Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 309 - 309. Taboo Magic

Inside the labour room, Grace and Adam were in shock. The third baby was news to them. But, the doctor didn\'t waste a moment and initiated the whole procedure.

Grace, like before, pushed. She still had enough energy left. Heck, she could probably birth a few more babies if she had to. She pushed with all her might.

But, even after half an hour, the baby didn\'t come out. The doctor knew there was a problem, Grace herself was a doctor and knew there was a problem. "WHAT HAPPENED?" Grace questioned.

"WE.... DON\'T KNOW YET!" The doctor replied and turned to the nurse, "Give me the Transducer of the Ultrasound Machine."

The nurse quickly handed it to her and she immediately checked Grace\'s womb. Soon, she spoke with some fear in her voice, "T... It seems the baby is tangled in the umbilical cord."

"How big of a problem is that?" Adam asked.

"It depends, if it\'s tangled around the body, we can save the baby. But... if it\'s the neck, then the baby might suffocate. We need to decide... if it\'s the worst-case scenario, who should we save? The mother or the child?" she asked.


All of a sudden, the woman who had been waiting on the side all this time moved and waved her wand at the two doctors and the nurse. The spell rendered the three unconscious.

She walked to Grace and said, "His Majesty would never forgive me if even in my watch something happened to you or the baby. I shall take over now, as your technology can only help you this far.

Her name was Ruby, one of the big three doctors of Saint Mungo. She took out a pair of glasses from her bag and kept her wand in her hand. "Don\'t worry, dear. I shall have the baby out in a jiffy."

She wore the glasses and looked at Grace\'s stomach. Perhaps, these glasses allowed her to see in X-ray. She then started to wave her wand over the stomach. Grace felt like something was moving in her stomach. Adam too saw some movement in her bloated belly.

"Don\'t worry, I am just freeing the baby from the cord. It was indeed tangled around the neck. Aaaand... done. Now let\'s get the baby out. Push, dear." Ruby instructed her.

Grace did as asked and pushed. Ruby was able to use her magical powers to help even in this process by magically moving the baby. In just 5 minutes, the baby was out... but, it was smaller than usual.

Ruby quickly covered the baby in a blank, as this was the most vulnerable time for a small one. "IT\'S A GIRL!" She announced and quickly turned the baby on the back and patted lightly.

However, even after a minute, no movement came. Ruby frowned, "I... I NEED YOU, MR GRANT. HAND ME MY BAG."

Adam ran and handed it to her. Ruby took out a small pipe-like thing and quickly put it in the baby\'s mouth. She slowly pushed it down. Then, she pulled it back. Now, the pipe looked full with some blood-like substance.


A tiny, nearly inaudible cough came from the small baby. Ruby covered her in a blanket, "She... she\'s alive... but vulnerable. Due to being suffocated, she has some deficiency of important minerals and oxygen. We will need to keep her under observation. The best I can do is give strengthening potions... rest it up to fate."

She basically said the baby could die soon. Grace stayed strong and nodded. It had only been a few minutes since the three muggles were stunned. They soon woke up and saw everything was fine and a few more doctors were there. They had put the baby in the ICU bed and had connected the ventilator.

"What happened?" They asked.

Ruby scoffed, "You three, fell unconscious in fear of not being able to save the baby and her mother? How weak. I completed the process, the baby is out but very weak."

They quickly ran to the little glass-covered bed and checked the signs. The baby was stable but not above normal marks. She was very small and most likely malnutritioned. There were limited minerals in a woman\'s body for twins anyway, in triplets, it was common for one of the children to have some complications, but they were not this extreme.

Surprisingly, the two born earlier had blonde hair, while the last girl had black hair, completely different from any member of the family. The two healthy ones were beside Grace, sleeping.

Adam had gone outside to inform Magnus and Ragnar about the situation.


Magnus and Ragnar waited outside the main door. They were biting their fingers. Ragnar was especially worse, he feared losing his new mother.

"Mag, are you sure she will be fine?" He asked.

Magnus nodded, "Don\'t worry, Rag. She will be fine, Ruby is in there with them. If anything happens, she will tell me."

*Door Opens.*

Adam came out with a tired and sad face, "Mag."

Magnus\' heart nearly skipped a beat after seeing this face. "WHAT? JUST SAY IT, DAD."

"Two babies are fine, the last one, she was born but there were some complications. She was tied in the umbilical cord. Due to that she suffocated and didn\'t receive the right nutrition. So, she\'s malnutritioned, small and weak. They have put her in the intensive care but nobody knows if she will even survive the night." Adam explained.

"HOW IS MUM?" Ragnar asked.

"Grace is completely fine, but her heart is in sorrow. The baby... she\'s small and very vulnerable. She\'s emotional right now." Adam replied, his own voice breaking. Anyone would be like this after seeing their little baby attached to those large machines in the glass-covered bed. "But... the small life... she\'s fighting."

Magnus fell back to his seat. Immediately, he spoke to Merlin, ~Is there any way to save her?~

~There is, son. But, for that, you will have to commit taboo magic. Although it\'s not dark, painful or consequential to you, still, it comes under blood magic. This is because if overused, it causes the caster\'s death. But you will not need to push yourself too much.~ Merlin said.

Magnus immediately agreed, ~Just.. teach me how to do it. If blood magic can save someone\'s life, it\'s worth doing.~

~Then hear me.~


At 3 AM that night, Magnus returned to Grace\'s room. There were now guards in front of the gate, both muggle and magical. Even inside, Ruby stayed to keep an eye on everything.

The guards saluted him and let him in. Magnus quickly cast a charm to make his feet sound soft. Inside, he just waved his hand to Ruby and the muggle nurse to leave.

Without asking, they did as asked. That was when Magnus looked around. There was only dim light available, but one could see clearly enough. He first glanced at Grace, she was asleep, but there was a frown on her head. ~Don\'t worry, mum. I won\'t let anything happen to our happy little family.~

Adam was also in the room, but he had fallen asleep while resting beside Grace\'s bed, with his head resting on the bedside.

Then Magnus moved to see the two little blonde babies in the cradle. They were healthy with chubby cheeks, packed in blankets. He smiled and lovingly looked at them for a moment.

Then, he moved to the side, beyond the curtain partition. There was more light in the area. The small glass cradle was set, on which, a small baby, just slightly bigger than two hands, was resting. She had skin whiter than normal. The machines beeped, and a small oxygen mask was attached to the nose.

It broke Magnus\' heart seeing her like this. He understood why Adam was on the verge of tears. Anyone would be after seeing this.

~Don\'t worry, my little sister. Your big brother is a mighty powerful wizard king. Nothing can ever hurt you, that\'s my promise.~ he muttered to himself and took the lid off of the glass case.

Then, he softly opened her mouth and dropped a drop of a dark black liquid in her mouth. Then he silently put all the instruments back on and left without making a noise.

Outside, he told Ruby and the nurse to go back in. Magnus, just waited outside... for the shocked voices of the doctors to come tomorrow morning.

~I hope it works now, Merlin. Thank you for helping me.~ he thanked in his mind.

Merlin responded, ~I can understand the pain of losing a family, son. I\'d rather not have you feel it if I can help. Now have some rest, you need it. You\'ve been working continuously for the past 5 hours.~

~A small price to pay.~ Magnus tiredly replied and rested back on the chair.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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