
Chapter 378: A match with a streamer

Chapter 378: A match with a streamer

With their match completed everyone slowly left Elizabeth\'s virtual home. Standing up, Eldrian decided to go for a relaxed walk before his next match. He had just barely managed to scrape into the individual spear matches\' required rank.

Unlike the two main categories, these side competitions were far more forgiving.

Eldrian didn\'t think he was going to actually make it far, but he still wanted to participate as much as he could. So, around two hours later he returned and logged in for the fight.

Unlike the team match, this arena was a 100x100 meter field. Also, there was no choosing the field since everyone was using the same weapon in these fights. Both of them spawned in a grassland with short-kept grass. The arena appearing more like a training ground than anything else.

Looking at his opponent around 50 meters away, Eldrian sighed as he realized that his stats were still reduced and he had no access to magic as always. The queer feeling made him wonder if these arenas were someplace different, possibly more like the virtual homes than the game.

He could not contemplate on this for as long as he wanted. Unlike the team matches and the free-for-all individual ones, there were no cancelation rounds. Instead, it was immediately to business. Meaning even if he lost he would still have a chance to win if he could come out on top in the loser bracket.

Naturally, Eldrian didn\'t want to go through that. He was most certainly going to give his all, however, he realized a crucial fact. While he had managed to become used to his real body and his avatar (No longer feeling disconnected from either), he had stopped training IRL.

Just a few practice swings confirmed this to him again, not that it was something he wasn\'t aware of. He just hadn\'t cared for it during the last matches. All he had wanted was to stay in a high enough rank, which was not too hard as long as he did not get matched with those truly proficient with spears.

Luckily, not everyone decided to be a spear user. Nor did very many have real-life training in polearms. As such there was just a select few who basically always won their fights. The rest all scrambled for the spots behind those few.

"You\'re an elf?" His opponent asked as they both stopped around 10 meters from each other. Naturally, since there was no magic they couldn\'t use observe to spy out the other race. And that was about all that using it would be able to give you in any case.

"Yes," Eldrian replied as he gripped Aoidos and prepared for the fight. Knowing that it would be quite challenging without his aces.

As he gripped the spear he could feel that it was not the real weapon. Something that he had never realized before, whether this was due to Miracle changing the fight locations, or just him having become much more intuned with the weapon. Eldrian was not sure.

Yet this added another layer of uncertainty to his already low certainty.

Seeing Eldrian getting his weapon ready the man sighed, "Man, don\'t you want to at least tell me who you are before we start fighting?"

"Why?" Eldrian asked with a frown as he got into the defensive stance of the Grigora technique. Just doing so he already felt the awkwardness of not having practices IRL or in his virtual home.

"Come on, this is supposed to be a show!" The man in front of him said with sad annoyance. "How am I supposed to get any viewers if you just want to get straight into the fight?"

"You\'re a streamer?" Eldrian asked while contemplating if he should strike while the man was defenseless. Not having even taken his weapon out of whatever inventory they had in this space.

Again, Eldrian assumed it was similar to the one used for Virtual homes as there too they could summon things they wanted. Though not at will, there was a fee for doing so if one wanted to really go crazy.

Naturally, he also had his armor on. Strangely, he did not feel weird with it being on him. He had grown so used to the pieces since he always wore them in the game.

The man in front of him also had some armor, though not anything amazing. He had a leather chestplate as well as two metal gauntlets.? "Yeah, though I\'m not a big shot. Call me Ash."

"Eldrian," Eldrian replied, wondering just when Ash was going to start the fight. When Ash started asking him what type of elf he was and how he felt about the game Eldrian quickly lost his patience.

"Let\'s just fight. We are here to fight, not to meet new people."

"That might be true for you, but not for me." Ash quickly countered, "You can never have too many connections. But you are right, we are here to fight."

Saying that Ash finally took out his spear. An elegant... Polearm, with a curious design covering the metal shaft. The back blade had a crescent-moon-shaped blade, while the front had nearly no blade. Just a point. The design was strange and calling it a spear might be a stretch.

