
Chapter 437: 2 prophecies

Malfoy, no, the entire Slytherin College students have been scolding the Hufflepuffs for the trash these days. They actually know that students from other colleges would like to see Slytherin College lose this year\'s Quidditch Trophy or even the College Cup. They were all jealous of Slytherin College, and Malfoy felt extremely angry as they watched their conspiracy about to succeed.

In Malfoy\'s heart, Slytherin is always the best college, and as for Gryffindor, it is only worthy of their stepping stone.

There are other reasons why Malfoy\'s mood is so irritable, his eyes were bruised by the poor Weasley on the day of the Quidditch game.

Although the bruises had subsided under Madam Pomfrey\'s treatment, Malfoy still felt a faint pain in his eyes.

"Damn Weasley, **** Gryffindor!" As Malfoy gently rubbed his swollen right eye and cursed in a low voice, a fat cat came towards him from the end of the corridor in front of him. When he walked, it was a funny fat cat. He had never seen a cat so fat.

As we all know, there is only one cat like Hogwarts, and that is the cat named Tom raised by Gryffindor\'s genius Albert Anderson.

Albert Anderson!

Malfoy felt even worse when he remembered the name. He still hadn\'t forgotten that the anonymous gift of the Christmas holiday brought him unforgettable memories. Those cockroaches crawling out of the gift bag are still shadows entwined deep in his heart, making him unforgettable for a long time.

"Grab the fat cat!" Malfoy suddenly said to Gore and Crabbe beside him. He knew that the **** Muggle wizard cared about his fat cat. If it disappears, of course, Malfoy did not intend to kill a cat, but he wanted to hide the fat cat so that the Muggle wizard could not find his cat. Malfoy could not wait to appreciate the annoying An anxious look on the face of the Muggle wizard of mine.

Both Gore and Crabb hesitated, they had heard that Albert was not easy to mess with.

"I just want to have fun with it," Malfoy sensed the hesitation of Gore and Crabbe, and he cursed a word of trash in his heart, and began to explain, "I just want to invite it to our lounge."

When the two were about to catch Tom, Fat Cat Tom seemed to have felt that the two guys in front of him had no good intentions, and immediately turned around and ran away.

"Grab that cat."

Just as Malfoy was about to take out his magic wand to freeze Tom, a very cold voice rang in the ears of the three of them: "What are you going to do to my cat?"

Gore and Crab looked at Albert, but they dared not chase the cat anymore.


Tom immediately hid behind Albert\'s thigh, stretched out his head and stared at the two guys chasing him, yelled at Albert, or rubbed his feet, seemed to be complaining to Albert: these three The guy bullied me.

"Draco Malfoy, isn\'t it!" Albert bent over and picked up his cat, then raised his head and pierced the blond boy in front of him with an oppressive gaze. "Something happened to my cat in the future. You did it."

"Are you threatening me?" Malfoy pursed his lips tightly, resisting shaking and staring at Albert.

"No, I\'m just telling you the fact." Albert took a few steps forward, his eyes became colder and more oppressive. It was the indifference that had evolved after killing someone. Malfoy looked at Albert. Shaking slightly under pressure.

"What are you doing here?"

A stern voice was like a torch lit in the dark. Malfoy only felt the pressure on his body disappear. He took a deep breath and said to the person who came: "Professor Snape, he is threatening me."

"Gryffindor deducts 10 points, Mr. Anderson, bullying the new student..." After Snape and Albert looked at each other, he stopped what he was about to say, and he could feel the indifference in the other\'s eyes.

Albert ignored Snape, walked directly to Malfoy, and said in a hoarse and distant voice: "Things related to your name will bring you an unexpected trip; the blood of the curse will not It cannot bring eternal life, and you will be the witness, and he will be with you. Stay away from the dark shadow, otherwise the conspiracy will be caused by you and bring death to you or bring death to others."

At this moment, Malfoy was stunned and stood there blankly. He didn\'t understand what Albert\'s words meant, but the other party\'s words gave him a very bad feeling.

Albert glanced at Snape and was about to leave.


Snape was trembling angrily, he had never been ignored so much. Moreover, what Albert said just now seemed to be a ridiculous prophecy. Although Snape didn\'t believe Albert could predict the future, he believed in the prophecy. There was a prophecy that made him regret it for a lifetime.

"Oh, it seems you need it too, don\'t you." Albert stopped and turned to look at Snape\'s eyes. The corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and he said in a clear tone: "Well then. , Only this time, next time you will be charged."

"Pretend to be a fool!" Snape was shaking with anger, ready to say something.

Albert ignored Snape’s words and made his voice sound ethereal and hollow: "Be wary of black and white, stay away from the cursed course, otherwise when your wish is fulfilled~www.mtlnovel .com~ Death is not far from you!"

With that, Albert stopped paying attention to Snape, and walked away holding his cat.

The few students in the hallway who had witnessed all of this were all dumbfounded and stared at the leaving back. They never thought that Albert wouldn\'t even buy Snape.

"It\'s so cool!"

Harry looked at Malfoy, who was pale, and said to Ron excitedly in a low voice.

"Do you think the so-called prophecy is true?" Hermione was more curious about Albert\'s so-called prophecy. Albert made a prophecy for Malfoy and Snape, and the results were both bad.

"I don\'t know!" Ron quickly recovered and said to Harry and Hermione: "Fred and George always say that Albert is accurate."

He glanced at Malfoy who was coming here, and said in a voice that the other party could hear: "However, I heard that basically as long as it is not a joking prophecy, in the end everything comes true. They all think Albert has The ability to predict."

Malfoy\'s face was even more ugly.

"He was terrified!" Hermione looked at Malfoy\'s leaving back, and said in a low voice, "You didn\'t see his expression..."

"The cursed course means..." Harry ignored Hermione\'s words, turned his head and asked.

"Defense to the Dark Arts, it is said that the defense of the Dark Arts is cursed. Our last Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts even disappeared because of this. Some people think it is because of the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts." Ron said, getting more excited: "You You know? I heard that Snape has always wanted to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. If this prediction is true, when Snape will be a Defense Against the Dark Arts, he will not be far from death?"

"It would be great if it was so!"


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