
Chapter 119 - A Proper Exchange

"Is that normal?\'

Covering her mouth in an attempt to stifle her laughter, Iris asked in between giggles leaving her lips as the dancing came to a stop as the primorelf had reached his limit.

"I guess you could say we\'re a bit more of free-spirits than our uptight brethren, although my old bones don\'t allow me to partake in such dances for very long these days!"

Seating himself back down, huffing as he attempted to regain his quickly spent stamina, Heldjrim took a large gulp of the tea he had brewed.

"Still...I have to ask, if this Macheo person deceived you, taking advantage of your hospitality...Why did you take the chance of letting me in?"

"I\'d like to say that I am a good judge of character, but after Macheo...I don\'t think I have any right to say that. So, if I\'m being completely honest, missus...It was a gamble. You were my only hope to save my daughter and this village."

Getting her satisfactory answer, Iris took another sip of the refreshing beverage, taking another look at the cottage of the village elder before calling his attention once more.

"I have one condition if I\'m to help you with this Macheo problem."

"...Yes? If it is within my power, I will give you anything that you ask for, missus."

Looking at the kettle for a moment, her eyes then went back to Heldjrim, who always seemed hesitant to meet her own lenses with his own.

"Teach me how to use magic without using an incantation."

Opening his mouth in an attempt to argue against this request, Heldjrim stopped as the piercing resolve from Iris\' gaze shut down any doubts he could muster.

"Are you sure, missus? I have no trouble passing this knowledge to you, but I can\'t guarantee you will be able to adapt to it. As you know, it is a trait common for elves...It is seldom seen in other races."

"I am sure."

"Well...I\'ll introduce you to Heimgol, he is the brightest practitioner of magecraft in our village. I must warn you though, missus, he is a peculiar fellow. Nobody in the village has seen him leave his quarters in well over a month."

He seemed hesitant but willing, running his flaxen nail along the rim of his glasses, standing up from his seat as the elf of seniority waddled towards the table once more to return the tea kettle to its rightful place.

"So what is it you want me to do exactly in regards to Macheo? I\'ll agree to help...However, I won\'t agree to murder another person."

"I wouldn\'t ask such a thing either, missus. As much as I scorn that young man, I believe he is simply tainted by the concept of such power...If I\'m correct, then I believe giving him a taste of defeat will cleanse him of this corrupt nature he has taken on."

"Even after he took away your daughter, you still believe such a thing?"

Heldjrim paused for a moment, looking down at the table as he ran his thumb over the grooves of the stone, "...Maybe it is naivety speaking in place of reason, but the genuine curiosity of our culture and the smiles that boy showed...I trust that those were not lies. This place is cruel and unforgiving to those that enter it in hopes of defeating the trial, missus...I believe a young man like him simply wanted a way out, and this was his only option."

Even as he spoke, some words left as if they were choked out of his throat, his opulent irises glistening with a spectrum of emotions.

"--I understand, Heldjrim, I do."

Iris gave him a gentle smile as she attempted to console the somber primorelf, standing beside him as her oceanic curtains fell over her narrow shoulders.

"If he really is as you say, then I\'m sure Uylia is unharmed...I\'ll return her and the happiness of this village to you."

"Thank you, missus, truly."

"So, what\'s the plan here? Am I just going to wait here until Macheo arrives then confront him?"

Iris asked, taking a sip from the new batch of tea that the elder of the Ender clan had made, who sat himself down across from her with his own cup.

"About that…" Heldjrim cleared his throat, "I think it would be better if you confronted him first, but which I mean--seek him out before he comes here."

"Weren\'t you planning on having me face him when he arrives tomorrow?"

Iris raised an eyebrow at the shift in plans, still having some level of doubt when it came to Heldjrim--even if he had a noble reason to lie, he was still capable of deceiving her.

"Well, yes...Only because there was no other choice. Now that you\'ve agreed to help, this is the better option. It\'s just...a battle between two mages of your and his caliber would come with heavy collateral to the village, potentially the villagers as well. As the elder, this is something I must mitigate. I\'m sure you understand, missus."

