
Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Chapter 129

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Since it had been close to the Negative Plane of the Ring of the World, it could be seen that, out of the Endless Field, the stream of the source power was moving. That power of order had come from the Positive Plane. After passing through the whole Matter Plane, it had lost its looking of a white array and turned into a colorful one. Order, chaos, kindness, evilness, light, darkness, earth, water, wind, fire, life and death...The colorful and abundant Matter Plane had provided it with different characteristics, which gathered into a colorful stream, running towards the border of the Matter Plane and finally to the Negative Plane like rivers running into the sea.

At this moment, among the stream, there stood a bony old horse carrying a knight in an old armor out of the Endless Field.

He looked down and out. The horse was thin enough to see its ribs and swayed when it walked. It seemed that it could fall down and die at any time. The patterns and decorations on the armor had been almost flattened, and many parts of the armor had been rusted. Pieces of armor that should had been connected by leather were cracked, through which his as thin as a warhorse body could be seen faintly. The sword without any decoration was inserted into the leather sheath which had been worn down a lot, and the tip of the sword was exposed. The silk thread used to absorb sweat was supposed to be wrapped around the handle of the sword, but now it had been replaced by rags.

Generally speaking, he gave others a feeling of impoverishment at the first sight. He was just like a character out of a comedy, or a role to describe the background of a defeat in an exaggerated tragedy. He was as tragic as that.

However, the smiling and confident Lefon changed his facial expression on seeing him.

“Astoril, what are you doing here?” Lefon asked coldly. Sui Xiong clearly heard nervousness in his voice and saw fear on his face.

Among all the gods, there had been quite few gods that were powerful enough to make Lefon such anxious and scared: the God of Order, the God of Justice Yorgaardman, the Master of Mystery who had scared others with his brilliant military exploits, and...The God of Light? Sui Xiong doubted it.

But he had never expected that the God of Knights would make Lefon so nervous.

In his impression, the God of Knights Astoril had always been ignored by others. He had seldom issued an oracle nor shown up in all kinds of affairs. His church had been oppressed and merged by the God of Aristocracy, but he never gave any response. He was like a slow sloth–If you slapped him in his face, it would take three minutes for him to feel hurt.

Even the God of Art and Culture had tried his best to save his church. He came to Sui Xiong to negotiate about moving headquarter of his church to the theatre in the Void Mask Land.

Sui Xiong used to think that the God of Knights was very weak. When his church was oppressed by others, he did nothing. He must be a completely weak coward. If it had been Sui Xiong to see his church being oppressed by others, he, if not burst into a rage and draw his sword to fight, would negotiate with the God of Aristocracy seriously to stop anything like that.

But the God of Knights had done nothing.

So Sui Xiong looked down upon him.

However...Seeing Lefon’s reaction at him, Sui Xiong felt that there seemed something extraordinary about the God of Knights...

Sui Xiong floated aside while thinking, keeping his eyes on the situation.

Not knowing when, all the gods of the Orc God System had flown out from the Endless Field to support their boss. On purpose or not, they were all standing close to Sui Xiong rather than keeping a distance. On his left was the Elephantman that had been scolded by Lefon, the God of Strength of orcs; on his right was a Wild Boar Man with its tusk out of its mouth, the God of Tillage of orcs; behind him standing a coward Rabbitman, the God of Reproduction of orcs; in front him was a Snakeman with his head looking aside, who had been the former Master God of orcs, the ‘Iron Mask Ferocious Spirit’ Snakenell...

“Hey, you’re too crowded!” Sui Xiong said with a frown.

The fat-faced Wild Boar Man hummed and laughed and said with a snore, “Line up first. Make a good preparation for the fight later.”

“Dude, I seem to have seen you...”

“Well, I talked to you last time when they beat you up.”

“Weren’t you a pig at that time? How did you become a wild boar?”

“I have several avatars. Last time we were on the Main Plane, so the strength of my avatar was limited. This time I come to fight myself.” The Wild Boar Man waved his big stick and said confidently, “Wait and see. I’ll smash that old can with a sitck then!”

“Stop that bullshit. Be vigilant later. Don’t let him kill you with a sword.” A Tigerman next to him with two machetes said coldly, “It’s no joke this time. Don’t be careless!”

