Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 501 - 501. A Promise Kept

Chapter 501 – 501. A Promise Kept

1 Day Ago,

Ragnar had finally found the ultimate cure to the virus that had been raging through the world. ~It\'s time to hit home again,~

"Chad, Summer, have you packed your little bags?" He turned to his two companions. They had travelled the world together and had so much fun. Though they were yet to find a woman that he\'d fall for, he had no regrets.

"Meow!" Chad showed off his little backpack strapped to the back, looking all cute. Summer also had a small bag wrapped around her neck.

"So cute, let me click a photo," He loved the technology. Clicked a photo and sent it to Grace.

*Knock Knock*

"Who\'s here now? We\'re living in the bloody Himalayas," He wondered and walked to the door. As soon as he opened it, he was treated by an ashen-haired man with a weird right eye. "Oh, you don\'t seem local, you lost, mate?"

"Good evening, Mr Oroborus. I am Gellert Grindelwald."

Tensions grew in the air. Ragnar\'s sword appeared in his hand and the wand on the other, "Shouldn\'t you be in Nurmengard Castle, your prison?"

Grindelwald didn\'t seem fazed at all. Acting uncaring, he replied, "Ah, that place. Yes, I haven\'t seen it since I escaped four decades ago. That foolish Voldemort sent a few of his minions to partner with me. Didn\'t go very well for the minion."

"I would advise you not to use your subpar wizardry on me, Mr Oroborus. I know everything about you. Yours was a truly wonderful family, even if they didn\'t agree with purebloods, they didn\'t deserve what happened to them. But if you want, we can still duel." He showed his wand, prepared for all confrontation.

Being the brash guy he was, Ragnar sighed and asked, "What the fuck do you want from me? I\'m on a holiday,"

Devilishly smiling, he demanded, "That cure you made, that\'s what I want."

It didn\'t take long for Ragnar to add two plus two and understand what was going on. "You retard, you created this whole crisis? You\'re still going on about that pureblood crap? Look around you, man. Wizards are happy, they don\'t need you."

"But the natural order of things is still not brought. Wizards are to be the rulers. I said this before, I have no qualms with muggles, they should just know their place," Grindelwald snarled back.

~I should send word to Magnus,~ Ragnar waved his wand secretly.

"No no, these puny tricks won\'t work on me today. You shall be coming with me," Grindelwald didn\'t give him time to move. He quickly put his hand on Ragnar\'s shoulder and apparated away.

"Ugh… you\'ve got a fine army here, Grindelwald. Where did you find all these wizards?" Ragnar found himself in a cave-like arena.

"They are not wizards, Mr Oroborus. I learnt my lessons long ago. Wizards are hard to control, muggles aren\'t. For the past four decades, I have only used muggles, taken over small nations, and important people in important places. Must say, I enjoyed the task and the fruits are sweeter than the power I had before." Grindelwald spoke while staying busy with something on the side. Ragnar could not see him, he was chained down at the time and his arms and legs sealed with some sort of black tar. His shirt was also missing.

"Smart. What\'s even your plan? Magnus can easily defeat you, he doesn\'t even need to use his staff." Ragnar asked him.

"I know that. His Majesty is the greatest wizard to have ever lived. He is already ruling the world, I have nothing to complain about against him. In fact, I don\'t want to harm him. My goal is to force him to openly become the wizard king of Earth." Grindelwald explained. This was a far cry from what Ragnar was expecting.

World domination, ending the world, revenge or something like that. That\'s what Ragnar expected to be Grindelwald\'s goal. "How are you planning that?"

"What happens when the world is left in shambles, destroyed beyond quick repair? All governments are destroyed, all financial institutions are destroyed? What happens when human suffering has reached a peak never seen before? As I said, I control important people in important places." Grindelwald stopped speaking to him and turned to others. "Launch the attack, we will use Oroborus to lure him in and keep him busy here."

Ragnar silently looked down at the ground. ~He\'s talking about nukes. I know he is. Fuck, how many does he have? Magnus can\'t be made to fight them. He needs to know before they are launched or he\'s lured.~

He silently heard Grindelwald to understand the situation better. As far he could see, there were about a thousand muggles, all looked like soldiers and had muggle weapons with them. He didn\'t know if there were more behind him.

