
Chapter 1258 Indoctrination Time?

(Kiyomi POV)

I stared straight at the woman in front of me who still wore that mask of a smile without flinching.

With my experience in theatre, I\'ve learned how to change my facial and body expressions to express certain emotions and thoughts without voicing them out.

It may not be perfect, but I\'ve also come to learn how to see the emotions of others and understand what the people around me might be thinking from their countenance, a skill that I had been making use of to observe the people around me for a while.

While it allowed me to tell what people might be thinking most of the time, it also allowed me to see when people are faking their emotions.

Iris had been someone completely unreadable to me since it looked like she was a complete blank slate all the time. The only thing that I could tell was that she at least loved Master as much as we do, since her smile would turn into a genuine one when she was looking at Him.

One other reason why I was sure of this was because I was the same in that regard.

Iris tilted her head slightly to the left, so slight that one might not have been able to notice it even if you had been watching her closely. It was an action that I recognised to be \'slight amusement\' for her.

That was a good sign, at least better than the slight narrowing of her eyes and a twitch of her lips which would have meant that she was angered.

As far as we\'ve come since we\'ve met Master, I was not delusional enough to think that I could ever match her or Master in terms of power. I could chase after them until the end of time and they would be forever out of my reach.

Which suited me fine as that was what attracted me to Master in the first place anyway.

"How interesting… And how long have you known this, little Kiyomi?" She asked.

"Your expressions? I figured them out a while ago. Your intentions for us? I realised that after our talk with that Supreme Goddess and I did some thinking on my own."

"Ara, ara? I see… I suppose I should be more careful in that case~"

"You still have not answered my question though?" I pointed out.

Now her head was tilted more visibly and her smile widened considerably, which meant that she was more amused than she was previously.

"Ara? I do not believe you ever asked me a question, did you?"

Hmm… She\'s right, I did not.

"In that case, allow me to ask if everything I had said about you setting us up was true?"

She chuckled while hiding her mouth from view with her right sleeve while her other arm supported her elbow. That meant she was slightly annoyed which was something I expected.

"I suppose it won\'t be incorrect for you to say that, but I would have to insist that I most definitely did not set you all up~ The idea came solely from you all and I merely just helped a little with covering up for you~ I only aided all of you in trying to accomplish such a wish, but I never pushed you all to do it~"

"That\'s just semantics, isn\'t it?" Eris growled. "You saw the chance to get rid of us and you leapt at it, even though you knew this was definitely something we would live to regret."

"Ara, ara? All of you wished to have no one above you except for Master to dictate what you can or cannot do, yes? And you also wanted to be able to spread your beliefs of worshipping Master to the rest of the Universe, right? This would have helped you achieve that goal so wouldn\'t it be rude of me to stop you in achieving that?"

None of us could respond to that because it was true.

Elder Sister stepped forward until she was within arms length of Iris, "Ara, ara? Does Master know about this? Wouldn\'t it be a problem if we were to let Master know that you have been scheming behind His back again?"

She smiled at Elder Sister in turn, though the slight crease of her brow showed that she was actually quite upset.

"Ufufufu~ This is where you are mistaken, little Manami~ I have done nothing of that sort~ The only thing I\'ve done is to misdirect Master\'s attention away from all of you~ Whether it was by design or a coincidence cannot be proven~ What\'s more, I would think Master would be more concerned that you have all gotten so drunk with power that you sought to overthrow the current Supreme Gods, yes?"

Elder Sister giggled, "Ara? Are you really threatening us with that?"

"Ufufufu~ So what if I am?"

"We could simply explain this away as us wanting to improve ourselves, Master would never begrudge us a wish like that~ At most, all we would get it a stern talking to. But yours… It will be much worse, won\'t it? Master told you specifically not to do anything like this anymore, but to think you would willfully disobey Master~ How daring of you~"

"Ufufufu~ All I would need to do is implant a seed of doubt in Master\'s mind about you all~ Then suggest that Master should use His Omniscience to learn what you have done behind His back all this while~ I have already admitted to my wrongdoings, but you have not~ The risk for all of you is much greater than mine, wouldn\'t you think so?"

Elder sister smiled, though it was clear that she was definitely upset with her like all of us here.

Sister Diao Chan tapped me on the shoulder, prompting me to turn to her to wonder what she wanted.

"Hey… Just to check, she\'s now more emotional and stuff, right?" She asked.

"Compared to before, yes. Though not by much."

"Good enough~" She giggled before sauntering up to that bitch.

Sister Diao Chan only stopped when her chest was pushing up against hers, "Iris~ Is it true that you are actually jealous of us?"

"Ara, ara? Why would you ask something like that?"

"Because don\'t you think it\'s better for you to join us than to go against us? It\'s more fun to share Master\'s love than to monopolise it, isn\'t it? After all, His love is infinite~"

The bitch looked like she was about to say something when sister Diao Chan suddenly moved forward and captured her lips in a kiss, shocking all of us in the abruptness of her action.

It wasn\'t just a normal kiss either since it obviously involved the tongue and Diao Chan\'s hands started to grope Iris as well.

She only broke the kiss after a full minute had passed and the most toe curling moan escaped from Iris\'s lips, enough to send a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

That was certainly not what I expected her to do…

But we understood what Diao Chan was aiming for, since this was something we did with each other to get them to join our little family. We just need to do the same to Iris too~

Without a word shared between us, all of us stripped out of our clothes…

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