Eternal Melody

Chapter 688 Futari No Monogram Part 4

Chapter 688 Futari No Monogram Part 4

  'I wonder if anybody else has noticed this, and what do they think for those who have noticed?'

  'As for me, I feel relieved.' Jun thought.

  Sumire-san has gotten a lot better since she arrived in Tokyo, but sometimes there is still a wall between her and other people. 

  His thoughts break off when Sumire places her hand on the bandage across his head. "On days off, you put this back on, I see."

  "Since I haven't recovered yet."

  She looked at him with a pained gaze, and Jun quickly interjected. "Thank you for saving me."

  He knew these words were long overdue. But, he had to lay low for a while and couldn't meet with her openly.

  Sumire shakes her head. "No, you shouldn't thank me. In the end, I caused you problems."


  'Your not at fault for those pictures.' Jun desperately wanted to say. But, for some reason, he couldn't get the words out.

  "Ah, since you're here, Jun-kun, why don't you take a look?" Sumire pulled out a familiar purple-colored notebook.

  With Kou and Tetsuo's recent success with their solo songs, it would only make sense for him to follow. However, his gaze fell on the song she had written for him.

  "Something is missing, isn't it?" Jun concluded, seeing her slightly distressed expression.

  Sumire sighed deeply. "It's so weird. I could write Kou and Tetsuo's songs so easily. But I am struggling a little with yours and Ran." Sumire trailed off. "Maybe there is something wrong with me."

  Jun shook his head. "It's only normal to have an off day."

  "But I have been working on this for a long time, and yet nothing seems to be going the way I want," Sumire grumbled.

  'Indeed, it is rare for her to get stuck when writing a song. But it reminds me of the first time we met.' At least, for him, that was their first ever meeting.

  Hino slides a cup of hot milk and a plate of food across the counter.

  "Drink and then eat."

  Sumire laughed softly. "Yes, yes, don't nag."

  Hino shakes his head. "I am taking this opportunity to ensure you get a balanced diet. Yuhi is probably just spoiling you with your favorite meals."

  They truly do get along well. Now that he thought about it, Narasaki Hino was supposed to be with them in the facility too. Then perhaps he was also close with this person? His thoughts break off when Hino slides a plate of food in front of him.

  "You eat too."

  Jun blinked, surprised and Sumire laughed.

  "Hino is similar to Yuhi; he is bad at expressing himself. But he basically wants to say, 'Your injuries won't get better unless you have a decent meal.'"

  "I see; thank you, Narasaki." Jun thanked him as he began to eat.

  For a moment, he paused before taking another few bites. This is unusual; why does it feel like he has eaten this before? He thought so at that time. Narasaki warned him about his memories, but as he thought.

  'I must not only know this person but also him very well.'

  During the entire meal, he occasionally watched Sumire and Narasaki Hino's interactions with one another. They really do get along well, and not just that. It seems like Narasaki has a better understanding of Sumire-san than he thought.

  "So it's your fault Yuhi-san came back like that yesterday! Listen, Hino; you're supposed to be the sensible one."

  "Give me a break; we nearly died yesterday."

  "This is why I keep telling you to bring a larger group with you. Geez, you and Yuhi-san like to do everything by yourselves," Sumire trailed off. "Since you went so far to go along with his adventure-like whims, did you find anything useful?"

  "Right, I was going to show you this too. But this is what they dropped." Hino pulled out a rectangular sapphire-colored crystal. 

  Sumire tilted her head as she picked it up. "This looks real."

  "You can tell?"

  "Due to the weight, yes, and also," She holds it up against the light. "There seems to be a reflection too. You will only see the light on one side if it is fake. But, I wonder what they would use something like this for."

  "May I see that for a moment?" Jun interjected.

  "Sure, here." Sumire placed it in his palm.

  This crystal, it resembles something he has seen before. But where- a flash of brown appears in his head.

  "Mamoru-san," Jun mumbled. "I think Mamoru-san had one of these."

  At those words, Hino takes the crystal from his hands. "On second thoughts, I will keep hold of this."

  "Ah-" Sumire looked like she wanted to protest, but Hino looked over at the girl sharply. "Alright, you can." 

  That was interesting to watch; he has never seen Sumire give up easily like that. They spend the rest of their meals chatting about the song. At some point, Narasaki had left the other side of the counter and was sitting on a couch beside the grand piano.

  Sumire walked over, pulled a blanket out from the drawer, and wrapped it around him. "Geez, this is why I told him I would help him watch the shop."

  "So even though this place is quiet, many customers come over?" Jun asked.

  "Hmmm, not exactly. But the regulars that do come here are all amazing people with high status or backgrounds. For example, during one of my first few visits here, a famous violinist walked in. It almost gave me a heart attack. When I questioned Hino-san, he told me that she was a regular here." Sumire sighed. "I know he has good connections, but there should be a limit."

  "So, are you worried that an important customer will come?"

  "Right. I guess we have no choice. I'll change the sign to closed. Hino will get upset, but this is for his own good." Sumire quickly left and headed towards the corridor.

  Jun glanced over at Narasaki, 'With Sumire-san around, it would be difficult to ask any questions. But I shall return another day now that I know he works here.' He has questions, and he knew he would no longer be able to contain his curiosity. The length of those dreams has increased recently, although he cannot remember the exact content.

  One thing that remains clear to him is the image of a young girl with brown hair and a boy with jet black hair. If he aligns the information with what he already knows, then that girl must be Sumire, and the boy was Yuhi. If that is the case, then it explains why it didn't take long before he became attached to them both.

  It would explain his strong desire to help them.

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