Though this was to be expected since while they had used the term spear for these matches, most polearms were acceptable weapons.

"Nice right," Ash smiled broadly as he saw Eldrian checking out his baby. "It sucks that its abilities are locked though."

"It\'s a magic weapon?" Eldrian asked with slight surprise. While players were slowly getting their hands on what could actually be called equipment. It was still not a common thing.

"Of course, did you think I made it into the tourney without having any skill?" Ash replied, shaking his head in a clearly staged disproving manner. He was clearly trying to put up an act for his viewers, however many that might be.

"Let\'s see," Eldrian said, suddenly charging forth. His spear aimed for Ash\'s heart.

"Let me show you!" Ash shouted back as if he was in an anime, countering with the backend of his weapon and trying to control Eldrian\'s spear with the crescent blade.

Eldrian smiled as he saw this, suddenly changing direction. Stepping to the side and making the thrust a wound up overhead strike. Ash did not let him down though, quickly bringing his spear up and using the shaft to absorb the strike.

"Not bad, now let\'s-" Before he could continue he found that Eldrian had let his spear slip through his hands to regrip it higher up on the shaft. Thrusting anew now beneath his weapon.

"Shi-" Ash quickly tried to bring his weapon down to block, and he succeeded. Though Eldrian had managed to claim first blood. Jumping back the two smiled at each other as they realized that they were about on the same level.

Naturally, Eldrian would have wiped the floor with Ash if he had his stats or just a bit of magic. However, without his aces he found himself a good match. Smiling Eldrian shouted teasingly at Ash, "Nice block!"

Ash smirked hearing the reply, "I didn\'t think you would be so good. Now, let\'s see if you can keep up with this!"

Eldrian smiled and charged forward too, not one to sit out on the fun. He quickly lost himself in the absurdity of their fight. While their attacks were solid, as were their defenses. Their teasing and taunting were childish. Yet that was what Eldrian enjoyed the most of it all.

It felt like they were truly fighting just to enjoy the fight, instead of having a deathmatch.

"Come on, I am sure your viewers must be embarrassed for you," Eldrian shouted as he let Ash\'s thrust glance over his pauldron. Stepping in close and throwing a punch. The look of surprise on Ash\'s face made him smirk in joy as he claimed victory.

The punch had sent Ash reeling back. While he had not lost his footing, he had also not repaired his stance before Eldrian\'s spear thrust through his side. Going through the gap that he had found in the armor. Where the leather armor connected with the straps, near the shoulder.

The attack was not a fatal wound. Yet, from it, Ash\'s defeat was written. The wound basically disabled his left arm, and while he could wield his weapon with one hand, there was no way he could keep up with Eldrian doing so.

"I yield!" Ash shouted just as Eldrian was about to land another strike. This time on his thigh. "Man! Eldrian you seriously have some skill." Ash sighed as he mumbled how it sucked being defeated in his first math.

"Thanks, you too," Eldrian replied, just barely managing to stop his attack.

"Hey, why don\'t you add me as a friend?" Ash asked as a counter appeared in both of their vision. Informing them that they only had 30 seconds left before being removed from the arena.

"Sure," Eldrian smiled as he received a friend request from Ash.

"See you around then, hope I can beat the loser bracket," Ash said as he disappeared. Eldrian following soon after.

Waking up Eldrian felt strange about what had just happened. After a bit of contemplation, he sighed and mumbled, "That is how a game is supposed to be. Purply fun, no pressure. Just going at it and acting like a child... Alas..."

The realization did not make Eldrian wish that ANW was less real. More than anything it reinforced just how much it was not a game to him. However, it also informed Eldrian of how he could have some fun in the future.

PvP matches were confirmed to be a stable thing in the future. Eldrian couldn\'t wait for it. For when he could randomly match with anyone and just have fun fighting to his heart\'s contentment without any worry.

Without worrying about winning or losing. Without worrying about someone being hurt or even dying. Without worrying about progress. Just having fun.

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