"Can you cut out the whole "missus" thing, please? It\'s making me feel like an old lady…"

Her abrupt disapproval of the term caught the brittle primorelf off guard, who paused for a moment before slowly nodding his head with an, "...Alright, what shall I call you then?"

"Just Iris is fine."

"Well, alright then, Iris. So what do you think? A few of the abled youngins scouted out the tunnels and found where Macheo is staying. I\'m sure with the element of surprise on your side…"

Iris watched as Heldjrim delved right back into the topic, desperation had consumed his voice as he spoke of the plan. It was clear as day to her that this "Macheo" had instilled a level of fear into the poor cave-dwelling elves, presuming the role of a tyrannical leader.

"You said the tunnels right? When I was out there it seemed to go on endlessly, I swear it."

In response to her somber worries, Heldjrim let out a dry chuckle, coughing after releasing the small fit of joy from his throat.

"What\'s so funny?"

"Nothing, Iris. It\'s a simple trick that the gods etched into these depths. You see, it\'s supposed to be a small, cut-off section within the trial for us primorelves to exist...So the enchantment was meant to ward off adventurers or creatures that managed to wander off."

"That didn\'t seem to work did it?"

"It did for a while, but it was inevitable that one such as Macho would stumble upon the solution to the endless tunnel."

Heldjrim let out a quiet sigh between his cracked lips, adjusting his ocular lenses and scratching the top of his silver-haired head.

"So what is this trick you\'re referring to?"

"It is quite simple really, all you must do is keep one palm flat against the leftmost wall as you walk, then you\'ll move forward."


Knowing the solution now, she didn\'t know whether she wanted to slap herself or the petty gods that likely watched as she endlessly walked the tunnel. Even with all of his reverence for the gods, Heldjrim dipped his head slightly in agreement.

"You\'re really asking me to stick my neck out for you, you know? I\'m only going to do this in exchange for something else."

"--What is it you want? We don\'t have much to offer in compensation…"

"Your kind are acclimated to these depths right?"

Her question was met in response from a slight nod from Heldjrim, who squinted his eyes a bit as he attempted to deduce what she wanted before she asked. The brittle elder fidgeted as he thought, tapping his barefoot against the ground.

"I need help finding someone in this trial. This deal is...It\'s non-negotiable."

Iris planted her palms down against the smooth surface of the table, keeping her resolved gaze locked on the elder as she made her demands clear. Hearing this, Heldjrim took a moment to ponder what she wanted from him, scratching his sharp, ragged nails against his scruffy chin. Falling deeper into thought, the wise in age primorelf murmured to himself, fiddling with the pointy end of his ear.

"It is a steep price you\'ve given me to pay, Iris."

"You\'re asking me to do battle with a likely powerful adventurer, I think this is fair enough."

"I understand that but...My kind aren\'t just given free rein to traverse the sacred land. In exchange for a secluded, safe place for my people, we\'re under but one rule: to stay within this village. It is a more than fair rule for what the gods have given us, to betray that is…"

"What is so safe about this village now with Macheo planting himself as a bandit to your kind? There is nothing comforting about living in fear of another, having to divide your resources and grant them to him. Is this what you want the primorelves to be reduced to? Weak, sickly people who bend to the will of one man?"

The words cut into the elder, who dropped his head down as the meaning behind them sank into him. As his head dipped, so did his sharp ears, flopping down like a saddened canine.

"What you say is true...We\'ve been reduced to nothing. I...I\'ll speak with my people, I can likely send out a few scouts who are willing, but no more than that."


Reading the doubt on the girl\'s fair face, Heldjrim fervently assured her, "Worry not, my people excel in such things. I\'m sure your friend will be found."

"I see...It\'s a deal then."

With it decided, the two shook on it, meeting hand-in-hand. Grasping his small hand, the size of which roughly equated to a pre-teen human, Iris smiled as she finally made some progress in her search for Ren.

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