
Chapter 1005: Trelawney's Prophecy

She had forgotten how many times she had flipped through the archives of successive Defence Against the Dark Arts professors. Since Harry Potter went to school at Hogwarts, the wizards of several Defense Against the Dark Arts professors who have served have been extremely brutal.

Professor Quirrell, dead.

Professor Lockhart, turned into an idiot, is forever in St Mungo\'s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries.

Professor Lupin, disgraced and nearly sent to Azkaban for attacking a student.

Professor Moody, kept in a box from start to finish. And Barty Crouch Jr., who served in his place, had an even worse end. He was directly sucked out of his soul by the Dementors and died very badly.

Professor Smith, who was missing before Harry Potter came to school, has not been found until now, and is probably dead.

Although Umbridge is reluctant to believe in the so-called curse, it\'s no coincidence that no Defence Against the Dark Arts professor has been on the job for more than a year in decades.

No wonder Dumbledore couldn\'t recruit professors willing to serve.

The thought of actually jumping into this deep pit made Umbridge feel bad.

According to this trend, she is very likely to die suddenly before the end of the semester, as the group of students said.

Naturally, Umbridge would not wait to die. She planned to resign from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor before the end of the semester to avoid the curse.

This is the best solution she has come up with after studying the archives for so long.

All the Defence Against the Dark Arts professors who resigned early were lucky enough to escape.

It\'s just that, as a professor sent to Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge can\'t give up her position as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, let alone her influence at Hogwarts, so she needs other positions. A replacement, such as the High Inquisitor, or the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Replacing Dumbledore as the new headmaster of Hogwarts is Umbridge\'s ultimate goal, and as long as this task can be accomplished, nothing will be a problem.

However, during Umbridge\'s stay at Hogwarts, he failed to catch Dumbledore\'s handle, but was embarrassed by a series of pranks.

Umbridge\'s mood gets worse at the thought of the recent anti-toad alliance.

In particular, the Ministry of Magic recently circulated the prophecy that Minister of Magic Fudge would be ousted from office next summer, which really made her feel even more irritable.

Just because Umbridge doesn\'t believe in prophecy doesn\'t mean you don\'t need to prepare in advance.

Helping the Ministry of Magic gain a foothold at Hogwarts was one of her main tasks at Hogwarts.

As long as it can be done, there is basically no need to worry about being abandoned by the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic will not easily give up a deputy minister with a strong wrist and strong execution ability.

At the heart of this plan is the placement of professors at Hogwarts.

Senior Inquisitors have the power to expel unqualified professors.

In Umbridge\'s mind, there are three suitable targets.

The first one was naturally Hagrid, the half-blooded giant in the Protection of Magical Creatures class. According to the information provided by the Slytherin students, Hagrid\'s Protection of Magical Creatures class was quite bad, especially the fried tail snails last semester caused a lot of trouble.

It is a pity that the big Hagrid was not at school, and he was lucky to escape, but it did not hinder Umbridge\'s determination to fire Hagrid.

However, after Hagrid was expelled, Professor Wilmina Grapland was likely to become the new professor of the Protection of Magical Creatures class, who preferred Dumbledore to the Ministry of Magic.

The second is Sybill Trelawney from the Divination class. According to the information provided by the Slytherin students, the students call Trelawney an old liar.

If Trelawney was driven away, Umbridge felt that Dumbledore would not be able to find a suitable divination professor to fill the vacancy in a short period of time.

After all, the number of wizards who really know divination is too small.

The last one was Professor Keridi Boubaji from the Muggle Studies class.

The professor once put forward some theories that didn\'t make the pure-bloods happy. "Moreover, he said that there is not much difference between muggles and wizards", which made those pure-bloods very dissatisfied and hoped that Dumbledore could expel her. Replaced with a new professor of Muggle Studies, but was undoubtedly rejected by Dumbledore.

If you can fire Professor Keridi Boubaji and replace it with someone that everyone likes, she will undoubtedly gain the support of the purebloods.

