Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 224 - 224. Newspaper

Magnus arrived at Camelot with Pebble behaving like a good girl. She was continuously looking around, excited and curious about everything. She had been caught up in the bank for more than 100 years. So she had not seen the new advancements of the world, to her the new tall buildings and the small metal monsters were new. She wanted to take a bite of them and see how they tasted, but Magnus was able to persuade her not to after a long conversation.

He expected Duck to teach her everything about the new civilization, and he made sure that nobody hunted Dragons anymore, as he was going to put an open contract for the Goblins to catch any person who hunts or harms a dragon or a few more endangered class 5 beasts. This was the simple rule of poaching the poachers, something that was really practised around the world. ​​

As they flew over the lands of Camelot all the animals started running down on the ground, chasing the shadow in the sky, they knew this was a new addition to their already big family.

"QUACK!" Duck of course came first flying to him, and stayed beside Pebble. She was interestingly looking at Duck, who was a dragon but much larger than her and also a bit different, as he had 4 limbs.

"Haha, meet Pebble, Duck. I freed her from the Goblins at the bank, she was treated very badly, so I hope you will take care of her like a good big brother." He explained to Duck.

Duck dutifully patted his chest, "YES..." However, he forgot he was flying and started to fall, barely escaping touching the ground, not that it would have done anything to him.

Soon, Magnus brought Pebble to the large open field where all the animals had already gathered to welcome the new animal. However, Pebble seemed very uneasy seeing so many strong beasts, even those who could threaten her.

Who other than Cuddle, a basilisk could scare a dragon. However, Cuddles was calmly standing in the crowd, styling a pair of cool glasses on his eyes. He looked so happy and different now. Before he looked too scary, now he looked too harmless.

"Everyone, meet Pebble, she is a very shy and timid dragon, so be kind to her. She is not used to too much talking and meeting new faces, so be patient, okay. Duck and Cuddles, you will help her get used to the area, okay?" he instructed them.

"QUACK!" which translated to, "You can count on me,"

Cuddles first came to Magnus to get a few head pats, then he went directly to Pebble. Duck, being very smart, immediately introduced her to everyone.

Meanwhile, Magnus went to a Nundu, who was watching everything from the back and instructed him in simple words. He told him about what was being asked from him at the bank. Magnus had noticed that this Nundu was already a loner, and liked to not talk or move much. There were other Nundu too on the island but he preferred to be like this.

Soon, the Nundu agreed, as he was going to get paid with good food every day. He will also get to sleep all he wants, as long as he deals with any threats who come to steal. To help ease his job, Magnus gave him an intruder alert device, that will notice any noise in his vicinity and alert him.

Nundu were surely the best safety the bank could ask for. Since they were just so dangerous.

They moved silently, despite their "gigantic" size, and were considered by some to be the most dangerous creature alive. The breath of the Nundu was toxic and filled with diseases so potent that it could wipe out entire villages of people. The Nundu was extremely hard to subdue. It had never been defeated by less than around one hundred wizards working together. Compared to the dragons who could be stunned into submission by around ten wizards, the prospect of this rare beast became truly terrifying.

The only reason they were following Magnus\'s orders was because of his blood, which makes these beasts feel that they are in the presence of someone superior to them. Also, they just love Magnus because he treats them so nicely. The Camelot is a literal paradise and he\'s the lord of the land.

After setting Pebble up, he went to the castle, he wanted to meet Martha and see what crazy thing she was cooking today. However, as he was entering, he saw some phoenixes crying loudly for some reason.

~Weren\'t they crying the last time too?~ he muttered to himself and entered.

But, there was a reason behind the cries of the phoenixes.


"NINAAAA! How could you bear that foreigner\'s child?!" another phoenix cried, there were about 10 of them in the group.


Magnus reached Martha and found her to be sitting by the fireplace, and as always, she was doing something crazy. She was knitting some sweaters, a lot of them.

"Welcome, dear, look at these, I made all these sweaters for you, Ragnar, your new sibling and also Fawkes\' child." She told him whole trying to measure Magnus\' size and the sweater to make sure it would fit.

"Fawkes\' child? When did that happen? Isn\'t he going too fast, I just told him to find a girlfriend." Magnus muttered.

