
Chapter 324

Chapter 324: Chapter 34

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The return of the God of Justice, Yorgaardman, was really a great surprise to Sui Xiong.

He thought that this sworn brother would retreat to raise his levels for about 800 or 200-300 hundred years, or at least for a 100 years. But he didn’t expect that his sworn brother would come back in just a few months.

After the retirement ceremony, he asked with surprise at the party, “Why did you come back so early, my brother? Didn’t the training run smoothly?”

Yorgaardman listened, thought about it and then shook his head. He looked a little weird.

“Although I don’t know what you mean by ‘raising levels,’ I can roughly understand your meaning. My trip was not rocky but too smooth instead.”

As he spoke, he raised his left hand, and his left palm was floating in all colors. Looking carefully, each color stood for a kind of power. These colors were distinct from each other, but also showed an inclusive and harmonious trend that constituted an indivisible entity. Although there were still many omissions and imperfections in the entity, at least its general framework was tidy.

It was just like a robot that could walk automatically on earth. Its frame structure, power system, and control system had been completed. What was needed were only some fillings and decorations.

Sui Xiong paid attention to the light carefully and frowned slowly.

He saw many familiar things in the light.

That was from the knowledge presented by the Sun God on his deathbed; a full range of clergies and domains could form a basic world structure. Although Yorgaardman’s system was more complete than what he had learned and there were still many things that the Sun God could not understand, many points of his system reflected the system created by the Sun God. We could even say that many ideas of its core structure were inspired by the system created by the Sun God.

It was just like two people visiting the Huangguoshu Waterfall together and drawing a painting. One painted a vivid waterfall scene while the other painted a white dragon soaring up to the sky with all its powers and vigor. Only mountains and Hmong Villages under his feet could tell the origins of the scene.

Of course, the latter one was much wiser than the former one, but after all, they were both drawings about the Huangguoshu Waterfall.

Sui Xiong’s understanding was shown in that landscape sketch, while Yorgaardman’s comprehension was the one which drew a white dragon soaring into the sky. Although Sui Xiong didn’t have the brushwork and painting skills to draw such a magnificent scene, as a painter, he could see that the root of Yorgaardman’s painting was actually the same as his.

He thought for a moment and passed on some key elements of the information to Yorgaardman with his thoughts.

Yorgaardman looked at him in a daze.

“I’ve gotten this information too,” Sui Xiong said. “It seems that the Sun God had sent out many copies of it on his deathbed.”

Yorgaardman frowned, deep in thought.

He had an unrestrained and wild personality. Looking at it from the good aspects, it could be called enthusiasm. Otherwise, it would be called stupid. But he was not stupid; he was very smart.

A man could become an enemy of people all over the world. If not for his intelligence, Yorgaardman would have died many times.

Yorgaardman thought about it and came to a conclusion. “It seems that the Sun God sent such information to the gods who would make trouble for that bastard. He may not have expected too much in return, and he just wanted us to be stronger to make trouble for that bastard when we confront him in the future. Even after getting the information from him, gods such as Le Feng can break through their bottlenecks and become the top, even stronger than that bastard.”

Sui Xiong nodded and asked in curiosity, “So what about you, my elder brother? ”

“I will become stronger than that bastard even without that information,” Yorgaardman said proudly, but then he smiled modestly. “Of course, this information has helped me a lot. It helped me comprehend and made me understand lots of things that I hadn’t noticed before or hadn’t studied in depth. It was because of its help that I was able to build up my strength so quickly and that I am confident in winning against that bastard.”

Sui Xiong also laughed. “So you are now equal to the God of Light in strength?”

“Probably,” Yorgaardman said. “In my opinion, there were still many mysteries in the previous sword waiting to be solved, but I can also wave such a sword with the same strength.”

Sui Xiong was greatly inspired by this news and asked Yorgaardman to discuss the transformation of the Love Angel.

However, Yorgaardman couldn’t help in this aspect. Although he had gotten the full set of information from the Sun God, he specialized in his own domains and the core direction of his research was fighting and destroying. Concerning the knowledge and comprehension of transformation, he was not wiser than Sui Xiong.

Anyway, the God of Justice had come back. As one of the pillars of good alignments in the Pantheon, and although he was bad-tempered and difficult to get along with, as long as he was here, the power gap would not be too out-of-balance.

The world had gradually entered a hot summer.

