
Chapter 216 A Dull Victory

Through the folly of shadows, the black-eyed man vanished as the Dragonheart’s fist penetrated the air with ferocious force, unleashing a blast of draconic force that carved through the soil before him. The strike itself caused the wind to crack like the bellowing roar of a winged beast, coalescing fallen leaves into a spiral.

Amon warped behind the scale-clad Dragonheart, emerging from the shadows cast on the ground as he swung his daggers towards the neck of his opponent.


For the first time, the recruit killer found his own blood running could as his killing strike failed completely with his sturdy, steel blades bouncing right off of the Dragonheart’s scales.

Unlike before, hardly a scratch was etched into the scales, digging perhaps not even an inch deep as if attempting to slice a plate of steel with a butterknife.

“That’s concerning,” Amon said with a small smile.

In a swift spin, the Dragonheart spun around with a kick delivered to Amon’s side, who countered by conjuring a shadowy spell:

“Abyss Tendril.”

From his palm, Amon summoned a binding of darkness, ducking beneath the incoming kick and wrapping the rope of shadows around the Dragonheart’s leg.

“Got you,” Amon smirked.

Though that confidence was immediately stolen as Yuna leaped in, using her blade to cut the nebulous rope in half.

“–!” The recruit killer reacted troublesomely.

Before the man could react further, the silent Dragonheart used his monstrou speed to launch forward, taking Amon by surprise as he cocked his fist back, boiling it in the draconic essence that thrived in his blood.

Finally, a solid blow connected as he sank his fist straight into Amon’s gut, unleashing the full might of the Dragon Strike as azure embers sparked and cracked.

In that moment directly before the impact, Amon managed to summon a small piece of abyssal armor on his abdomen, mitigating the blow but still feeling it greatly before he was knocked away.

“Pyuh-!” Amon spit blood out before crashing against a tree.

This time, a serious look embedded itself in the killer’s eyes as his smile faded, becoming half-shifted into shadows before stepping to the side and–vanishing.

Yuna completely lost track of Amon, who circled around the two before suddenly, slashes of shadows were sent their way, prompting Yuna to begin dodging. However, the Dragonheart didn’t evade, instead simply deflecting the rangeless cuts of darkness with his scale-armored forearms.

This time, Yuna engaged Amon, though there was little the nimble demi-human could do as the man repeatedly warped in-and-out of the shadows, able to attack in unorthodox ways as he spun his blades, gathering shadows that exploded, knocking her back.

It was only through a stream of draconic fire that Amon was forced to jump back into the shadows, saving Yuna by a hair.

Appearing again, using the shadows cast on the trees to move around swiftly, Amon propelled towards the Dragonheart, aimed solely on him as he used another spell: “Abyss Grasp.”

Limbs of darkness reached out from the soil, gripping onto the Dragonheart to pin him down, tightening their somber grip on his body.

Though as Amon came within range of the Dragonheart, a burst of azure flames emitted from the Dragonheart’s position with a brutal shock wave, slamming Amon back.

There was no mercy for the recruit killer as he coughed out blood, picking himself up to find the Dragonheart already before him, wielding his sword in a blazing glory that sizzled with its very own augury of death.

It was a fresh sensation for the battle-loving murderer, feeling chills run over his body at the sight of such inhuman strength before him; the heat of the azure scales gave off as an exudence of the Dragonheart’s burning will.

“–Magnificent,” Amon said quietly with a satisfied smile.

The slash that was unleashed from the Dragonheart’s swung sword carved through the space in front of him, tearing through the slumbering trees with the wind pressure and burning, blue flames.

It was a destructive blow, catching Yuna off-guard as she witnessed the desolation of the area directly in front of the sword swing. The air itself was sliced, howling out as a gust blew back, moving even Yuna’s burgundy hair as she withstood the wind pressure.

There was no doubt such an impact would kill Amon, though after the trees crumbled and the foliage was burnt away, Amon revealed himself–bearing a large gash across his chest and spitting out blood.

…I would’ve died if I didn’t use mirage again. Still, it blew up and he didn’t even flinch this time? What a monster. Still, I have a mission of my own, Amon thought.

