jammers?”

“Yes,” answered Angel Wu in a solemn manner. “I have to be ready for the worst case scenario. In the event that the recon team finds that the outside position has been surrounded by our enemies… … the possibility of us running away through the main gate would no longer exist. Should that happen, we can only use these Electromagnetic Jammers to temporarily… … seal up the main gate.”

Bluesea knitted his brows. “Seal up the main gate? Is that possible?”

“Temporarily.” Angel Wu answered coolly. “Our Angel Corps have been defending Zero City for who knows how long. We have not been sitting on our laurels all this time. All these years, we have constantly attempted to unravel the secret of Zero City’s authority and programs. Although our efforts failed to give us much in terms of results, it was not without any gains.

“These Electromagnetic Jammers are the secret weapons created by our technical department. Should the situation arise, we can utilize these jamming devices to release an electromagnetic field to disrupt the passageway leading outside.

“As you know, these passageways utilize spatial technology, a very advanced level of technology, something beyond our grasp. However… … although it is beyond our grasp, there is this familiar saying: It is easier to destroy than it is to build.

“Should it come down to it, I will activate the Electromagnetic Jammers, which will release their electromagnetic field to jam the teleportation matrix’s spatial technology.

“Doing so would temporarily cause the passageway created by our main gate to become sealed. Thus, the people outside would be unable to enter Zero City through the main gate.

“However… … these jamming devices could only be maintained for a maximum of 45 minutes. That is the limit. Zero City has its own automatic repairing and anti-jamming functions. These equipment we came up with could only maintain the jammed stated for 45 minutes.

“If there is really no other choice, I can only seal the main gate for 45 minutes.

“After that…”

“After that, we will have to defend to the bitter end, right?” replied Bluesea with a gentle sigh.

The two leading figures fell silent for a moment.

The both of them knew all too well that the need to utilize those jammers to seal off the main gate meant that they had fallen into a most desperate situation.

This was now the only passageway in and out of Zero City.

A need to seal off the main gate meant that their enemies had besieged the other side of the main gate. That would leave the people inside with no way to escape.

Thus, the 45 minutes of jamming the main gate would be their final chance to take a breather.

Their last chance to make preparations.

The preparations to fight to the bitter end.

Up in the sky, several aircrafts that shone with a silver coloured light glided forward before circling the air above the central square.

Chen Xiaolian raised his head to see one of the aircrafts opening its hatch. Guan Shan poked out with half his body and waved toward Bluesea, who was standing on the ground.

“Your men have arrived.” Angel Wu raised his head to look at the few large-scale aircrafts hovering in the air.

After lowering a rope down, Guan Shan slid down the ground and ran to meet Bluesea. “Sir!”

“Mm, how is it?”

“As per your command, everyone has been assembled. I have taken out all the aircrafts in the warehouse. The others are in tanks. However, the streets are now fully occupied by the Angel Corps personnel. Our convoy is at the back.”

“Good, enter standby state first.” Bluesea nodded and turned to face Angel Wu. “The first team to go out for reconnaissance will be burdened with a very heavy responsibility. Not only do they have to set up a defensive perimeter, they must also establish several teleportation matrixes as fast as possible.”

“Thus, we should cooperate,” Angel Wu said in a hushed tone. “I need several magi with spatial knowledge. As you know, magi are a rare breed. I simply do not have enough of them. The Angel Corps personnel are mostly made up of those with technological expertise.”

“Guan Shan, get everyone from Ran Moyi’s sub team here! Get their equipment as well!” Bluesea did not hesitate to issue out the orders.

Chen Xiaolian stood close by as he listened in on their conversation. He looked around with a frown on his face.

In the central square, the personnel from Angel Corps had finished setting up a defensive circle. Some of them were anxiously adjusting the devices. In the distant north street, the outsiders from Zero City were crowded just outside the cordon and were in an uproar.

Chen Xiaolian’s mind raced as he thought about something.

It did not take long before Guan Shan arrived with a group of men from Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild. The one in the lead was a man in black coloured leather jacket… he wore a leather belt across his waist. Wooden sticks were sheathed all over the leather belt.

A closer look would reveal that those were all magic wands.

There were several others behind him. They were all dressed in different types of clothing. However, they all shared one common ground. All of their equipment were clearly enchanted with magic.

“These are our Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild’s magic experts. From now on, they will be under your command.” Bluesea then turned to the newcomers and said in a low voice, “From this moment on, you people are part of the Angel Corps. You will obey Angel Wu’s commands! His commands are the equivalent of my commands!”

The leading man in black leather jacket nodded his head. “Yes sir!”

Angel Wu cast a satisfactory look at them and smiled. Then, he said, “True to your Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild’s reputation as a military-styled organization. Now, let us get started.”

In less than five minutes, a team consisting of over 30 men was formed.

There were 6 men from Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild, 20 combat personnel from the Angel Corps and 4 engineers.

Those heavily armed men rode in the six strangely shaped tanks belonging to the Angel Corps and moved into the teleportation matrix in the central square.

“Check out your surroundings and what our enemies are up to! Next, immediately follow the plan! Additionally, send someone in to report the situation as fast as possible!”

After the six tanks carrying the 30 members of the recon team moved into the teleportation matrix, they disappeared with a flash of green light.

“Now… …” Chen Xiaolian whispered.

“Now, we can only wait.” The one who answered Chen Xiaolian was the one standing beside him, Guan Shan.

Guan Shan then continued in a whisper, “Each teleportation process by the teleportation matrix takes one minute. There is no way of going against this rule. In other words, it would take one minute for the people inside to teleport outside. Should the people outside enter, it would take them one minute as well. All in all, it would take at least two minutes.

