
Chapter 189 The Secret Of Domains Part 2

The old man\'s  gaze landed upon Vincent, his golden eyes holding a depth that seemed to reach beyond the surface. There was a sense of tranquility in his observation, as if he wasn\'t simply looking at Vincent, but rather delving into the very core of his being.

It felt natural, as if the old man had a unique ability to see beyond appearances and truly perceive the essence of those he encountered.

Inhaling a deep breath, the old man seemed to gather his thoughts, as if preparing to share something that held the potential to shatter the very foundations of the world. The air around them grew still, heavy with anticipation, as if space itself held its breath in anticipation of his revelation. 

Vincent leaned in, captivated by the weight of the moment, eager to hear what the old man had to say.

"You know," the old man said, shaking his head in mock disappointment, "you could have just stopped walking. Why tire yourself out like that, young man?" His voice held a hint of playful humor, as if he found the whole situation amusing.

"Stop walking? Wait? What do you mean?" he asked with a perplexed expression on his face. He had anticipated the old man to speak with an air of wisdom and authority, but instead, he was surprisingly easygoing, catching Vincent  totally off guard.

The old man chuckled softly, as if amused by Vincent\'s confusion. 

"Oh, I almost forgot," the old man chuckled, his tone filled with a hint of mischief. "Everyone who leaves this place loses their memories so no one told you about this rule. Hahaha!"

"You could have escaped that dark place simply by giving up. Then, you would have been able to create your own domain. You really didn\'t have to walk all the way here."

"Are you for real?" Vincent\'s anger surged within him, his frustration evident in his voice.  . The revelation hit him like a heavy blow, shattering his already fragile state of mind. All the time and effort he had spent walking, enduring countless traumas and hardships, now seemed utterly wasted.

His mind felt exhausted and shattered, weighed down by the weight of betrayal and the crushing realization that his journey had all been in vain.

"I can\'t believe I wasted my time here ," 

"Don\'t worry, young man, time move faster here than your world. " the old man reassured, his laughter echoing through the air.

"And you did not waste your time at all. You got the chance to talk to me before you go. It\'s been ages since someone came here. But I must warn you that you will just lose all your memory after leaving." His laughter continued, a touch of amusement was evident in his voice. 

"I don\'t really care about that. And I\'m not really in the mood to chat right now. I think I have gone mad from all those walking" Vincent let out a weary sigh, his mind clouded and fatigued from endless walking. The weariness had taken its toll, leaving him feeling as if his sanity was slipping away.

If only his mind still operated with its usual clarity, he would have been consumed by rage already after realizing that all his efforts had been in vain. Though it would have been the expected response, he found himself too numb to sustain anger or any strong emotion for an extended period of time. 

"Nonsense! Let\'s get you to a more comfortable place first,  then I will heal your exhaustion ," the old man chuckled mischievously, and with a flick of his finger, the surroundings plunged into darkness for a fleeting moment. As the darkness dissipated, Vincent\'s eyes widened in astonishment.

The expanse of the sky stretched endlessly, merging seamlessly with the vastness of the Earth below. He could almost feel the gentle caress of the wind as it danced through his hair. The vibrant colors of the landscape, the rolling hills, the sparkling rivers, and the lush forests, all seemed to come alive in vivid detail.

He reached out to touch the marble surface of the table, its coolness grounding him in the present moment. It was solid, tangible, and unquestionably real. This place transcended mere illusion, offering him a glimpse into a realm that defied the boundaries of his previous experiences.

"This feeling ," he closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation of the gentle breeze against his skin. He let the immensity of this newfound reality wash over him, filling him with a profound sense of connection to the world around him.

This was nothing like those domains, belonging to the enemies he had faced , which had appeared huge at first glance, but their horizons proved to be mere optical tricks, lacking true substance or depth.

In addition, to his amazement, not only did his weariness fade away, but his mind also regained to normal. He was still aware of the countless years he had spent walking in that dark abyss, but now it felt as if only a few hours had passed.

As he opened his eyes, he noticed that the old man was still by his side, observing him with a knowing smile. 

"Thank you for healing me senior," he expressed his sincere gratitude , overwhelmed with appreciation for the healing he had received. He now realized that the person standing before him must be a very prominent figure in the supernatural realm, possessing immense power to perform such a remarkable feat.

"This place," he began, his voice filled with wonder and curiosity, "it feels so different from anything I\'ve encountered before. It\'s as if every breath I take here is infused with a sense of reality, of authenticity. How is it possible?"

"Oh, this place is my World Domain," the old man replied with a proud expression.

"World Domain? I thought the highest rank was Personal Domain," he asked, his voice filled with intrigue. He was eager to unravel the mysteries and distinctions behind these new rank of domains.

"Hahaha , you think Personal Domain is the highest rank ?" 

As the old man chuckled, Vincent couldn\'t help but notice a hint of arrogance in his eyes. However, it wasn\'t the kind of arrogance that stemmed from negativity or malice. Instead, it emanated from a deep sense of confidence in one\'s abilities, the kind that arises from knowing that you are the very best .

"Ah, you\'re very wrong, my young friend. The Personal Domain is only the most common and accessible form of domain. It is a reflection of an individual\'s inner world, their thoughts, desires, and aspirations."

Vincent nodded, recalling the encounters he had with individuals who possessed their own  Domains. It made sense to him, as he had witnessed firsthand how these domains shaped and influenced their abilities and actions.

"However," the old man continued, a hint of excitement in his voice, "the World Domain transcends the boundaries of the Personal Domain. It represents a domain that encompasses not only the inner world of an individual but also extends its influence and reach beyond, touching and shaping the world around them permanently ."

Vincent\'s voice quivered with astonishment and fear as he blurted out, "Wait, don\'t tell me... You\'re God?"

The pieces of the puzzle seemed to align in his mind, connecting the dots between the old man\'s extraordinary abilities and his own experiences. The notion that the being before him could be the divine figure himself left him both awestruck and eager for confirmation.

"I am... "

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