
Chapter 95

Chapter 95: <Chapter 95>

The hole wasn’t very big. It was just big enough for a person to go through.

I murmured in confusion, “[Is it a sinkhole?]”

I knew in Seoul, many sinkholes were occurring and causing problems in the city. I remembered seeing on the news that the experts were discussing where all the soils and rocks were disappearing to when a sinkhole appeared.

One of the theories was the overuse of underground water. People used too much of it and the empty spaces were being filled by the dirt and the rocks.

However, now that I thought about it, maybe they disappeared from earth.

Perhaps, they actually were transported to a different world as I did.

“Oh my...”

Just like everyone, I knew of the dangers of sinkholes, but I never thought I would become a victim of them. No one ever thought bad things would happen to them.

I realized how naïve I was in believing that.

In a way, it is possible the sinkhole saved me from being hit by the train.

However, in return, it transported me to this world, and now, I was stuck here.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me disappeared, and I was again able to see the priestess. She was putting on the eyepiece back over her eyes again.

When I remained seated quietly, she said to me, “So that was it.”

“Y, yes.”

“The thing that made you come here...”

The priestess didn’t finish her sentence. She seemed like she was thinking about something.

I wanted to give her as much information as possible.

“It’s called the [sinkhole.]”


“Yes. It... happened suddenly. It is a hole that appears on the ground, and sometimes, it even happens at the bottom of the ocean.”

She nodded as I continued. “Perhaps some of the holes are actually some sort of a connection between different worlds.” She seemed troubled. “This isn’t great. If what you think is right, returning back home would be... very difficult.”

“I know...”

I bit my lips. If I was transported by someone or something intentionally, it would have been better. I could try to find that person or try to make the opposite happen.

However, this was not the case. If it was a random natural phenomenon, like a typhoon or an earthquake... How could I make it happen?

I turned to the priestess desperately.

“C... could there still be a way?”

I knew I was asking the impossible, but I had no one else. She was my only hope.

The priestess.

This was the first time someone gave me any kind of hope. A real possibility.

Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to learn about this sinkhole.

The priestess raised her head slowly. Izvita patted my hand gently.

“At this point, I can’t tell you anything. I can’t promise you anything.”


I felt like my heart was breaking. My eyes started to fill again with tears. I blinked a few times to stop myself from crying. Just then, the priestess smiled and gave me the answer I hoped for.

“But I will search for the answer. I will do my best to find a way for you. I will examine all the records in the Aos temple...”

She hesitated before continuing, “I can’t be sure, but there might be an answer to what you seek.”

I cried. I couldn’t help it.

“Thank you.” That was the only thing I could tell her. “T, thank you so much.”

While I talked with the priestess in tears, Lucretius continued to watch us silently. He didn’t interfere at all. He kept his promise to me.


Time passed by fast from then.

Nothing major happened during the celebration, which was fortunate. What I learned from the session with the priestess was so overwhelming I couldn’t’ stop thinking about it.

I had to do my best not to get too hopeful. Despite this distraction, I made sure I did my duties as the emperor’s only wife during the events.

Other than missing the second day due to my illness, I never missed another event.

The only difference from the first day was the fact I learned to enjoy the jealous and angry stares from other single ladies.

Knowing Lucretius’ feelings helped me to relax a little, but it didn’t mean I decided to stay with him permanently. I still planned on returning to my home and family.

I also couldn’t be sure of how I truly felt about him. How he felt about me was a completely different thing than how I felt about him.

A woman didn’t have any obligation to return a man’s feeling. It wasn’t my duty to love him just because he felt that way about me.

However, I knew one thing for sure.

... I was starting to fall for him.

My heart pounded fast whenever I was around him. I couldn’t deny the new feelings I was beginning to have.

I didn’t know for sure why. Was my feeling genuine, or was it because of his looks and background? Was I just flattered that an emperor confessed his love for me?

I tried to look at myself objectively. I had minimal experience with boys. I went to an all-girls’ schools since junior high. I dreamt of dating someday since I was young.

This meant I was an easy target when it came to romance. A gorgeous rich ruler being kind and loving to me...

It would have been odd not to feel something.

That was why I couldn’t help but doubt my feeling. Was it really genuine?

And... if Lucretius wasn’t so beautiful, would I have felt the same way?

I remembered when I saw my first husband, the former emperor, for the first time. I was devastated. I had actually hoped Lucretius would be my husband instead.

At the time, I had no idea I would really become his wife, and that he would end up falling in love with me.

What if he wasn’t an emperor with all the riches and powers in this world? Would I have felt something for him?

... I couldn’t be certain.

I couldn’t be sure if my feelings were from shallow reasons. I didn’t know if my feelings were for what he was, rather than who it was.

In fact, at the beginning of our relationship, I was actually afraid of him. I felt a little ashamed that my feelings changed so fast.


Finally, it was the last day of the celebration.

I had greeted and met with so many people over the last few days that I was exhausted.

People approached me with never-ending compliments.

“Your highness!”

“You look so beautiful today.”

I couldn’t even remember their faces or names, but they acted like they knew me well.

“Your silver dress is so lovely.”

“Soon, everyone will be wearing silver dresses. You are such a style setter.”

Someone laughed and agreed. “I know! Many young ladies are already wearing the wing-shaped ear cuff.”

A nearby lady explained to me, “On the first night, your highness wore the most beautiful ear cuff. Everyone found out that it was a gift from his highness made for you from Losinite.”

“That’s right and because of it, Losinite was able to make a year’s worth profit in only a few days recently.”

Losinite, named after the owner and jewelry maker, was apparently was one of the best jewelry workshops in Cransia.

The ladies exclaimed excitedly, “You are so loved by his highness!”

“I’m sure we will be hearing good news very soon.”

They laughed exaggeratedly, which annoyed me.

So the ear cuff was a very expensive piece?

I planned on saying something to Lucretius later. For now, I had to take care of these annoying women.

A tyrant usually had a witch of a woman next to him. A woman who was both mean and corrupt. It was unfair, but sometimes, the woman was blamed for many of the tyrant’s actions.

The women here were insinuating I was that witch, and I didn’t plan on letting them continue.

“Oh my... I didn’t realize it was such a precious piece, especially for someone unworthy like me. If I knew, I would have refused...”

When I looked upset, the ladies became pale and tried to fix the situation.

“But it is only a small price considering how wealthy Cransia is as a kingdom!”

“It’s true! It’s nothing compared to the budget for the dowager empress’ wing.”


“Your highness is well known for your frugalness!”

I finally gave them a small smile of relieve.

“I’m glad to hear.”

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