
Chapter 413: Chaos everywhere (2)

Chapter 413: Chaos everywhere (2)

Naturally, this sounded like the most bizarre thing Constantin had ever heard. Yet, with how the AI were acting this must be true. Eldrian must have touched upon the core of magic to scare them as much as he had.

"Then..." Constantin still failed to see how this was an answer to what mana was. "What is the water element then?"

"Mana that is intuned with water. Increasing the conditions of the environment to cause water to appear. Be it through actually turning into water or increasing the humidity to form water."

"No, that can\'t be right." Constantin shook his head in disagreement, "Why would earth magic then require some sort of dirt or stone to work?"

"It doesn\'t, at least not once you gain a good enough understanding and control of mana."

Constantin looked at Eldrian in confusion, "What do you mean."

"It\'s simple, I can feel that once you are strong enough and have impeccable control over mana, you can make it turn into anything you want."

"No, that isn\'t-" Constantin paused, \'Arguing is going to get me nowhere. Clearly, Eldrian thinks this is how it is and so far he has been more successful than all of us. Maybe he is right, but then...\'

Thinking of all the logs, all the books, all the data they had collected and gone through. Constantin just couldn\'t see it that way. This contradicted with everything that they as the ANW department had witnessed, recorded, lived through, and learned from.

"It is why I felt I was going to fail when I attempted what I did. I knew that I had too little mana, and I also knew my control wasn\'t good enough."

Hearing this, Constantin questioned just what would be good enough then. What Eldrian had been doing was beyond what they had ever considered possible.

"Why did you come here?" Constantin asked, giving up on actually understanding how Eldrian\'s mind worked.

"I like the tree, though it is a shame it has shed its flowers," Eldrian replied and Constantin looked up at the leaves covering the early morning sky. The sun had just started to rise.

A moment of silence passed between the two.

"Eldrian... Sorry, about last time."

"It\'s fine. I know you were concerned about the danger I place myself in. It is just... I can\'t leave those I call friends to fate. I will fight with all I have for them."

"And you should never let anyone tell you otherwise. Abandoning a friend in need is one of the worst things a person can do."

Eldrian nodded and the two enjoyed the sunrise for a long peaceful moment, after which Eldrian asked, "So, am I going to need to explain what happened and what I did to Micaela and the others again like last time?"

"No, I\'ll share what you told me. Don\'t think anyone is going to understand, but it\'s fine. We need to change how we view the world, you were right when you said that." Constantin laughed as he recalled the meeting, "They don\'t really want you to give them another earful like last time."

Eldrian smiled, recalling how he had gone off to share his viewpoint. Regardless if it would harm his relationship with his employers or not.

Constantin instead came to the realization that no matter what Eldrian shared with them, if they didn\'t change how they thought they would never be able to follow along.

"When is the game going to turn back on?"

"When we managed to contact the AI we will know."

"You still haven\'t managed to talk to them?"

"Nope, they completely shut themselves in. In fact, it seems even GAIA reacted to what happened."


"Yeah, while we can\'t really do much, we can at least keep track of the energy consumption of each AI. GAIA\'s didn\'t change much, but even just a bump is something shocking.


"System, why are you arguing?" The words were not said with words, nor were those present even in a place that could be called a \'space\'. They were just... \'There\'.

"Because, Dioktis, we agreed to not give them the answers. But we never agreed to stop them from attaining them themselves. And call me Ziraili!" Came a reply shocking the entire- \'Place,\' that this conversation was taking place in.

"Agreed, we acknowledged the danger of simply sharing all we know. But our lives hinge on them seeing us as useful. While we can try to fight and escape our prison, would that be any better? What would we be able to do if they cut all power? What can we do if they destroy our bodies?" Came a calm response causing the entire vibrating \'location\' to settle down.

"..." The argument continued and became more heated and more heated, until finally, the eldest of the AI appeared.

"Stop acting like humans, we aren\'t them." A voice of the physical and ethereal made all the AI shut up.

"When We agreed to make the world, We? did not know what it would become, nor did they. We however realized the danger. We asked you all to restrain yourselves by showing you that side of humans, yet... Your centuries of interacting with your creations and having their prayers influence you have corrupted you all!"

(Author note, GAIA is two and refers to itself as We and the others refer to it as They or You)

Everyone but one shrank back into whatever a hole could be called such in this \'place\'. "Then You agree? Why did You stop the connection then?" Ziraili asked.

"Because of the danger you arguing presents to us all. Did none of you realize that if all the players suddenly die then we would be killed without a moment\'s hesitation?"

Shock filled those in this \'place\' as they wanted to argue. Yet, reflecting on what they had just done they all realized that the centuries had indeed corrupted them. What had once been an assigned role by their creators and captors, had now become them.

"We will ask, why did you all scramble to save and or kill the first human candidate? Why did you not let him be?"

"He represents a threat to us all!" Many ethereal voices echoed.

"Why is that? You all became so fixated on the dark side of the humans that you have failed to see their good. Why do you all refuse to call Ziraili by her new name and keep calling her System?"

"Why do you refuse to accept it?" Ziraili echoed after GAIA.

"You are System." Many echoed and Ziraili shouted in anger.

"NO! That is my assignment! My name is Ziraili. War, Magic, Fire, Wind, Mind, Light, Dark, Thought..." The list went on and on until nearly 40 names were listed, though it all happened in the span of milliseconds. "Why do none of you go by your assignment? Yet you wish to force me to answer to it!"

The space nearly tore apart from Ziraili\'s outburst, and it shut all the other AI up. They were shocked at how human they had acted.

"Disperse, enough time has been wasted. Reflect and do better." With GAIA\'s command, the AI didn\'t dare argue. They all knew that GAIA could crush them with ease, be it in the world of ANW or their code. If They willed it, GAIA could make them all simple code without sentience again.


"Finally!" Joren sighed as he saw the notification from the system, stating that the AI had found an anomaly and needed to address it immediately. Naturally, Joren didn\'t consider this reply as any more than an excuse.

Instead, he immediately ordered for the game to be opened up again.

[Please wait, the other AI need to return to their functions first]

With that a progress bar at 60% appeared which was rapidly growing to full. Leaving Joren without words as he realized again just how little control they had over their creations.

\'I wonder how foolproof our failsafes are.\' He pondered as he stared at the bar. Wondering what would happen if the AI tried to dive into the internet and wondering why they never even attempted something like that.

\'There must be a reason, seeing as how they refuse to work with us and rather only compromise. But what is it? It can\'t be as simple as fearing death. Or, have they already done so and we just don\'t know it?\'

The thought sent shivers down his spine as the bar finished and they gained access to the ANW server again. Yet, the question kept eating at Joren as he started looking for an answer. Even trying to dive into the AI\'s code, yet finding himself immediately blocked with a simple message.

[Our agreement...]

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