Eternal Melody

Chapter 701: A person like you

Chapter 701: A person like you

"That's true."

Although she still finds it embarrassing that he knows everything now. Her thoughts break off when Yuhi sits up and places her on his lap. H-huh? What is he trying to do?

"Now that you have finished your attack, I'd like to start mine."

Sumire stared at him speechless. Yuhi didn't kiss her immediately however and brushed his forehead against hers as he mumbled.

"Are you alright?"


"You always try to act strong." Yuhi trailed off and squeezed her hands. "I understand why, but you have to understand that your situation now is different from the past. I'm by your side now. Whatever difficulties and worries you're facing, you can talk to me about it."

He truly knows how to leave her speechless. But how many times has she been spoiled by his kindness? Her thoughts break off when she realised that Yuhi was leaning closer.

"Is it just me or did you get prettier?"

"S-stop teasing me already."

Yuhi shakes his head. "I am being serious. But well, I guess my words aren't enough to convey that."

He doesn't waste time and kisses her deeply. The way he nibbled on her lips and teased her before she opened her mouth caused her to hit his chest. But Yuhi only grabbed hold of her hands and deepened the kiss. 

What stood out to her was his emotions. It's not unusual for Yuhi to pour out his feelings for her when they kiss, but he was being more emotional than usual. 

After a few minutes however, Sumire could no longer take it and pulled away.

"L--let me go."

"A break?" Yuhi suggested.

She shyly nodded her head. She wanted nothing more than to hide her expression right now. Even without a mirror she knew how red her face was. 

Yuhi kept looking at her which made it even more difficult for her to hide. What does he think he will see if he keeps staring? Why does this person continue treating something like her preciously?

Her thoughts break off hearing a snapping sound. It's not unusual for people to be taking photos even without the live performances going on. But, this is the same sound as a reporter's camera.

It can't be, she isn't even performing. So, they shouldn't be taking pictures of her right? 

Sumire knew she wasn't imagining it then and located the source. There was a reporter hiding behind the bushes next to an empty stall. She thought it was unusual that there was an empty stall here. The media must have set it up as a camouflage. 

She shuddered hearing the sound of the shutter. It reminded her too much of what happened last year. When she barricaded herself in Ru's home, at first she left everything the same and simply locked the doors. But eventually the reporters learned she was staying there and started to snap pictures. That's why she barricaded the windows and doors, and anything that would reveal her current state. However the sound of the shutter remained firmly in her memory.

After she left Ru's home, the looks on people's faces and her failed attempt to return to the entertainment industry. When she broke down on stage in front of all those people. Remembering their gazes and the sound of their camera's- She felt her vision start to blur, and sweat clung to her skin. The sound of her rapid heart beat. 

Yuhi frowned and pulled her into his arms again. "Hey, whoever is taking photos. I'll have you know this is an invasion of privacy. We aren't working right now."

At those words the reporter stepped out. It was a man with dusty green coloured hair.     

Ah, she knows this person. He was the reporter who took her picture when she hyperventilated on stage. He was the scumbag who noticed something was wrong and instead of alerting someone, he started to take pictures. Just remembering the details made her feel revolted.

"Terashima-san, do you truly love a woman like this? Don't you know what type of person she is?"

"Hah, do you reporters have no better questions? You have asked this so many times already, and I am sure I gave you my response."

Sumire blinked hearing those words. Yuhi gave them a response? She thought he never said anything directly since a direct answer would have consequences. So he said something, she ought to research when she comes home.

"The response you gave is ridiculous. Don't you know? This woman is dangerous. She is part of the underworld."

Ah, it seems like they do know about that. But, it's unusual that there hasn't been any reports about it.

"I think you're forgetting, but I am also a member of the underworld."

"But, you're different from this trash."

"Are you calling my angel trash?"

Sumire felt her cheeks colour at those words. For a moment she isn't sure if she heard him correctly, but after the reporter repeated it. She hit him. What if he is talking about now! What is this stuff about an angel! He has never said anything like that before. 

If he has to say something cheesy like that, he should have told her first. Sumire paused and slapped her cheeks, isn't she getting her priorities wrong here?

Yuhi laughed almost like he understood what she was thinking. She turned to him and pouted. This isn't funny! He keeps doing things that surprise her today.

The reporter named Jin only frowned.

"Ibuki-san, you are very shameless aren't you? You already destroyed the life of another person, and now your breaking away two perfectly normal people. Didn't you see how happy they were before you came?"

It took her a moment to realise why Jin had stepped forward confidently. There were other people watching, some belonged to the group earlier and some were guests who came to enjoy the festival.

At those words she felt a prickling sensation in her heart. That's right, Yuhi seemed happy. She thought back to those photos that the reporters sent her. A natural smile, she has never seen such an innocent look on his face.

Jin grinned seeing her reaction. "Two perfectly normal, and talented people together. But your presence is causing friction. Terashima-san has been doing his best to comply with your selfish demands and not seeing Hasegawa. Today is the first time they have met in a long time and yet you came and ruined it. All you do is bring misfortune to everybody."

'A person like you-'

'You are cursed, the devil's child-'

Voices from the distant past, voices from her childhood replayed in her mind and she felt her vision getting blurrier. Her breathing became unsteady once again. Ah, it's no good. She truly is- her thoughts break off when a sharp voice cuts through the tense atmosphere.

"Don't get any closer!"


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