In those hollow irises belonging to the recruit killer, new life shined; excitement beyond his wildest dreams, though he restrained himself.

“I am sorry to say, but I’ll be taking my leave now,” Amon told them.

“No, you–!” Yuna began to say.

Amon interrupted, putting his hands together, “Don’t worry. I appreciate the entertaining battle, so I’ll let your friends go as a good gesture. Though, I won’t be so kind next time we meet.”

Following the recruit killer’s words, they proved true as the shadows that ensnared the others shattered, causing both Melisande and Everett to gasp out before falling to their knees.

[Level Up!]

[Level Eighteen Achieved.]

[“Heat Resistance” Acquired.]

Surprising to him in that brief moment, he not only acquired experience but leveled up entirely despite not slaying his opponent.

“So long,” Amon said.

Before Yuna could try to follow, the shadow-user vanished without a trace, leaving the burgundy-haired demi-human annoyed as she clicked her tongue.

“Damn…!” Yuna let out.

Though Emilio wasn’t focused on that as he allowed the scale armor to crumble away, coughing out from the strain pushed onto him from the third stage before rushing over to his comrades.

“Are you alright…?” He asked.

Melisande slowly nodded, though her eyes widened as she looked over at Everett, “I am, but he’s not! He got cut badly!”

“Oh, right…!” Emilio remembered.

Though Everett tried acting tough and claiming it was only a ‘scratch’, none of them listened as Emilio forcefully cast healing magic on the shielder’s slashed side.

“Damn…he got me good,” Everett said, ruffling his own hair with the sound of wounded pride in his voice.

“Really, what was that?…All I saw was darkness then…It was like I was trapped in my own mind,” Melisande said, holding her head.

Yuna kept an eye out, staying on guard with her arms folded over her chest, “He didn’t use anything like that when I encountered him. What about you? Have any ideas, mage?”

The cold-eyed demi-human was obviously referring to Emilio with his question. He finished off closing Everett’s wound, though there was a scar left in his side.

Emilio wiped the blood from his hands before standing up, shaking his head, “Not a clue. I’ve never heard of ‘dark’ magic like that–not in any text or from other mages. Either it’s something inherent to him, or there’s secrets out there.”

“I see…well, at least we have more knowledge,” Yuna said.

That didn’t seem to leave Emilio satisfied as he clenched his fists, “But he’s still out there. It’s my fault…If I just followed through with that last swing…”

Yuna tapped his shoulder, “Don’t beat yourself up over it. This was a team effort, wasn’t it? Besides, he’s not striking anytime soon. Don’t forget, you left him pretty badly messed up.”

It was somewhat relieving, though it was unnerving that such a nebulous foe was still prowling the valley.

“Yeah, that’s true,” he accepted.

Calling it a night, they set up camp in a different location, once more prompting Yuna to build new tents and Emilio to raise new walls while Melisande and Everett got to work on a campfire.

It was quiet between them; Yuna sat atop a tree branch, keeping watch while the others sat around the campfire, cooking a boar that Melisande and Everett somehow managed to catch. Though going by the tear in the silver-haired girl’s skirt, it didn’t seem to go flawlessly.

“Sorry,” Emilio said out of the blue.

It was pointed towards the mannerless shielder, who raised an eyebrow while chewing boar meat, swallowing it down before responding, “Sorry? For what?”

“I caused you to trip during the battle,” Emilio scratched his arm, “You could’ve died–that’s my fault.”

Everett was quiet for a moment before laughing, “Is that it? That’s not on you! I’m just clumsy is all, really!”

It was always reassuring to speak to the bright-eyed, energetic recruit who unquestionably had a big heart, feeling to Emilio like an older brother he never had despite their short tenure together.

“…Thanks,” Emilio smiled.

Melisande slowly chewed the tough, cooked meat, “Err…Emilio.”


She looked straight at him with her emerald irises, “…I know you’re probably tired, but after this, do you think you can teach me some more? It’s just…”

“I get it,” he said, nodding, “Sure, I’m up for it.”

It was an answer that was a pleasant surprise to the girl’s ears as she smiled, “Really?! Thanks!”

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