
Chapter 137 Favored In Town

Captain Fredric and Alchemist Lugan were at a loss for words after hearing the plan that Arthur had made.

"This… are you sure you want to do this?" Captain Fredric said with concern.

"Yes, it is the only way to deal with them in a short time," Arthur replied.

"Young man, you do know doing this means you are basically betting your life?" Alchemist Lugan asked with concern too. "Are you sure you want to risk it like that?" 

"I don\'t mind. Besides, I have the confidence to be able to do it." Arthur said in a firm tone.

"Very well… I shall permit it." Captain Frederic stated.

"What else do you need?" Alchemist Lugan seemed willing too.

"I think what we need the most is information now." Arthur replied. "Give me a couple of days and I\'ll get you the Black Root Hemlock. Once we have that, you should be able to obtain more information from the captured bandits." He added.

"Of course." Alchemist Lugan replied.

"We\'ll wait for you then. In the meantime, we\'ll keep a watch on the bandit activity. I\'ll also send out a squad to patrol the highway to Ocher Plains. We\'ll see if we can capture more of them." Captain Fredric stated.

"That will be good." Arthur nodded his head. "For now, I should head out. I still need to do a few things." 

"Alright, goodbye." Captain Fredric bid him farewell.

"We\'ll trust in you." Alchemist Lugan said as well.

Arthur turned around and left the building before he heard a notification.

>Player Arzhur\'s reputation has risen!<

>Player Arzhur\'s reputation has reached \'Favored\' in Roran town!<

"Huh? It jumped an entire stage?" Arthur was surprised.

Arthur knew that his reputation should be close to Friendly before this since he had done the bounties. It was still stuck on neutral and hadn\'t fully reached friendly, but now the interaction with the Guard Captain and Alchemist seems to have raised it rapidly.

\'It wasn\'t even from a reward… seems like my words were a lot more appealing to them than I thought.\' Arthur thought.

Depending on the personalities of the NPCs the way one talks to them could influence reputation too. For example, if one was talking to a good alignment righteous NPC, talking to them in a polite and honorable way would give a better reputation than being rude.

While in the case of evil alignment NPC\'s it depended on how their individual personality was. One would have to be firm, but not outright insulting. Otherwise, the NPC would see them as weak and have a lower opinion.

That was also how Arthur had managed to talk his way out from the Bandits earlier.

He had acted arrogant and unstuck, but that combined with the identity he had provided was enough for the bandit captain to back off.

There was a reason why the Bard Class was so effective at negotiation after all. In some quests, Bard Class Players were simply overpowered. In some cases, they could even flip the loyalties of enemy NPCs turning them to their side.

This could effectively break some quests, but it would still end up finishing them.

"At least the rise in reputation will allow me to buy skills directly now." Arthur was pleased by it.

In order to buy skills, player needed to have a certain level of reputation within the settlement. This varied of course, but for good alignment settlement, this was a standard.

Of course, players only needed to be on a friendly reputation to be able to buy the skills, but having a higher level of reputation would allow them to buy even more skills that could be hard to obtain.

"I best sell off the loot. I\'ll need more capital to buy skills." Arthur muttered, intending to spend all the cash that he had right now.

He had been accumulating them for skills after all, and there was no reason to continue hoarding them for now. Only by having more skills would he become more proficient at combat.

As such, Arthur headed to the same supplies shop as before.

"Welcome back. What do you want today?" The bulky NPC asked with a smile on his face.

If it were a new player meeting him they would certainly be intimidated by him but Arthur knew that he was fine.

"Good evening Melcher, I got some items to sell." Arthur replied.

"Sure, let me take a look." Melcher responded.

"I got the pelt of the Rock Stomping Wild Stallion, as well as three of its hooves and mane." Arthur went with his most expensive item this time.

"Oh? This is in a decent condition." Melcher opened up the pelt and checked it for flaws. "Three hooves, I guess you submitted the last one to the office?" he asked.

"Yep, just finished the bounty." Arthur nodded his head.

"Hmm… these will be perfect for some hammerheads." Melcher said. "Or maybe even a couple of knuckledusters." 

"You can make them too?" Arthur raised a brow.

"Ahaha, no." Melcher shook his head. "I\'ll just hand them to a Blacksmith who\'s a friend." 

"I see."

"Though I\'m surprised you managed to get the mane in a good condition like this." Melcher combed his fingers through the mane, finding the hair to be clean and smooth.

"I was lucky." Arthur chuckled.

"Luck is also part of one\'s strength, I would say." Melcher laughed before looking at the other items that Arthur had. "And you got some feathers, too. The Fletcher would love these for some long range arrows." He added.

"How much would it be for all of them?" Arthur inquired.

"Hmm… let\'s see. The pelt is in a good condition, so about 40 silvers for that. The hooves would be 20 silvers each, so 60 for the total. And the mane would be another 50 silvers." Melcher gave Arthur a generous offer.

"That\'s pleasing to hear. And what about the feathers?" Arthur replied.

"I\'ll give you a silver for two feathers each." Melcher stated.

"That\'s fine too." It was a bit lower than Arthur had thought, but he reckoned he had just misjudged the demand.

"Adding the other miscellaneous stuff you got, I\'ll give you two gold." Melcher gave his final offer.

"Sure!" Arthur was completely fine with it.

>Player Arzhur has obtained 2 gold coins<

With his funds increasing to a decent amount, Arthur was pleased.

\'This should be enough for at least four or even six skills.\' Arthur thought.

Other than the basic skills, he didn\'t know what would be available for sale, thus Arthur kept his budget higher than would be needed.

And to buy the skill, Arthur headed to a place that most players would head to right away upon reaching a town. 

"If I hadn\'t become a Dragomancer, I would have gone here too." Arthur chuckled.

It was almost strange that he could put it off for this long. Most players would rush to get their class and they find themselves lacking money to buy even a single skill.

They would then grind to obtain enough funds for the skills and also to get some armor for themselves. This grind would also drain some of their funds in supplies and repairs, further delaying their time in obtaining skills.

Thankfully, Arthur had managed to skip all that.

He crossed several streets before reaching two rather striking buildings. One was the class change hall and the other was a church.

"And here we are… the Class Change Hall." Arthur looked at the building which was rather solemn looking.

It had six statues built on its roof, that looked down upon the people. Each of the statues was that of a different character class. There was the warrior, the archer, the mage, the thief, the swordsman, and the shield bearer.

The only common class that was missing was a priest, but that was because one would have to head to a church in order to obtain it.

There was a small church in Roran town too, but Arthur hadn\'t gone there so far as there was no need for him yet.

Other than the Players who wanted to become priests, the others would go there to get healed or to remove debuffs that they were unable to remove themselves.

Entering the class change hall, Arthur could feel a strange energy in the air. It felt like someone was watching him and could observe his every move.

\'The magic here is strong.\' Arthur thought.

"Are you here for a class change?" A middle aged man appeared behind Arthur, almost startling him.

"Uh… no." Arthur shook his head.

"Hmm?" The man seemed to be surprised and looked at Arthur with intent.

Arthur felt appraisal skill being used on him knowing that the man was just checking him.

After all, it was unusual for first time visitors to not be getting a class change.

"How peculiar… you already have a class." The middle aged man replied. "Guess you had some fortune before coming here." He said, a rare smile appearing on his face.

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