Umbridge knew very well that neither she nor Fudge needed the support of the pureblood faction.

In fact, Fudge has already achieved some results.

The next day, Umbridge went to the divination classroom on the top of the North Tower, as planned, with the questionnaire and writing board prepared in advance.

When she pushed open the trapdoor and entered the divination classroom, she found that Professor Trelawney was staring at her blankly, his eyes were very unfriendly, as if he was looking at the enemy, and the smirk on Umbridge\'s face was gone. froze.

In the divination classroom, the students who had just received the dream interpretation guide noticed the change in the atmosphere at the scene. They were all surprised to find that Professor Trelawney was actually very hostile to toads.

Everyone looked at Umbridge, wondering what the **** the toad had done.

"Good afternoon, Professor Trelawney."

Professor Umbridge found a secluded seat and sat down, his face reverted to the smirk of the signature test, "I believe you must have received my notice, which says to check the time and date of your class."

"I received it." Professor Trelawney still didn\'t look away. "I also predicted... I will be fired by you."

Professor Trelawney\'s remarks really shocked all the students in the divination classroom, and everyone was whispering, trying to figure out what the old liar was up to!

"Is this old liar taking the wrong medicine?"

"Could it be that the old liar knew that he could not pass the test, so he planned to fool the toad in this way?" Ron muttered softly, which immediately attracted the glares of the two girls beside him.

Gu Xian no matter what, it is undoubtedly something everyone likes to see and hear about the old liar.

Harry could guess what was going on.

Professor Trelawney\'s insistence on Umbridge is obviously abnormal, and all the abnormal things that happened at Hogwarts, 80% of the time, there are people behind it, who are deliberately targeting Professor Umbridge.

Isn\'t Professor Trelawney afraid of being fired?

No, I just knew that I would be fired, so I was not afraid, so I dared to vent my anger against the toad.

Who is behind the ghosts, it has already been revealed.

Harry suddenly looked forward to what would happen next.

"Oh!" Professor Umbridge has been rolling around in the Ministry of Magic for decades, his face is thicker than a book, and his face is quickly put on a fake smirk: "Whether you should be fired, I need to check you in after class. make a decision."

"In the last two months, as for the specific time..." Professor Trelawney, still staring at Umbridge, said in a bad tone: "You will not get your wish, there will be a nasty guy to take over the job. "

"You\'re not going to class?"

Umbridge raised his eyebrows slightly and changed the subject. She suspected it was Professor Trelawney\'s trick.

"This class was originally going to explain dreams, but... if you have any questions, just ask!"

Umbridge was also very surprised by the strong hostility towards Professor Trelawney, and so far no professor at Hogwarts has shown such astonishing hostility towards her.

However, it didn\'t seem strange that Trelawney was hostile to her, considering that she was about to fire an unqualified professor.

"Okay!" Umbridge asked, looking up at Trelawney. "How long have you been in this position."

"It\'s been almost sixteen years," Trelawney said to herself, "Dumbledore used mine, I\'m the great-great-granddaughter of the prophet Cassandra Trelawney, and I know exactly what I am. , I don\'t need you to question whether I have a "Heavenly Eye", if you want to prophesy, I think we can start, and then you can leave."

Umbridge frowned slightly and found that the question he wanted to ask was answered in one breath. She took the pen and quickly wrote something on her clipboard, when Trelawney brought a crystal ball and placed it on the cushion in front of her.

"Put your hand on the crystal ball, I can\'t wait to see your future," Trelawney said maliciously to Umbridge. "The Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts was cursed with It\'s been very unlucky all the time, I\'m really curious if you can leave your job alive, please!"

Umbridge\'s face darkened when she heard the words, she hesitated for a moment, or put her hand on the crystal ball.

At this moment, all the students left their seats one after another and surrounded the two of them, wanting to see the results of the toad\'s divination.

No way, who made the old liar so imposing?

However, everyone was destined to be disappointed, and nothing changed in the crystal ball.

Everyone looked up at Trelawney, and the expression on Umbridge\'s face was even more bizarre.

