Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 337 - 337. TOAST!

Magnus entered the room full of 20 odd people. There were men and women. Then on one side, there was a small stage on which 5 chairs were set.

"Dad, move aside, let me see too." a loud demonic voice rumbled.

Magnus chuckled and moved in. Then, shocking the people, giant claws tore open a hole in the wall. And then appeared the monstrosity, a Dragon, like never seen before.

All black with shining scales, yellow shining eyes filled with a sense of intelligence. Even his breath was enough to make some pee in their pants.

"Ugh... there are just humans, dad. I thought they would be some monsters." Duck complained.

"My dear Duck, often, monsters don\'t show themselves in the open. They hide under human skins. Did you not see Voldemort\'s photo? He was a human like these once." Magnus taught his boy.

"Really? Then... will they too become like him?" He asked.

"No, Duck, they are probably worse than even Voldemort. That\'s what I am getting from seeing those five." Magnus replied, glancing at the 5 people who sat on the elevated stage. They were most likely the bosses of all these folks.

Magnus did recognise a few of them. They were all big businessmen, though most others were new faces.

The ones sitting at the stage were shockingly ancient people who should have been dead by official accounts. Starting from the left, it was John D. Rockefeller, widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history, who died in 1937. To his right was an unknown man. But, to his right, in the centre, it was the guy that was the obsession of Hollywood. Adolf Hitler himself, wearing normal clothes and now with a bigger moustache. Supposed to have died in 1945.

"Aren\'t you supposed to be dead?" Magnus asked the man.

"Nobody ever found my body. Is there any photograph of it anywhere?" Hitler proudly revealed.

Magnus sighed, "Tell me, do you really have just one ball?"

"Arschloch!... NO, THAT\'S A LIE SPREAD BY AMERICANS!" Hitler cursed.

Magnus smirked, Duck also smirked and spoke, "Dad, he surely has only one ball. Why else would he get so angry?"

Then, it was the next man, and this time Magnus felt somewhat surprised, "RASPUTIN? What the hell are you doing here? You aren\'t even rich."

Rasputin, who now had a bun on his head and wore glasses, fixed them with his finger and replied, "Huh, when you\'re the lover of the Russian queen, you run the Russian empire."

"And did you really use a love potion on her?" Magnus inquired.

He sneered, "Only the weak use that. It was my charm and my moves in the bed that seduced her... Ah... she was sweet as honey, goddamn Lenin and his Bolsheviks, motherfuckers killed her."

Magnus wondered if this guy even knew the condition he was in right now, as it was no time to dream about a dead woman.

Magnus then asked the other two who he didn\'t recognise. "And who are you two?"

The first one spoke proudly, "I am Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of Rothschild family and the oldest among us." Mayer spoke with pride.

Magnus scratched his head, "Umm... aren\'t you a Jew? Why are you working with Hitler?"

Mayer chuckled, "Huh, you think it was him who decided the extermination? It was all of us combined who decided it. And it was a test for Hitler for his membership in our secret order."

Magnus was left speechless at that. These people were peak heartless. No wonder the world was getting crazier and worse each day.

After this, the last guy voiced, "I am the great, Leopold II, King of the Belgians. I crea..."

He was interrupted by curses from Magnus, "WOAH WOAH... Hold it... you\'re that guy? I read about you in history."

"Is he a famous man?" Duck asked him.

"Of course, he is one A grade bastard, famous for the worst reasons. He used the Conference of Berlin in 1884 to acquire the Congo region of Africa. He established a private company under the guise of a nation called the Congo Free State. Can you believe it, he owned the entire country as private property, not like colonies of other empires like the British and French. This guy alone had complete rule over it.

"He exercised full control of the country as head of the private organisation and used a private force of soldiers, tax collectors, and gangs to gather up the ivory and rubber resources of the region for the sake of profit.

"His troops forced locals into slave labour collecting ivory, and later rubber, for the company to sell. Labourers who didn\'t meet quotas were killed, families of labourers were held as collateral to ensure workers performed up to expectations, and hands were chopped off as proof that under-performers were executed.

