
Chapter 31

Chapter 31: <Chapter 31>

Luis reprimanded her younger sister, “Stop talking about useless rumors, Elza! My lady, you needn’t worry about it.”

Elza realized her mistake. She smiled awkwardly at me. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking...”

“My little sister talks nonsense sometimes. You shouldn’t pay attention to her, your highness.”

Luis was obviously hiding something. It bothered me not knowing what it was.

Four days of peaceful time was great, but I was beginning to get bored. I must have gotten used to the hectic life.

Besides, this sounded juicy!

I questioned them with a firm voice. I had been very polite to everyone including the servants based on Samantha’s suggestion. However, for the first time, I ordered them with all the authority I could muster.

“I can’t unhear what you just said. Tell me about it.”


Their faces paled. Elza looked at me and Luis anxiously. Luis saw my interest and sighed. She tried to convince me one more time, but it only made me want to find out even more.

“The principle maid in waiting had ordered us that there is no need for you to know about it...”


I couldn’t help my frown. I always knew Samantha worked for the emperor. She had been in the castle for a long time. She knew things I would never know in my lifetime. I probably looked like a newborn baby to her.

What made me feel cold was the fact that my own two maids were more worried about Samantha than me, who was sitting right in front of them.

It was chilling.

Being from the 21st century Korea, it was hard for me to accept the social structure in this world. It was very close to the old European feudal system. I could never get used to someone like Samantha and the Chancellor bowing deeply to me and the emperor, who were so much younger than them.

However, this was a different matter. It was difficult for me to get used to it, but that didn’t mean I didn’t understand the system and its significance.

I was their superior. Samantha was their superior too, but I had a higher status than Samantha. No matter how I looked at it, I was above everyone, yet these girls considered Samantha’s order more important than mine.

It was a huge problem for me to not have a complete authority over my own people.

“Y... your highness?”

The two maids looked at me nervously. I must have looked angry.

Internally, I sighed, but I had to keep up an appearance of full control and majesty. I kept a severe expression on my face instead.

I couldn’t trust the emperor. I couldn’t trust Samantha either. Every single one of ‘my entourage’ belonged to the emperor and Samantha. I had to do something about this.

I had no intention of becoming a mere tool for the emperor to wield whenever he wished.

It was time for me to become strong and build my own team.

I said to them bluntly and coldly. I scared even myself with my own voice.

“Who do you belong to? Are you Duchess Gust’s maids or mine?”

The sisters’ faces reddened. My question was both accusatory and demeaning.

Count Loventis was one of the most powerful nobles in this kingdom. He was even distantly related to the royal family. This was why the sisters were selected by Samantha to serve me. Based on my understanding, Count Loventis was more powerful than Duke Gust.

Luis bowed her head to me. “Of course, we belong to you, your highness. We are your maids.”

Elza bowed and said the same thing.

In truth, I had absolutely no power. The only thing I had was an appearance of authority given by the emperor. Nonetheless, I was the only wife to the ruler of this kingdom. I was one of the few who could use the name “le Cransia.” These things alone should carry more weight than Duchess Gust’s power.

I felt disappointed that I had to bring up my credentials just to have my own people respect me. Things couldn’t continue like this.

I hated myself for doing this, but I had to finish what I started.

I put a bright smile on my face. At the same time, I tried to keep up the appearance of control and authority. It had to be a delicate balance of kindness and power. I felt like my face was about to spasm very badly.

A regal yet generous monarch. That’s what I needed to become. My tone and behavior needed to exude this façade.

I asked them kindly but firmly, “Then could you tell me the story? If I don’t hear it, I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight from curiosity.”

The two maids’ faces lightened visibly. They seemed relieved.

Elza looked at me and her sister before whispering to me, “Well, I heard that it lives in this Lonez wing.”

“What lives here?”

“A ghost!”


That’s it?

A ghost? GHOST? I made this much effort for such a stupid answer?

I felt so embarrassed that my cheeks reddened, but I couldn’t show my disappointment. I had to give them a reaction they wanted.

I kept up an interested face and asked, “A ghost?”

The sisters, who were a few years younger than me, nodded seriously. The younger Elza seemed to really believe in ghosts. She looked afraid and excited at the same time.

She worked on her fourth sandwich and explained to me, “And that is why this wing is practically abandoned.” She reminded of a squirrel.

She told me she heard it from the servants.

She continued, “Originally, Lonez was Empress Beatrice’s favorite place in the castle. She was the current emperor’s birthmother and the original empress before Katleyanira. At the time of Empress Beatrice’s rule, it was better kept with more people maintaining it.”


It was the first time I heard this name, but I already knew about her. She was Lucretius’s real mother. She was executed after being accused of adultery.

“After she passed away, the former emperor and the dowager empress left this place to ruin because they didn’t like it. After a few years... that’s when it started to appear.” Elza lowered her voice.

I asked to make sure, “A ghost?”

Elza nodded vigorously and whispered as if she was afraid someone might hear her.

“A few times a week, people can hear a woman’s scream or weeping at night.”


The garden was so quiet. I felt the goosebumps on my back.

“One time, I heard that there was a maid who fainted after seeing a woman in a white dress running like a madwoman!”

No way. There was no such a thing as a ghost. I tried to convince myself and smiled calmly.

“People must have nothing better to do here in Lonez if they have time to come up with such a silly story...”

There was no such a thing as a ghost.

I thought to myself as we finished our lunch.

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