Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 226 - 226. 1 Wizard Boy Vs A Country

They gathered their things and arrived in Cape Town, South Africa with a portkey. Their visit was unofficial so they were going to stay hidden most of the time.

There was a branch of both MEDA and Tonks & Tonks here, so they sent a car to pick them up. It was MEDA actually, as they consist of only wizards. MEDA may be a small company in terms of the number of employees, but their services were the best and they were present around the world too. ​​

They soon arrived at the rented building for the office of MEDA. It was a small 3 storey building.

"Is there any ministry of magic in this country?" Magnus inquired.

"No, there is no ministry, all the major magical countries are in the north, Uganda is one of the strongest with its world-renowned Uagadou, the Ugandan wizarding school. It is the largest of the eleven wizarding schools, accepting students from all over Africa." Adrian explained to him.

"This makes our job easier, and no magical oversight means nobody can question us. Adrian, we are going to need a trustworthy South African man, who is either a wizard or a muggle-who-knows.

"The current scenario is simple, the government is bound to fall someday, and the new government will have a vendetta against the whites of this country since they exploited the other for decades. That would not lead to the ideal situation, we need peace and stability, for this, we need a leader from the African coloured people and one from the whites, they will join hands and write some new amendments in the constitution, removing all the Apartheid related laws and establishing new checks and balances for equality and unity of the country.

"For this, all means are open. Use magic if you need to, obliviate if you need to, this is a matter of trillions and the well being of the whole African continent. Who is the president of the African National Congress?" he inquired after telling the plan.

The manager of South African operations of MEDA spoke, he was of European descent and his ancestors had settled here, he was of course one of the privileged class for being white, but he was uncaring towards it as his family has been wizards for generations, the only reason he joined the company was that he was the second child and all family business went to his elder brother.

"I am Roger Burgess, Your Majesty, the president of ANC is Nelson Mandela, he is in prison, despite international pressure to release him, the government has not. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, the prosecution even asked for a death sentence, all for lofty four counts of sabotage and conspiracy to violently overthrow the government. He\'s been in prison since 1964." Roger explained.

Magnus was taken aback, "How self-destructing can this government be? How do they think they can forever rule over the majority population by being discriminatory?"

"Roger and Adrian, I want you to implant memories of yourself in the mind of Nelson Mandela and the high ranking people of ANC, also the leaders of the current National Party government. After that, use any means possible and get Mandela out of prison, use Imperius if you must, make the current Prime Minister quit, make the government fall, then make Nelson take his place, Roger, you become the second most important leader of the government.

"Then bring in the reforms, I will send aid to help the poor, but you must do as I say if you want to create a self-sufficient government and country. However, you must retire after reforming the government and the constitution, because I don\'t want a wizard to rule like a dictator." He instructed them both.

"What\'s my job in all this?" Ted inquired.

Magnus smiled, "You are here for a good show, to create a false story. Roger will be the one to hire you as the lawyer for Nelson. You have the reputation of never losing a case, hence you are expensive, now suddenly a good old friend of Nelson helped him out. It will directly skyrocket Roger\'s image. This way, we get a direct entry into politics. Then Roger will become the man to make the current Prime Minister step down. His name will be publicised.

"But in no way can the new government be only filled with coloured people. All races are needed in it."

Magnus knew that although what was happening right now wasn\'t good, it was also true that in 1949, the African community started large scale attacks on the Indian community, which was the third biggest racial demographic here.

Shops were burnt, old and young women were murdered and r*ped, and men were killed. It was total chaos. From many accounts, the white population cheered at that time, telling the Africans to kill the Coolies, a derogatory term used for Indians in South Africa since the time they were brought from India by the British to work in the fields and many gold mines.

Instead of uniting under one purpose of overthrowing the government, the Africans decided to kill and harm a community that was also marginalised and wronged. South Africa was a cluster of problems that started with race and ended with it.

From all this, Magnus knew he could not trust a single community to do good. A mixed style of government was needed.

"Now let\'s do it. Ragnar, you produce a calming drought that can be used as a smoke bomb, but the smoke must be invisible. I know when the current regime falls, some riots and violence might erupt. I will use these to calm them." He planned.

The plan was going to take time to come to fruition but it will be worth it. Magnus\' dream of adding Zimbabwe to the British mainland was only possible if the local population also supported it. And what better way than becoming the true champion of freedom and democracy, unlike the United States, which was going through a bad image currently with the defeat in Vietnam.

If Magnus\' plans were successful, then soon Britain will have the potential to become a greater power than the USA, because then Britain will have its own land all around the world. They will be able to make their military bases without paying any fees to countries.

"Ragnar, you make the Potions, I will go and see why the Pfizer CEO was looking for me." He informed Ragnar and left.

He had already established a Portkey in the MEDA office in South Africa now, he just brought the second part of the set here.


From the office building in Britain, he called for a car, then he went directly to the Pfizer company.

"So, what\'s the matter?" He asked the CEO, Max Strand. The company was currently in a very good state because Magnus doesn\'t shy away from granting them research money.

Max was a medium build man with dark hair. He was in his mid-thirties. "Thank you for coming here, sir. I just wanted to show you something."

He led Magnus to a lab with a lot of people working. Max then showed him a small pill.

"We created this Sildenafil, which was originally developed to treat cardiovascular problems. It was meant to dilate the heart\'s blood vessels by blocking a particular protein called PDE-5. In animal tests, it seemed to work moderately well: researchers could find evidence that it was impeding PDE-5, and the animals weren\'t having any obvious negative side effects. So, it was brought into a phase one clinical trial earlier this year to test whether humans can tolerate the new compound.

However, things became problematic." Max replied in detail, telling everything.

"What? Just tell me everything." Magnus nudged him.

Max shyly looked at him, "I don\'t know if I should tell you this. Well... It appears that the blood vessels dilating were not in the heart, but rather the penis, as dilating blood vessels is part of the process that leads to erections. The test subjects noticed a strong erection.

The sildenafil is working, sir, but in the wrong part of the body."


Magnus was taken aback, but then he howled in laughter, "Hahaha... my brother discovered this before though. He has already developed this erection medicine."

~Only if it could also help me. *Sigh*~ Magnus said to himself.

This was Max\'s turn to be shocked.

But Magnus\' next words made him happy, "Sell this advertised as an energy booster, stimulation enhancer in the market, while doctors can give it to those with Erectile dysfunction.

"We can make billions from this alone."

"YES SIR!" His approval excited Max, billions in revenue means millions in bonuses.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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