In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System

Chapter 12 - Graduation


The next day, Akihiko, Sasuke and Naruto went to the academy like every other day. When they were walking towards the academy, they heard many people gossiping about the Uchihas and Danzo.

Everytime Sasuke heard this, he became very angry but he knew that he was too weak to do anything. He also asked Akihiko to take the training a step further. Currently, both Sasuke and Naruto are as strong as early genins while Akihiko is stronger than most chunins.

Today, Akihiko decided to finally go for early graduation since he had nothing else to do. He also needed a house since living at the orphanage means no privacy for him.

[Akihiko POV]

'Ahhhh, so boring' I thought as I went into the classroom with Sasuke and Naruto.

"Hey, what's up Shika, Choji. " I said as I saw Shikamaru and Choji sitting there together with Ino.

"Hello Ino, long time no see." I also greeted Ino with a smile which made her cheeks a bit redden up.

"H-Hello Akihiko-kun." She said meekly.

Meanwhile on the other side of the class, a certain white-eyes girl was staring at them while radiating a scary aura.

Both Naruto and Sasuke didn't say anything and just sat in front of Ino-Shika-Cho. Then the tras- I mean, Sakura Haruno came near Sasuke and just shouted,


Naruto ignored her while Sasuke who was in a bad mood because of the gossips and the death of his clan members didn't say anything since he is a real gentleman. He just slapped Sakura in the cheek which left a large hand mark on Sakura's cheek. She didn't believe what just happened and said: "S-s-sasuke? W-why did you slap me?" Sasuke didn't say anything else but Naruto who was beside Sasuke muttered, "Stupid bitch, she can't even read the atmosphere."

[a/n: Naruto just wanted Sakura's recognition because she is an average ninja girl. He thought that if he gets her recognition then he gets his lifelong goal of not being hated by the villagers. But in this AU, he still has his mother, then Akihiko who is his friend and a future step-father, then Sasuke. So he doesn't feel like he need anyone else.]

Ino who was talking with Akihiko also saw this and just laughed while the other students were currently just watching it since they love dramas.

However, breaking that tension, Iruka-sensei arrived and every student greeted Iruka.

"Iruka-sensei, I want an early graduation." Akihiko said leaving most students speechless.

"Are you sure, Akihiko-kun?" Iruka asked again to comfirm.

"Yes, Iruka-sensei."

"Alright, I will tell the Hokage later. Come to training ground 3 at evening."

When Akihiko went back to his seat, he was bombarded with many questions.

"Huh? Akihko,why are you applying for early graduation?" Naruto asked.

"Uhhh, I live in the orphanage and there is no privacy in there so I wanted to buy a house. I am also going to open a cookie shop." Akihiko replied while in his mind he added, 'I can also fuck both Kushina and Mikoto now.'

As the Dark Side's first members, when Sasuke and Naruto heard the word cookie, the immediately forgot that they were both in a bad mood and nodded to each other.

Both Naruto and Sasuke made a serious face and asked.

"Akihiko, are you talking about "that" cookie?"x2

"Yes, "that" cookie."

"Is it really "that" cookie?"

"Yes, it is "that" cookie."

Everyone else watching this scene felt curious about this cookie.

[An eternity later]

"So class is over and see you tomorrow."

After that everyone went back to their home while Akihiko went to training ground 3 to get his early graduation.

When he arrived at the training ground, he saw the Hokage, Might Guy, Kakashi and Iruka.

The following steps didn't need much explanation since all they needed to know to graduate early was Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Shuriken Jutsu and Taijutsu.

As for clone justu, shuriken jutsu, Akihiko got full marks while in Transformation Jutsu, he decided to change into Might Guy while shouting "YOUTH" with Might Guy's signature pose in which Might Guy also responded with a loud "YOUTH". The Hokage, Kakashi and Iruka all deadpanned at the two teacher and disciple.

As for Taijutsu, Akihiko was asked to spar against a genin in which ended very quickly as Akihiko just went in front of the genin and kicked him in the head which knocked the genin out. Everyone was quite surprised at this display except Guy since he was the one who trained Akihiko.

"Akihiko, from today on, you are a ninja of Konoha. Take your headband." Hiruzen said as he gave the headband to Akihiko.

"Who do you want to study under, Akihiko?" Hiruzen asked.

"Umm, I want to learn kenjutsu." Akihiko answered.

After that Akihiko went back to celebrate together with Kushina, Mikoto, Izumi, Naruto and Sasuke.


Back in the training ground,

"Guy, how strong do you think Akihiko is?" Hiruzen asked Guy.

"He should be stronger than most chunins with taijutsu alone. He is a taijutsu genius. I taught him for a week but he learned almost everything." Guy answered.

"I see. Alright, you can go now." Hiruzen said as Guy, Kakashi, and Iruka left.

Hiruzen was left alone in the training ground while he was deep in thought while smoking his pipe.




Sorry for the fact that there is no comedy is this chapter.

I don't know how early graduation works but meh. Who cares. The most important part is Akihiko is an adult now.

Also who do you want as his kenjutsu teacher?

Thank you for reading and have a good day.]

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