Eternal Melody

Chapter 714: The past nine years

Chapter 714: The past nine years

"So, you have had your memories for that long?"

"At the very least, nine years." Yuhi trailed off. "I wanted to hide it from Hino for as long as possible. I didn't want him to feel guilty for erasing everything. But then we met during my concert, and I couldn't stop thinking about you. When we met, Hino was abroad, so he didn't know about our meeting until he returned. He seemed to have mixed reactions. But eventually, he was the one who told me everything. So, by the time I decided to go to Star town. I already knew, and I wanted to know more about you."

Sumire wore a complicated look on her face, and he caressed her cheeks. 

"You don't have to worry. I didn't fight with Hino. I won't deny that I wasn't hurt. Erasing my memories aside, erasing my memories of the woman I love hurt more. Even when we were younger, it seemed like we were already a couple to everyone." Yuhi chuckled. "Thinking about it, you were the first to make a move."

At those words, her face reddened, and she averted her gaze. "D-don't tease me. Besides, it was only because the opportunity presented itself. Otherwise, I wouldn't have."

"Sneaking a kiss when you're that young, you have always had such dangerous thoughts."


"I went there not knowing what to expect. I thought I wouldn't stay long and head back immediately. However, when I saw you, I thought, 'how beautiful and yet how dangerous.'."

Sumire pouted. "You don't have to phrase it like that."

"I thought there was something wrong with your head. I recognized you, of course, but even then, I was like, maybe I shouldn't get involved. But I couldn't ignore you. You were the type that gets into trouble easily, making it impossible for me to leave you alone, and yet-" Yuhi rubbed his neck. "You threw a punch straight at me; that hurt."

Sumire averted her gaze, embarrassed. "I-I was surprised. You showed up out of nowhere."

"-and then you ran to the base, not expecting that my destination was the same. If looks could kill, I would have been dead." Yuhi joked, seeing her mumbling an apology. "I get it; you were embarrassed, weren't you?"

Though he only came to this conclusion after observing her behaviour a few times. 

"Thank you for the band-aids. You were the one who left it outside my door."

Sumire buried her face in his arms. It seemed like the girl could no longer take the embarrassment. 

"But, coming to Star town and meeting, you made me remember why I was always aiming higher ever since I was younger. I want to try and see just how far the hands of someone like me who had nothing at the start could reach."


"I lost my parents when I was younger and had no other relatives. In society's eyes, there is nothing more to me."

"But background shouldn't define how you are as a person. No matter what happens, you're still you." Sumire raised her face.

He chuckled again. She is so pure and honest and doesn't even realize it.

"I know. At least I did after I met you again. You told me those words so straightforwardly, like you were asking about the weather. I actually felt like a fool worrying about it for so long."

"Y-your not a fool Yuhi."

Yuhi leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I know; thank you for everything, Sumire."

"This thank you is quite weak."

For a moment, he looked at her, confused, before recalling something. He cupped her cheeks again. "Are you copying me now?"    

"Well, I just think it's unfair."

"I don't know any other place as soothing as this, and I don't need to know. In the past, just standing by your side is enough for me. But not anymore. After I entered a relationship with you, I realized that my past self was being silly. How could I be just satisfied standing next to you? Just being near you isn't enough. I want you so badly, Sumire."

"This confession has upgraded since the last time." Sumire sighed. "Your really very bad at being romantic, Yuhi-san."

"Shouldn't you be glad that I am not good at it?"

She glared at him. "Even if you were, who would you use it on? Nobody that will stay alive for more than five minutes."

His sweat fell seeing her dark expression. How frightening, but he finds even this side of her cute. Yuhi kissed her again and drew back when she buried her face in his neck. 

'I shouldn't overdo it. Her face is so red now that it looks like she will explode if I do anymore.'

To his surprise, she suddenly left his arms and stood up. "Let's go out onto the balcony for a few minutes, Yuhi. I want to watch the stars."

Yuhi blinked at her sudden change of attitude but nodded. She probably thinks he won't be able to control himself any longer. He takes a deep breath before joining the girl on the balcony. She was staring at the sky with bright eyes.

"There are so many stars today; why is that?"

"Hmm, I think they said there would be a meteor shower soon."

'That would be a good opportunity for another date. Maybe I can give her the present then?'

"Then we definitely have to go with everyone!"

He sighed, hearing the last part. Of course, she would say something like that.

"With the guys in Akagumi?"

Sumire shakes her head. "No, the guys in M5. I thought since you all became a group, we haven't gone anywhere together. It would be a great opportunity."

A great opportunity for who, though? Yuhi sighed. Well, he supposes this is more like her. From the very start, Sumire has never misled the guys who like her; she has made it clear to every one of them that she could never return their feelings. But, she doesn't waste any opportunity she can get to make it up to them somehow. 

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