Summer was the best season of the year for the northwest regions due to its pleasant climate and abundant resources. Especially for Pyroxene Town, this summer was not only comfortable but also more exciting and joyful.

For example, there were many green plants inside and outside the town.

These plants were especially transplanted by Sui Xiong. He sent people to the northern part of the mainland, the areas bordering the wilderness and the ice fields. He sent them to places where the earth would freeze for several months in a year and had them bring back the plants.

What’s more, many of these plants had some edible parts. For example, the leaves of the “four-leaf, needle-like pine” could be used for tea after washing it. It had a pleasant smell and tasted slightly bitter. It could not only refresh the brain but also do good to the eyes if one drank it for a long time. Another example was the frost vine that could bear a kind of blue and white fruit. Although it was small, it tasted sweet despite its low yields. At least it could be served as a kind of dessert for the low-income citizens.

Jose had led the team to search for many seeds like these plants and cultivated them with magic power. He planted them in Pyroxene Town and its surroundings.

Now, Pyroxene Town had become a green town. Many strong wooden houses were built randomly among vines and trees just like a garden.

Such beautiful scenery had also attracted birds and animals. When the birds sang on the treetops, many old people who had not heard a birdsong for decades were so excited that they burst into tears.

Felix had opened pension accounts for every worker according to the retirement pension system of the Void Mask. As for those who couldn’t enjoy such welfare, she had prepared some relaxing jobs for them such as patrolling in the town and guarding the warehouses or empty rooms. These jobs were neither dangerous nor laborious. Although the income would be relatively low, it was enough to support themselves. Especially for those who had lost the ability to work, it was good treatment beyond imagination.

The changes of Pyroxene Town were not just about the scenery, but they were also shown on the land. Because the negative energy was dispelled, the land outside of the town had restored to life. Lots of farmlands were reclaimed, and rye and vegetables were planted. Now almost all of them had sprouted and became very lush. Looking from a distance, it seemed like an idyllic scene. If one knew nothing about this town and came here, they might think that they were dreaming or they went to the wrong place.

Wasn’t it this supposed to be Ashes Woods? Wasn’t it the barren land where most lives are hard to maintain? Wasn’t it the area that had been eroded by the negative energy of the devil? Why did it look like a typical northern town?

If there were no traces of the negative energy erosion on some trees, no one would think that they were in the infamous Ashes Woods. They would think that they were in the Kingdom of Holy Angels, a famous agricultural country located in the northeastern part of the mainland.

Oh, now the Kingdom of Holy Angels was called the Kingdom of Light.

Since the God of Glory and the Sun God had been killed by the God of Light, Wuther, the Sun God’s churches had collapsed too. Some fanatics committed suicide in despair while more people went underground hoping to revive their gods through sacrifices or some legendary ancient rituals. The older orders governing the country collapsed quickly, and many sects that believed in human gods rose rapidly, receiving and dividing the beliefs of the whole country and establishing a new belief system.

Of course, such a belief system was very limited. Most of the people in this country were not even believers. As long as human gods had enough time, they would change all people’s beliefs completely sooner or later. Even if they could not restore the past prosperity of the Kingdom of Holy Angels, it would not be worse than any other places.

The old rulers of the Kingdom of the Holy Angels had not been exterminated. The God of Light himself had issued an oracle that as long as those descendants of the Sun God would give up their beliefs, they would survive. He, who had been very vicious in the past, had become generous this time. The God of Light did not even ask those old nobles to join in the church of human gods. Instead, he just asked them to make an oral statement.

But even so, a foul wind and a rain of blood had been set off in the upper classes of the whole country. Many people died in this storm.

As a saying went “Loyalty was the synonym of weakness.” Human gods were never weak nor were they loyal. Faced with those who were unwilling to make oral statements and wanted to bargain, they only had one choice—killing.

More than 60% of the nobles in the whole country had been killed except the king. Once a man was sentenced to death, his whole family would be killed too.

When the God of Light became a god, he was the infamous God of Revenge! The most powerful generals under his command at present were all brutal killers who had committed innumerable murders.

When one has decided to kill, one should cut the weeds and dig up the roots. If this is not done, then how can one remove the seeds of future troubles? How could those who waved in determination abandon their ideas forever?

As the God of Light once said, “I’m not good at buying hearts, but I’m good at making those guys who wanted to bargain with me drop their ideas forever.”

After the cleansing, the present Kingdom of Light had become the world of the human gods.

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