"And he found love, ah, truly, a strange thing, it happens in the most unexpected moments, I guess that\'s what makes it interesting. Come, sweetie, sit with me." she invited him, and a wave of her paws made sure a glass of hot chocolate was in Magnus\'s hand.

Magnus to this day had no idea how strong Martha truly was, her abilities seemed overpowered though, and as she is so old she has a vast amount of knowledge about all kinds of magic.

He took a seat beside her, "Do you have muggle newspaper, Grandma?"

"No, but Goldruk probably does, he sends his men to the muggle world every day to manage my company." She replied.

"A company? What company? I thought you didn\'t go out" he asked her in wonder.

"Hehe, this time I took your advice and went out to see things. The world has really changed. I looked into the two boys you told me about, Superman and Batman, good lads, but Batman is a naughty boy. But I liked their character and I wanted to buy them." Martha said as a matter of fact.

"So you bought the two character rights?" He inquired, as this was the most logical thing to do.

"No, I bought those who created them, I want to read them before anybody else." She replied, still focused on knitting.

"YOU BOUGHT DC COMICS?" Magnus exclaimed in shock.

Martha stopped and looked at him in confusion, "DC? No dear, the goblins told me that it was something called Warner Brothers. Haha, initially I feared they had bought two brothers and made them servants, but it turns out, that\'s what the company is called."


Magnus felt numb, what was Warner Brothers? It was one of the biggest studios in the world. They were very old too, just like Disney. And they were big, big enough that he considered using his money to buy them a waste.

"W-why? They make movies, grandma, what do you plan to do with the company? And how did you even buy it? I am pretty sure its major shareholder was adamant on not selling it." He inquired.

She shrugged, "Well dear, just a little bit of negotiation and tricks solved it all. And I don\'t know what to do, I just wanted the comics, they can continue to make pictures however they want I guess."

Magnus blinked dumbly, she was totally going to destroy this company and she didn\'t even care about it.

"Umm, Grandma, maybe let me handle the company, I was going to buy a studio anyway, you just saved me the trouble," Magnus suggested.

Martha happily knitted the sweater and nodded, "Sure, dear, you can do whatever you want with the company, and tell them to make good comics, I don\'t want any nonsense propaganda in it or else I will fire everyone and also wipe their memories of drawing so they can never work in their life."

~She... she really loves the comics, it seems.~ Magnus realised and decided to make sure to only hire good folks to draw them.

"Sir, your newspapers." Dobby appeared. He had been taken in by Martha as a helper, since at the mansion Abe and George were already present, here Dobby was also being trained.

Magnus had already planned now that he would make a new branch of Warner Brothers, whose sole job would be to make films and special effects with magic. The whole crew will need to be made of wizards or muggles who know. He was feeling excited, the potential of using magic in action and big scenes was boundless, for example, if they need to they can blast or destroy a building, car or anything as many times as they want, since they could always repair it with Reparo charm. Their cost would also be very efficient.

He ignored that for now and opened the newspaper. He needed to keep himself aware of what was going around in the world. The Soviet Union was still very strong and the Cold War was at its height, though the space race was already won by the United States. He thought, ~I wonder if Britain also has a space program?"~

Both the USA and the USSR were trying to spread their sphere of influence as much as possible these days.

However, soon he saw a news that shocked him a little, "South Africa is building nukes?" [A/N: Yup, they had nukes until 1994.]

Down there was the history of South Africa, the nukes were being made to keep the Soviet presence away and the western countries were supporting it. However, then he saw the ugliest side of this country.

Just a few words were enough to make him stand up in anger, "APARTHEID SYSTEM IS STILL IMPLEMENTED! THERE HAVE BEEN RIOTS! ETHNIC VIOLENCE! The main government only consists of white nationals while the country has a majority population of coloured people including native Africans. And then he read that even the Africans had committed ethnic violence."

Magnus quickly took some other newspapers and compiled a brief history of what the hell was going on. And the more he read, the more disgusted he felt. He realised that Purebloods were not so bad after all, muggles have finally proven themselves to be one step above.

But, keeping all this aside, he realised a huge problem for his future plans. It would doom all his investments if not solved.

[A/N: So, how many of you knew South Africa had nukes?]

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You can read 11 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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