
Chapter 501 - Returning To The Mages Association

Chapter 501 - Returning To The Mage\'s Association

Eldrian nodded in acknowledgment, wondering on what section Brazan had been stationed.

"Even back then rumors were often spread through the camp about your feats," Brazan said with a looked of understanding, "I finally understand how you managed to be the source of so many."

Eldrian just shrugged, he didn\'t care for all fame he had gained. Recently, people have even started staring at him. And not for the usual reasons, you know, him playing with spells and being an elf. Now they stared at him with curious starlit eyes. Similar to how people stared at celebrities.

Eldrian didn\'t like the change.

"Right, are you injured?" Eldrian asked.

"Mmm, my neck... You really didn\'t hold back with that last strike." Rubbing his neck, Brazan knew that if the shield hadn\'t been a training shield just like the weapons, his neck might have snapped.

Apologizing and casting a Tier 3 heal and rejuvenation as always, Eldrian then continued the fights.

Demilea and Dyneira were identical twins, and they both focused on archery. A style of fighting where Eldrian was completely on the back foot. Especially since they started further apart, utilizing nearly the entire courtyard (around 200 meters (656ft)).

Eldrian arranged it as such since if they started just twenty meters or so apart then his spells would be able to reach the centaurettes far before they could pull back their bowstrings.

In this manner, Eldrian had to close at least a hundred meters first to come in range where his spells could land. Giving them the time and space they needed to showcase their abilities properly.

They were both exceptional archers, each arrow perfectly aimed and forcing Eldrian to back off or take a hit. However, ultimately, he slowly closed the distance and once his spells could reach, the fight was over.

"Well done," Demilea smiled as she welcomed her sweating sister back who was quite crestfallen.

As identical twins, Demilea and Dyneira were certainly a sight to behold. Especially since they weren\'t humans, making it a curious thing.

However, they weren\'t that hard to identify from one another. Demilea was far more open and outgoing, Dyneira was far shyer.

"It isn\'t fair, I couldn\'t use any of my own arrows or even my bow. This one... It feels weird." Dyneira moaned, not happy with the fact that they both lost in the end.

Granted, they weren\'t just limited by the change of weapons, but also by having to fight alone. They always trained together and would time their attacks in such a manner to make dodging near impossible.

Together, they were confident of fighting against even Tier 5 individuals given enough space to utilize their bows.

"That was the last individual," Darren said, stepping forward and looking at the nine individuals left. The six who had some insight into how Eldrian controlled his spells, and then Armin, Jaka, and Tjan; shockingly, someone who was just Tier 1 had somehow managed to gain Eldrian\'s approval.

Their fight had reminded Eldrian of his against Vivian when he had just started learning how to fight. Tjan did everything he could, trading blow for blow in hopes of landing a hit on Eldrian. His determination was admirable, and Eldrian wondered what Tjan would be capable of given time.

"Right... I\'m tired and want some rest," Eldrian said while yawning, the entire ordeal had taken a number of hours and now the sun was already on its way down.

"If you all are sure you want to follow me, come here again tomorrow. Talk with Darren regarding your salaries, I already explained everything to him."

As Eldrian turned to leave, he paused by Darren to ask him if he would accept a permanent position. The centaur didn\'t even think twice about Eldrian\'s offer, immediately declining.


"It\'s about time I start learning some Tier 4 spells, but... Let\'s go to the mage\'s association just in case something goes wrong." Eldrian mumbled, greeted Cephaphyr and Maia, and explaining where he was going and offering for them to join.

Ceph enthusiastically agreed, Maia instead turned beet red and quickly declined while running away. Her tail swinging side to side uncontrollably as she retreated.

"What\'s up with her?" Eldrian asked, not expecting an answer, and especially not the one Ceph gave.

"She has a crush on you, obviously."

Stopping mid-step, Eldrian asked, "Obviously?"

"Yep, obviously."

\'Am I clueless or is Ceph playing with me?\' Eldrian questioned, and when he saw Ceph\'s innocent smile he felt it was the former. Or they were both simply clueless.

\'Was I being too casual, or is it just the titles?\' As Eldrian wondered this he also decided to hide his titles again, the number of looks he got was already far too much.

While it was impolite to use Observe on people, it seemed that everyone forgot about this regarding Eldrian and Cephaphyr.

"Eldrian!" Myropsis jumped up from her position and rushed the elf in joy. "Look!"

Eldrian watched as she made the ball of water slowly move in the air, it was still clumsy, she was more continually altering its flight than controlling how it moved. Still, it was impressive that she could maintain control for nearly ten seconds now.

"That\'s amazing, have you been able to replicate this with all Tier 0 spells?"

Myropsis sighed and shook her head, sad that it seemed she could only access two elements. "No, I can only do this with water and darkness."

"Darkness?" Eldrian looked at her in confusion, and she just shrugged.

"I have no idea why, I never thought I had a special affinity to darkness. Though, admittedly, I had always been pulled towards water spells. Especially for healing."

"Right, water can also heal..." Eldrian nodded but didn\'t quite understand how that worked.

Then again, neither did he understand how nature healing really worked. He just knew that the nature element was more mana in a free form that living creatures could take and make use of to accomplish extreme things like even regrowing limbs.

Water magic might do something similar. \'Is it the ether? I know to normal spells it adds momentum, but... Actually,\' Wanting to confirm it, Eldrian quickly cast Anthos on everyone in the room.

\'Yup, there is certainly no special mana in nature spells. Wait, does this mean all elements might be capable of healing? Rather, is it inefficient to use elements to heal?\'

Seeing Myropsis\'s and Ceph\'s curious gazes Eldrian quickly explained what he was wondering while shelving yet another mystery for later.

"Oh, that\'s simple," Ceph said, causing both to turn to him in disbelief.

"It is?" They asked in near unison, causing Ceph to wonder if these two had crushes on each other too.

"Yes, all healing magic is simply when you want someone to feel better. So your mana makes them feel better. Other spells are harder, you actually have to know what you want it to turn into."

Hearing the reply, the two stared at him in even more confusion. Eldrian feeling like slapping himself for expecting a normal, logical answer from Cephaphyr.

\'Right, he has no idea how to actually control his magic. Even after two months of training with his dad, it seems like he still struggles to understand that to everyone else it isn\'t that simple.\'

However, as Eldrian finished thinking this he suddenly felt like a hypocrite, often he couldn\'t explain things properly to others either. \'And, wait!\'

"Ceph, can you use fire to heal?"

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continually supports this novel on WN.

Single chapters will likely continue till the exam period is over. (Check AN below)

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