Sui Xiong was full of doubts when he heard that–All the Orc gods had come, even including the God of Rabbitman who could not fight. How could they be so nervous when facing the God of Knights? Was he so powerful?

Then he asked that question.

“What?” It was the Wild Boar Man who answered him. He turned his head foolishly and looked at Sui Xiong as if looking at a fool. “At last there is someone more stupid than me...”

Sui Xiong looked at that fat and foolish face, feeling that his intelligence had been insulted.

How could one be more stupid than that guy?

Fortunately, this Wild Boar Man–the God of Tillage of the orcs, the creator of his race, Biggar Pister–did not get entangled in the issue of IQ and got back to the business quickly, “That guy Astoril is very powerful! We suffered severe losses from him last time. He killed a lot of us...”

He raised up his left hand without a weapon and pointed to the God of Snakeman, Snakenell, “His father, the Giant Viper, died in that fight.”

Holding a long spear made of backbones, Snakenell apparently had heard him. He turned around with his gloomy eyes staring at him, but said nothing and turned back.

Sui Xiong was confused. He thought about it carefully but recalled nothing. So he directly used the Consciousness Communication to ask about the details.

It was much faster than conversation. After a short while, Biggar Pister had told him every detail about the whole thing.

It was far back to the ancient time, just after the creator of the orcs–Zu’s death. The original Orc God System, or the Six Giant Orc Gods, were born in his dead body. Losing her enemy, the Mother of Sea lost interest in cultivating a fighting race. So she passed the human race to the hands of the Guardian Knight, Astoril, who had just become a god and then retired herself.

The war between orcs and human continued. One side had the advantage of single fighting power, while the other side enjoyed well discipline and faster growth. The war was tragic and fierce.

Then Astoril attacked the Orc gods.

That battle had made the world in darkness. Even the sun and moon had lost their light. However, few people knew who had won as last. Even the battle itself had been seldom talked by people.

However, the Orc gods never forgot it.

In that fight, Astoril had killed four of the Six Giant Orc Gods, including the Giant Viper. The Iron Mask Ferocious Spirit, Snakenell, had been born in the dead body of the Giant Viper. The other two Giant Orc Gods had been badly hurt as well, and they had been in a state between sleep and wake for a long time. However, as long as they were awake, they kept warning their descendants against that iron can and reminding them to make the revenge!

Because of that, the Orc gods not only hated Astoril, the God of Knights, but also had been very viligant, even afraid of him. Since Astoril came to their area now, they all rushed out, either out of resentment or fear. They were ready to fight again.

“Under the leadership of our boss Lefon, we will be able to kill him!” Biggar Pister emphasized that, repeatedly.

That just proved his lack of confidence.

If he had been confident, why did he repeatedly emphasize that they could win?

Sui Xiong sighed secretly and looked at the God of Knights with a different impression.

It was true that never judge a person by his appearance. This poor and sorehead knight had been a super master of his generation, who had almost destroyed the whole Orc God System by himself!

After thinking about it carefully, he was relieved–His eldest brother was also a super master of his generation. Walking on the street, if he deliberately hid his posture as a super power, he just looked like a strong beggar in shabby clothes. Although his muscle made him look strong, there had been nothing better than the God of Knights who was left with an old armor and an old horse.

A rotten boat still had three kilo of nails. An old knight, no matter how sorehead he was, could get a lot of money by selling his armor.

In the front, the God of Knights and the Sky Devourer Canine were still negotiating. They didn’t fight as soon as they met, nor spoke their ideas out. They just made Consciousness Communication in private. However, judging from Lefon’s face, this communication must be very unpleasant. He looked displeased and his brows were knitted more and more tightly.

Finally, he gave up the secret Consciousness Communication and cried out, “Astoril, stop talking nonsense! Anyway, we orcs will not stop our step in progress. You are old enough to go to the garbage dump of history! Don’t ask us to follow your old ideas.”

The God of Knights remained silent for a while and replied, “I just hope... We can live in peace...”

His voice was old and dry, even a little hoarse. There was sickness rather than strength in it.

“Peace? If you’re really in pursuit of peace, why don’t Wuther rather than you come here?” Lefon grinned coldly. With a flash of light, a short spear appeared in his hand. “Today, I leave my words here. If you want to stop us, talk with your sword! Otherwise, shut up!”

He held up his short spear. The Orc gods followed him and roared together, holing up all kinds of weapons in their hands.

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