"You know, at the time Leopold established the Congo Free State, Africa\'s population was estimated to have been between 90 and 130 million. Under his control, some 10 to 22 million people were murdered. Later, European countries finally forced him to cede the Congo Free State to the government of Belgium in 1908, but he would never answer for his crimes. He died as the wealthiest man in Europe and spent his massive profits on yachts, homes, and teenage prostitutes.

"No wonder he sits in this organisation, he\'s as rich and scummy as they come." Magnus taught Duck about the history of this evil man.

Duck also felt disgusted, "And they call me a monster, hmph."

Magnus chuckled, "Hehe, don\'t worry now, Duck. Their days are limited."

This alerted all of them. Hitler spoke, or say cried, "Magnus... Magnus... hehe... we did not want to kill your family. It was a test for you, and you have passed it. You found us. WONDERFUL!"

"Yes yes... now you can join us and rule the world and bang as many chicks as you want, no matter how famous or powerful," Rasputin added.

"You want Africa? I just heard you took Zimbabwe, I like your tactics. Maybe we can cooperate." Leopold II said.

Magnus spat on the floor, "I\'d rather kill myself by drinking acid than join you all. Our interests don\'t align. I do what I do for the better of the world, you do what you do for the betterment of yourselves. Goodbye."

He started to move away from the room. Then a hundred men entered, all wearing wizard robes. They were men from MEDA.


One after another spells flew around, paralysing every single person. Then, forced legilimency was performed on them, all their memories, from their birth to now were taken and then stored in the form of memory strands. Each person now had a crate named after them with orderly and datewise memories stored.

Though when it came to Hitler and other old monsters, Magnus had to do it himself, since they had too many memories.

This whole activity lasted 3 entire days. The people were kept hungry. And once they were done, all the crates were sent to Camelot with Dobby. Not even Adrian knew where these went and he didn\'t ask any questions. He was told that they will be copied and a copy of each will be given to MEDA to compile a report on all of them.

However, for the members of the Illuminati, or the Order of Eyes as they called, this was not the end. It was just the start of their end.

Soon, only Magnus and Duck were left standing at the entrance. Slowly, Magnus took a few steps back and ordered, "Duck, toast them."




"GRAAAAAAAAAAAW..." Duck happily obliged and sent his flames. They could melt steel, what were bones and flesh?

So, with horrifying screams and curses, they all died. The world was finally free from secret manipulators. But Magnus knew he needed to fill the void or someone else would. Though his ways would be different.

~I think... It\'s about time the Round Table and Order of Merlin went global.~


The threat was over, the people who were after Magnus and his family were dead themselves. Magnus had sent a strong message to all the secret societies and wizards in the world, that if they come after him, they died, simple.

However, the world had no idea how great Magnus\' deeds were. He had saved the world from many financial crises, wars and famines.

But they were indeed celebrating something. It was Magnus\' Anti-Depression Medicine. The revolutionary thing had completed its trials pretty quickly and was available for emergency usage.

This simply means, use it at your own risk, for now, we\'re still experimenting with it.


California, LA,

Depression was a disease in the Hollywood industry. There could be many causes for it, not getting work, incomplete dreams, being forced by some casting director to sleep with him, not having enough money, unable to get better at acting.

There were millions of things and no solution to it. Like many, there was Clint Eastwood, a veteran and famous actor, he wanted to get rid of his cowboy actor image, but was unable to as all the non-cowboy serious movies he made flopped.

Then came depression. But he was wealthy, and getting a hold of Cheerflex tablets was not hard. He tried it, and shockingly he felt better. In just a week, he was as pumped as on the day he got his first role.

He told others, word spread, the stores made good money by selling them, and soon enough, Magnus was unofficially crowned the "Doctor of Hollywood". Magnus didn\'t even know about this, as he just didn\'t care. He made movies, that was all the interest he had in show-biz.

However, Magnus didn\'t know that it was being circulated in magical Britain as well. And the ones using it the most were those deemed as sub-human species to get rid of their sadness. It was a reintroduction to the dark side of the magical world yet again.

[You can see Duck on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *Julian Rocamora* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley*

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