
Chapter 188

Days quickly passed by, and the winter grew harsher. One storm after the other, Daraku was finding it harder and harder to climb the mountain. The only ray of hope keeping him standing was the warm sunlight that rarely illuminated the land.

His limbs were constantly screaming from the cold but he kept moving, he lived on mountain foot and know that no one provided food for the shrine at the top.

After sneaking around the village he heard them talking about it for the first time. The shrine seems to have been abandoned for decades, now it was a hole for rejected kids to live in. Those who have been abandoned by their parents because of poverty or got orphaned by war. Life was hard as it is, those kids were just unlucky.

Daraku scored at their words, he was disgusted by their lack of care and cold hearts. He remembered the face of that girl, anger grew in his heart and he rushed to chase some traveling merchants to vent his feelings. I better get them food for today.

In the shrine, Miko looked outside. The storm was getting violent. ‘This might be that day that he won’t come’ she thought getting back in.

The inside of the shrine was small, with only one big room divided into four sections with old rugs. Over ten children sat around a fire lit in the shrine’s broken bell.

The worshiping pedestal was being used as a kitchen sink, directly under the statue of a woman holding a sun in her right and a moon in her left. One of the kids stared at her and asked “Miko, who is she?”

Miko was just two years older than the kid, being only six she barely know what this place was “Probably some old god.” She replied, quickly turning away to melt the snow in the old pot, “Will she be angry at us, we’re drying our clothes on her hands after all.” He added and Miko glared back at him.

“It doesn’t matter, a goddess who abandoned her temple won’t glance back at us.” Miko splashed some of the water she was melting onto the statue’s face, “See, she isn’t don’t mind.” Miko quickly turned back to her work, what was important is boil the bones left from yesterday with the plants she collected from around the shrine to make a light soup.

“Don’t stand there, go help the other clean.” She ordered him and quickly rushed to help.

CRACK! She heard a noise outside, it was a familiar one. Surprised she rushed to the door, today for sure she will catch him. But to her disappointment, he had already left.

“Rice and old bread.” As she looked to the side her eyes opened wide, and a red trail of blood traced the ground and faded into the trees. Quickly rushing out, she found the blood trail end shortly into the forest. “Why did he come if he this injured.” Her heart ached for not being able to stop him, why was he going to this length for them?

As her bare feet screamed in pain from the cold she was forced to rush back in, The kids rushed to her in panic. “Miko are you okay, you’re shaking.” One of the kids screamed, “You’re burning hot!” A girl yelled as she sneaked her hand to Miko’s forehead.

She immediately dismissed their concerns, “I’m alright, let’s get back to work. You clean the rice, use the hot water over there.” her head was starting to hurt, she shouldn’t have rushed outside like that, her starving body isn’t able to handle such a thing.

BANG! BANG! She was alarmed by the sudden loud knocking, it was so loud she thought they were trying to kick the door down. “Hurry and hid in the corner,” She quickly covered the kids with a rug and walked to the door. Miko was sure this wasn’t that kid, he never came to them like this. She had seen a lot of kids being sold out as slaves and they might have been targeted.

She slowly opened the door with shaking hands, wishing that whoever was there won’t notice the kids.

“You’re scrawny aren’t you?” The bulky kid laughed as he stood at the door, Miko was about to comment on his blatant insult when she noticed the Katana in his waist. ‘A samurai, at this age?’ her thoughts scrambled, it was forbidden to carry swords unless you can wield them. That took years of training, the kid in front of her shouldn’t have reached such skills.

“What business brought you here?” She asked in a quiet tone, trying to not anger the kid. Even if he didn’t hold the Katana, he could just beat everyone else here if he wanted. Miko finally noticed the large bag on his back.

“Have you seen a kid as scrawny as you here, he had messy hair as well!” He wasn’t here for them but instead for that kid? “No, I didn’t see him.” She wasn’t lying but she also wasn’t so shameless to sell the one who fed them this whole time.

The brawny kid looked to the side noticing the blood trail. He immediately pulled his Katana from the sheath, the blade glowed silver in the faint sunlight. “Have you seen him?” He asked again. Miko held her breath and gulped, the words she was about to say will be punished by death.

“No, I haven’t seen him.” She said closing her eyes, the slash never came, instead, she heard a thud in front of her. The brawny kid started laughing again. “A will as hard as his, I was right to come to check!” He yelled loud enough to scare the kids hiding behind.

“In this bag, you will find rice, dried meat, beans, and other rations. I added some rags that I was intending to throw out.” He said turning and walking away. Miko stood there for a moment before grabbing the bag and getting back in.

As the kid walked down the long stairs he was confronted by an adult man holding a katana as well. The two looked similar.

“Those were taken from our storage, why would you do that?” The man asked with a serious face.

The kid turned to face him with a straight face. “That was my share, This winter I have seen two people with will harder than my blade. I intend to learn from that!” The kid’s honest look made the man sight.

“Listen Takeshi, you might be strong for a kid your age but you gotta eat. Other wide you will grow weak.” The man was concerned, his face broke into a forced smile as he patted his son on the back.

“Father, this sword who I won shall be my guide and soul. I want to test my limits.” The kid’s eyes burned with a flame of passion as he stared at his reflection on the blade.

“Talking big for a kid, but I guess that’s what it takes to beat a samurai at this age.” The two of them slowly walked down the mountain. Takeshi smiled with pride and held his blade at the age of 5.

The storm only got harsher, as Takeshi reached his house he took off his shirt and stood outside in the cold swinging his sword.

“GI (Integrity)!” He swung his blade down rattling the garden.

“GI!” Over and over, he kept swinging his blade until the snow refused to form around him.

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