“The men we sent for reconnaissance will immediately send someone back to report what they found… … in short, we can only wait. After two minutes, we will have our results.”

Perhaps it was just an illusion, but Chen Xiaolian was suddenly visited by the feeling that the central square had suddenly turned quiet. Only those outsiders on the distant north street were still shouting about.

As for the people in the central square, all of them were staring anxiously at the teleportation matrix – their main gate, their only gate.

Two minutes, a total of 120 seconds.

Chen Xiaolian noted that Bluesea, Angel Wu and several others had pulled out timing devices. They were anxiously keeping an eye on the time.

Time had seemingly slowed down as everyone stared at the teleportation matrix that was glowing with green light.

The apprehension was evident on everyone’s faces.

90, 89, 88, 87… …

30, 29, 28… …

“, 4, 3, 2, 1… … it is time.” Angel Wu’s eyes were firmly fixed upon the teleportation matrix. The same was true for Bluesea and the others.

However, no response was forthcoming from the teleportation matrix and all was silent.

“No need to be nervous. After they got out, there is a need for them to check their surroundings. Only then can they return to make a report. Checking their surroundings would require time.” One of Angel Wu’s assistants, who was standing beside them, forced a smile on his face as he spoke, attempting to alleviate everyone’s feelings of apprehension. Or perhaps, he was attempting to alleviate his own feelings of apprehension.

Another minute went by.

The teleportation matrix in the central square remained silent.

“Something is not right.” Angel Wu clenched his teeth. “My men would never disregard my orders. I had told them to immediately send someone back to report right after they got out! They would never…”

After over 10 seconds, someone suddenly exclaimed, “There is a response!”

The teleportation matrix in the central square suddenly emitted a green coloured flash. This was an indication that a teleportation was taking place.

“Be ready!” Angel Wu gave a growl and all the Sentinel mechs positioned within the central square rapidly aimed their weapons at the teleportation matrix.

“They’re coming out!”

“It is our war…”

The voice came to a halt.

After the green light faded away, the outline of an object was revealed. However, the sight of that object left the central square in a state of deathly silence.

A tank had appeared in the teleportation matrix.

It was none other than the one belonging to the Angel Corps, the one they had just sent out earlier.

It had a highly sci-fi appearance and was a notch bigger than the Thunderstorm Tank.

There was also an Angel Corps’ crest on the surface of the tank.

At that moment however… … only half of the crest remained.

Because only half of the tank had appeared!

It had been cut diagonally.

The turret on top of the tank and the steel plates protecting the front of the tank had been cut through diagonally to reveal the interior of the tank. The machines and half of the cockpit position could be seen. A portion of the cockpit had been cut off.

Not only was the turret gone, even one-third of the tank had been cut away.

The incision on the remaining part of the tank was very smooth. Remnant marks of it being cut by something with high temperature could be seen by the naked eye. It was so hot that crystallization marks could now be seen on the incisions.

It appeared as though an energy-tier weapon had been used to cleave this equipment apart.

The most horrifying sight was the thing in the cockpit.

Something of the colours red and black were mixed together there. Those with a vast amount of experience could instantly identify that something as blood.

Those were marks left behind after blood was burnt. A great deal of blood.

There in the tank’s driver seat was a corpse. However, it would be more accurately to say it was part of a corpse.

The upper body part of the corpse was suffering the same fate as the upper portion of the tank. It was no more. It would appear that the body was instantly cleaved apart as well, leaving only the part beneath the waist down. When the tank came to a stop on the teleportation matrix, the corpse fell out from inside the tank. It fell onto the floor of the central square.

His abdomen area had been hacked clean through and his inner organs were no more. It was as though the high temperature involved in the feat had incinerated them all, leaving this partially intact but charred corpse.

Still, some parts of the clothing he wore remained identifiable. Everyone there could see that this person was a member of the combat personnel from the Angel Corps.

The faces of the people in the central square turned ugly to behold.

Angel Wu walked over and stared at the corpse lying on the ground. After a few seconds, he raised his head.

His pair of eyes had turned bloodshot and there was a fearsome expression on his face as he bellowed, “Turn on the jammer! Immediately! Quick! Turn on the jammer!”

After a few seconds of being stunned, the members of the Angel Corps quickly got to work.

The devices placed around the teleportation matrix were started up in succession. All of them were aimed at the teleportation matrix in the centre of the square. Soon, a buzzing sound could be heard.

Angel Wu took a few steps backward. As one of his assistants stepped forward to help support him, he pushed the fellow away and glared at him before shouting, “Step aside! I can still hold on!”

Despite his words, everyone could see that Angel Wu’s steps were done with a certain difficulty.

“Just now, the Team Leader for the recon team is… … was Angel Wu’s disciple.”

Guan Shan’s face was also very ugly to behold.

However, Chen Xiaolian held an emotionless expression.

A total of three and a half minutes passed between the moment this team set out and the moment this tank made it back.

Teleporting back and forth using this teleportation matrix took two minutes.

In other words, an elite team of 30 combat personnel in six powerful tanks…

Were all taken out in merely one and a half minute.

One could only imagine how devastating the situation outside had been.

“Angel Wu, I am sorry. I know what you are feeling right now… … but now is not the time to be sad. It is as you said, the worst case scenario is now upon us!” There was a grave expression on Bluesea’s face as he looked at Angel Wu.

Everyone was clear on one thing. For this recon team to be killed off such that not even a single member could make it back alive to report in merely one and a half minute, it could only mean one thing.

At this very moment, a great and powerful enemy was at their gate!

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