~He does not know about my abilities.~ He planned to make a move. It was necessary to get Magnus the message without alerting him, he could not let the nukes be shot.

"Meow!" Out of nowhere, he heard the faint voice of Chad. He tilted his head and noticed the boy was hiding behind him. He was chewing the restraints the whole time. Summer was not far away, doing the same.

He stayed silent and let the two do their work, waiting for the right opportunity. He tried to use various means to directly talk with Magnus, but no amount of magic could get past the cave-like walls around him.

~Where the hell is this place?~ he wondered.

"Mwa!" Chad notified him that the work was nearly done.

Smirking, he prepared to make a move and cut all these meat shields into pieces. he closed his eyes and tried to feel his sword in the surroundings. The sword of king Ragnar that he heavily modified.

~Come here, Lothbrok,~ he called his sword, which he had named after the one who owned it first. ~Ah, there you are,~ he felt the sword placed behind a desk in the corner.

"Psst…" he asked Chad. The boy was working his best to chew down the chains. He sure was a strong, chonky boy. "Nya!" He showed his fluffy thumb, giving affirmation.

*CLANK* Ragnar pulled his left arm first, immediately removing the chains. *CLANK* The other hand also got frees. He raised his hand and the sword quickly flew into them.

"Eat shit, Grindelwald." He cursed and started swinging the sword, blocking every single bullet that the men started firing. He had done this many times before.

"Don\'t kill him," Grindelwald shouted.

This was good, Ragnar saw the hesitation in the attackers. So he swiftly moved, as if dancing with the blade. His massive 6 foot 5 body of pure muscle and madness gracefully made each cut.



Be it flesh or metal, the sword swiftly cuts through them all. Jumps, reverse jumps, slide through the enemies and trip them. Using his potion bombs to make the ground sticky or the air irritating, he made sure all more than a thousand men with guns were at a disadvantage.

"You chose the wrong guy today," he slashed, beheading a man. Blood splattered around, on the bodies and faces of others. Ragnar, too, looked all bloody.

He was a beast at the moment, everyone else was prey there. But there was a limit, after Ragnar killed the thousandth man, Grindelwald used his magic. Ragnar blocked it with his sword and used two of the five magic stones on it to spew fire and water, instantly creating steam.

Hidden under the cover of the steam, he downed other men. Every single one he could see, he killed. Chad and Summer stayed at a safe distance from him, watching the action with interest. They had never seen Ragnar being so beastly in fights, he moved like an animal, sometimes holding his sword in his teeth and leaping around on his four limbs like a lion.

"HAHA! Thanks for bringing me to your base, fool. And thanks for looking into my eyes." He laughed.

*WOOSH* "You shall not spoil my work of four decades." Grindelwald got serious and started throwing curses at him.

Ragnar sighed and killed the last muggle standing. There were only him and Grindelwald left. ~This seems to be the end now,~

He glanced at the two munchkins, hiding behind a large stone. "When you see Magnus, tell him I fought bravely, and if everything goes right, I\'ll tell it myself."

With no care in the world, he walked towards Grindelwald. *WOOSH* Each curse and charm was deflected by the sword. "You puny little thing, you thought you were stronger than me? I have trained myself to fight the strongest wizard in the world. So what if my charms are useless? I can still destroy the world with a single potion, a single poison.

"Ah, don\'t try… you see these tattoos on my body, they are runes. They give me not just inhuman strength, but also mastery of some ward-based magic. I can turn into the anti-apparition ward anytime I want. You can\'t run from me, Grindelwald. I promised my mother that I will protect my family at all costs.

"I am ready to pay the price."

"Unhand me, Oroborus. There is no point in killing me, my people have already initiated the attack. The nukes will be sent out soon." Grindelwald sneered as he was caught by Ragnar.

Instead of wasting any more time. Ragnar fought a few more curses from Grindelwald and locked his neck in his arm. "I am not Dumbledore, death is the only punishment in my dictionary,"

Ragnar lifted him up easily and ran towards a curtain-like veil in the middle of the cave-like hall. He knew what it was, but he didn\'t know what was beyond it. He hoped it was death, for that was what he hoped for. "HAAAA…"


"HORR!" The two little friends also ran behind in worry for their human friend.