Trelawney, who had been staring at the crystal ball, suddenly spoke up.

"You\'re going to be unlucky, unlucky all the time, because you\'re being watched."

"I didn\'t see anything." Umbridge smirked, as if trying to expose Trelawney\'s ridiculous lie.

"That\'s because you don\'t have the Third Eye, and I\'m not a good fortune-teller." Trelawney looked up at Umbridge with a sneer at the corners of her mouth, "You don\'t know anything about fortune-telling at all. Only the Master of Prophecy can satisfy your request, and the other party will not even look at you directly."

Before Umbridge had a seizure, Trelawney continued, "I saw you kick Dumbledore out and become...if you count it as the headmaster. In fact, you can\'t even get into the headmaster\'s office."

"I\'ll give you a piece of advice, don\'t go into the Forbidden Forest, or those long-legged guys will give you an unforgettable lesson, but I don\'t think you\'ll listen. I also saw the caretaker send you out of Hogwarts, and Pippi The ghosts set off firecrackers behind you to celebrate you getting out, by the way..." Professor Trelawney put her face in front of Umbridge and shook her head sympathetically: "I saw you finally died in Azkaban prison, It\'s unfortunate."

"How dare you..." Umbridge\'s cheeks flushed, looking like a volcano that could erupt at any moment.

"This is the divination you asked for, I didn\'t lie to you on purpose." Professor Trelawney completely entered the mode of mutual harm: "And after you get out of Hogwarts, I will return to Hogwarts. Teaching."

"Don\'t be angry, if you think the free one is unreliable, you can find a fortune-teller to divination the future at your own expense." Professor Trelawney laughed happily: "The premise is that you can find someone who is willing to do divination for you, as far as I know. , after Cassandra Wabraski was admitted to St Mungo\'s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, there was only one wizard left in the UK who could give you the ability to foretell the future."

"You..." Umbridge\'s eyes gleamed dangerously. "Do you think it\'s funny to insult me ​​like that?"

"Insult? No, I think you\'re mistaken, it was indeed the result of divination, and I\'m not interested in insulting you!" Professor Trelawney took the crystal ball and said calmly to Umbridge, "Now you You can go."

Umbridge slammed the door in a fit of rage and left.

"You can\'t expect me to take a good look at someone who is going to fire me." Trelawney said to the students below with a blank face. "Not to mention I didn\'t insult her. That was indeed the result of prophecy."

"Professor, are those prophecies true?"

"Of course it\'s true." Professor Trelawney reminded: "As early as the first class, I told you that without the Celestial Eye, which is the second vision, you would not be able to walk the path of divination. Even further. Hogwarts has never expected you to become masters of prophecy. Because there are very few people who can truly predict the future, I have taught for 16 years, and only met Mr. Anderson. "

"What\'s the point of this divination class?" Someone couldn\'t help but ask.

"Let you understand what divination is, and understand some of the most superficial knowledge, such as palmistry, reading tea leaves, Caro card divination, and reading dreams." Trelawney looked around the crowd and said calmly, "If you don\'t take this course, How do you know if you have a talent for divination? Talented people will soon stand out after systematic study, and those without talent can only do that."

"Okay, let\'s cherish the little time we have now!"

"Professor, do you really have the gift of prophecy?" asked a famous Hufflepuff student, but he soon realized that his words were too rude.

"Sorry Professor, I..."

In this regard, Harry has a say more than anyone here, the old liar Trelawney does have the ability to predict, but she can\'t control it at all, and sometimes she doesn\'t even know what prophecy she made.

"Yes, but very weak and unstable." Trelawney curled her lips, she was very confident about it, because she had been admitted by Albert himself.

"Since Cassandra, there has not been a second truly powerful Master of Prophecy in my family." Trelawney said helplessly, "This is actually a normal phenomenon. As far as I know, Cassan The descendants of Della Vabraski have not inherited much of her prophetic power. There are very few prophets in this world who can truly meet Umbridge\'s requirements."

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