
Chapter 36.2

Chapter 36.2

The day after the operation failed, Lia dedicated time each day to learning how to use a dagger from Ian. Calluses formed on her palm, minor cuts covered her hands. Not a lady’s hands anymore, Lia took pride in them.

Turning a corner, Lia ran into Marilyn, traveling in the opposite direction. Her hands were clenched tightly in front of her and her face was pale.

The question on Lia’s lips died when she saw the other woman’s icy glare.

Arriving at the front door, she noticed Claude already in the carriage, glaring ahead.

Her heart ached. She hated being escorted by someone who thought she was despicable.

When their eyes met, she felt uncomfortable, but to keep their cover, they had to leave together. Nevertheless, when clambering into the carriage, Lia was grateful that he didn’t lend her a hand.

Lia didn’t have the courage to talk while sitting across from him in such a confined space. Instead, she nervously ran her fingers over the bruise from the day before.

When he grabbed her wrist, she was so surprised that her heart dropped out of her chest, bounced once or twice on the floor before finally coming to rest inside her throat.

“Stop,” Lia said in desperation.

“If I twisted it, I could break it easily,“ he mumbled under his breath.

Wrenching her hand away from him, she put it out of his reach asking, “Do we have another lead now that Eddie Kirkham was expelled?”

“I’ll be doing it,” he said, his voice empty of emotion.

“You will? But the Louvre roads are....” Lia said, doubting her ears.

“Don’t worry. I memorized them all.”

She wanted to yell, but seeing his serious expression, she held her tongue.

“The informant told them about you. They really want to kidnap you now,“ he said, a tiny grin on his lips.

“Why do they want to kidnap me?”

Instead of answering, he started the car. A low vibration could be felt throughout her body, as they drove away from the Shelby mansion.

As the rays of the setting sun fell over half her face, Claude turned to Lia, saying, “A few days ago, I saw a woman who looked almost exactly like you.”

“I guess I have a common face. You’re not the first person to say something like that,“ she said, hoping she sounded convincing.

Scoffing, he said, “I have people looking for her. I need to make sure of a few things.”

Unable to avoid his gaze any longer, she turned to him, her expression outraged.

He had a small, albeit twisted, smile on his face. His usually clear eyes, now a shade darker.

He looked to be puzzling out something internally. Coming to a decision, he darted a hand out towards her neck, wrapping his fingers around her throat. Her eyes widen in surprise and shock.

Bringing his face closer to her, he spoke, “I think you might be that woman, Canillian.”

“Are you mad?” she exclaimed in dismay.

His face was set in stone. This was not a joke.


The Duke doubted her story. His distrust was evident in his movements, always staying uncomfortably close. to her.

Opening up her parasol, Lia thought she could gain some distance, forcing him to give her some space.

She was hyperaware of the naked stares from the surrounding people. Attempting to put the passerby’s out of her mind, she spoke, gesturing towards the Louvre across the river, “I’m going in.”

“Entering is dangerous, rather circle around,” the Duke said.

“Then, respectfully, your highness, move away from me. No one is going to approach me while you are here and risk the rath of Duke Ihar,“ Lia said, her voice not reflecting her nervousness.

Claude stretched out a hand to her, pulling Lia towards him, sitting on a nearby bench.

“They are going to kidnap you because they think you’re my lover. I only need to be here for a little while longer, so please try to look like you are enjoying your time with me,“ he said in a soft whisper.

“Lover?” Lia asked questioningly. “Isn’t it common knowlage that Marilyn is your lover and not me?“

“Well, if Marilyn is my lover, then that would make you my mistress,” he said, winking at her.

Buying a newspaper from a boy selling them, he took a seat and started intently reading it. People walking past stared at him, but he seemed not to notice.

“Relax and wait to be kidnapped... mistress,“ he said in a teasing tone.

Lia scoffed at his outrageous comment, looking around at the people passing by. Her eyes met that of a gentlemen wearing a fedora.

He looked to be in his late forties, with a neatly cut handlebar must ash. Lia recognised the doctor who had treated her mother when she was younger. He luckily did not seem to know who she was. Nevertheless, Lia quickly looked away from him.

As the sun began to set and the sky was filled with splashes of orange, Claude’s hands tensed around the newspaper.

Foot traffic became increasingly frequent, and more people stared at the two of them.

“It begins.”

With Claude’s whisper, her heart started pounding.

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