"HAHAHA… you can\'t stop the inevitable. No one can stop them now," Grindelwald laughed a moment before they entered the veil of death.

"Don\'t… underestimate… my family," Were the last words Ragnar spoke before he jumped in. The rest was a mystery.

Present Times,

"And I was apparently in a giant white room with the floor being clouds, there were a lot of cute dogs, one of them was named Moony, he said he would take me to the hall of judgement, but then you called me." Magnus sat in the chair, listening to Ragnar\'s story. The ghost of Ragnar did not look hurt, as the soul does not retain the dead body.

Saddened, he looked Ragnar in the eyes, "How will I face mum now?"

Ragnar\'s ghost flew closer to Magnus, "Bother, I\'m fine. I\'m cool with my death. I kept my promise to my mum, to myself. I was just 5 last time, but this time I wanted to protect my family. I said it before, I\'d give my life for you all. It\'s honestly a pretty nice ending to the story of Ragnar Grant Ulrik Oroborus. But hey, at least I won\'t be dying a virgin."

Magnus shook his head, "The nukes are already airborne, and more are on their way. Most of them will hit somewhere on Earth. The nukes can\'t, but my magic will kill me if I try to stop them all."

Ragnar\'s face turned grim. "FUCK!" he cursed. Silence took over the room. Neither of them knew what to do now.

"Mum, Emma and Athena will be devastated if you also die," Ragnar said.

"I don\'t know about Athena. She just told me she hates me today. I wasn\'t a good father, Rag. I failed in doing one thing I shouldn\'t have." Magnus responded, gloomily looking at the floor from his seat, both his hands resting on his forehead.

"I would have beaten you if I was alive. Fool, I used to say I hate you many times, but I never meant it. Sure, sometimes, you were annoying, but you were still my brother. Athena may be going through something rough right now. Instead of brooding, go and ask what\'s the problem, how you can help.

"And… you will not die. I will not let that happen. What good is my vow if you die now? So, shut the fuck up, be the proud Pendragon you are, never bow, never fear, we are the dragon brothers. Take care of mum, tell her I love her so much and that she\'s just like my old mother. Tell dad, thanks for teaching me chemistry and for being the dad I dreamt of having. Thank Severus and Bobby for being amazing friends, but nobody touches my gold.

"Give my best wishes to Emma. Give my blessings to Aurelia, Maximus, Clementia and Athena. They can have all my money. Give Duck treats from me. And you, my brother." Ragnar, the cold-hearted boy, his eyes flashed with a faint presence of tears, "Thank you for not ignoring me in the first year. Thank you for being there when I was lost, alone and scared. I would have probably died long ago in my quest to kill Rodolphus and Voldemort. You got me the vengeance and possibly saved my life.

"I am an Oroborus, it\'d be a shame to my family if I never paid back the debt of life I owe. Now open your ears, I will only say it once… gah!…it\'s so damn cringy. Anyway, I love you, my brother. Take care,"

Ragnar\'s ghost started to fade away. Magnus quickly realised something was wrong, "WHAT DID YOU DO? I didn\'t allow you to leave yet,"

Ragnar smirked in triumph, "There are beings who give no crap to that stone, brother. May you and our family live a thousand years, goodbye."

With those words, Ragnar\'s ghost completely disappeared. Leaving behind a feeling of emptiness in Magnus\' chest as he stood all alone. How he\'d look Grace in the eye was unknown. ~Fuck!~ He couldn\'t even afford to mourn for his bother yet. He had to stop thousands of nukes threat.

[A/N: Although the ending will be happy. But I tried to make a few things realistic. Such as his relationship with Athena.

Remember, how in every other supercop or spy movie, the main character always has a bad relationship with his wife and kids, or he\'s divorced. Heck, even in real life, cops have this issue.

I thought about it and realised that any human being who tries to save the world, work for Justice, can not have a personal life. Hence, relationships can never be maintained. It\'s sad, but this is reality.]

[See Grindelwald and Ragnar on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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