Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 178 - 178. Test Of Love

A few days later,

"How many more batteries do you want Ragnar?" Magnus asked. ​​

Currently, they were in the Room of Requirements, where they had set up a full production line and had brought real materials from outside to manufacture the items.

"About 100 more. The more there will be, the more helpful it will be for dad." Ragnar replied.

All of them had very dirty clothes right now. The batteries were also inflammable until fully made so they had to work very hard. Still, the Solid State Battery, although still a Lithium Iron battery, was very safe. Much safer than the liquid Lithium-Ion Battery. In this, even if you were to slice it with a knife, it won\'t explode, while the other one would.

"Rag, have you filed for patents?" Magnus inquired,

Ragnar shrugged, "Why would I do that? That\'s for dad to do. His name should be on the patent and the invention before mine. I just helped him in completing the research, he started and pushed it for the most part."

"We still have 1 week, so why are we in such a hurry to make these anyway?" Severus voiced.

"Because of Magnus here, his life is so unpredictable, who knows what might happen at any time. So it\'s better to do it now." Ragnar reasoned.

Magnus just rolled his eyes and continued to work, he was dissatisfied but couldn\'t really refute what Ragnar said.

"What are you going to be doing this winter, Severus? How is your mum?" Magnus asked him.

"She\'s good, she has come out of her depressed persona, now she does work and is decently enjoying her life. And I have planned to spend time with her. She probably gets lonely at home, being by herself for many months." Severus planned.

Magnus and Ragnar smiled. They would have never expected something like this to come out of Severus\' mouth before, but now he was a changed boy. Not being depressed and gloomy had done wonders for him.

"Well, that\'s good. If you want you can also come to my house anytime. But I think this is going to be a very busy winter, with Dad coming out as the Crown Prince all of a sudden." Magnus supposed, already guessing the chaos that was going to come into his life soon.


They made batteries till afternoon, after which Magnus headed to Dumbledore, as the old man had asked him to visit. Magnus didn\'t know why though.

*Knock Knock*

He entered after knocking on the door. "Good evening, professor."

The old man was sipping some tea and Magnus wondered in his head if Dumbledore even works. "Have a seat and have some mint tea. It\'s very tasty."

Magnus didn\'t act reserved and happily took a cup and asked, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Can\'t this old man have a normal talk with his great grand grand... nephew?" Dumbledore replied.

Magnus nearly choked on the tea, "Haha... You never talk to someone if you don\'t need to, professor. I know that. You must have a reason for asking me to come here."

There was a pause of silence from Dumbledore. "I wanted to talk to you about your school life. I have seen that you are constantly involved in things no child should. You are constantly fighting, planning and plotting.

"This is not something any child should be going through. You are a young boy, you should play, make friends and laugh. Leave all these problems to me."

Dumbledore, although seems like a good for nothing Headmaster, did care for the well-being of the students.

Deep inside, he also feels guilty because he has to focus on Voldemort and the order. Due to this, he isn\'t able to completely focus on school.

Magnus didn\'t know this. Nor did he know what was in the old man\'s mind. But he had his own reasons to not be sitting like a normal kid.

~The day I start acting like a kid will be the day they\'ll kill me.~ he thought to himself.

So he answered, "Professor, you know more than anyone the complexities of my life. If I was just the next king of Britain it wouldn\'t have been much of a problem. But I am also related to Merlin. And that makes many people seeth in rage, even more as I am against them.

"What will happen if they try to kill me and you are not around me to protect me? What will happen if they come to harm my family and your people not around them?

"And about having fun, I do try to play around whenever I get the opportunity. "

Dumbledore looked sadly at him. ~What was I doing when I was 12 and in Hogwarts? Dreaming... of greatness. Of power. And he has achieved all those already...~

But he was afraid that Magnus would also fall into that depression pit he had not long ago. And he had still not come out of it.

"Magnus... You can\'t save everyone. In the end, Voldemort will lose, because he\'s a man who lives in dreams. He rules with fear, and humans have a tolerance to how much fear they can feel, beyond that, their survival instincts emerge. But, in that whole process, some lives will be lost, including mine. So don\'t try to save everyone. Because I tried and failed." Dumbledore gave his words of wisdom.

There was silence, the atmosphere turned gloomy. The ambient noise of the room was the only thing keeping them calm. Fawkes was sleeping with his eyes closed, as were some previous headmasters in various portraits. While some were listening to them talk.

Magnus got up, proceeding to leave. But he stopped at the door and replied, "Yes, he will lose, but I\'m afraid of the cost? Your life? My life? How many lives?

"I can at least work to reduce that cost."

*Door Shuts*

"I have failed as the headmaster. But I feel, I will only retire with my body in a casket." Dumbledore said to himself dejectedly, alone in his office.


10th December 1972

"Let\'s go, Rag. I have this suitcase from Newt, he told me I can keep it. Put all the batteries in it. Hell, you can even live inside it." Magnus helped his friends pack their bags.

Ragnar nodded and started stacking the 200 batteries in the case. Severus didn\'t have much luggage so he was also helping them.

"Oh, what is this letter for?" Severus suddenly found one on Magnus\' table.

Magnus chuckled, "Hehe, you\'re gonna love it. I used my girlish voice and made this voice letter. Sirius will get it, it\'s a love letter for him. We\'re gonna have a lot of fun when we return to school, boys."

Ragnar laughed and Severus smiled in agreement. Indeed if this prank was successful, and they can make Sirius serious enough to start writing letters back, it\'ll be very fun.

"Summer, get inside your cage. Chad, you too... no, don\'t show me those eyes, they don\'t work on me. See, Summer\'s already in, learn something from her." Magnus packed his pets. Well, they were as good as a family now.

Once they were done packing, Magnus flicked his wand and immediately their room got cleaned and the windows got closed. All ready for them when they\'d return.

They once again got on the Thestral pulled carriages and were taken to the Hogsmeade station.

The first thing Magnus did after reaching there was to secretly drop the letter in the letterbox. Then he ran to hog a cabin in the train for himself and his friends.

"Magnus, will you be coming to my home this winter?" Emma asked him.

He denied, "I will be very busy these holidays, Emma. Something big will happen, you should read the muggle newspaper every now and then. In fact, you should come to my house someday. We can play there."

This meant the world to the girl, "REALLY? It\'s decided then, I will come to your home. I wonder if aunty and uncle will like me."

Black lines appeared on Magnus\' forehead. ~Did I just drop an axe on my foot?~

"Aye... look who it is, the great Slytherin boy." Sirius and James arrived. They were not sitting with them this time. Sirius was also going to James\' home this time.

"And who is this... the detention dwellers. I knew I made the right decision to keep a distance from you or I\'d always be in detention." Magnus taunted them.

James scoffed, "Huh, teachers are just biassed for you. Why is it that you got to defeat the basilisk by breaking rules in the night and still didn\'t get points deducted?"

Magnus smirked, "Huh, you won\'t understand. That\'s because of my charm."

"Do you mean to say Professor Slughorn or Professor McGonagall have fallen in your charm? Hahaha... fine, I guess you can only charm those old bones." Sirius barked back and laughed.

Magnus just smiled, it was his loss for now, but he\'d have the last laugh soon. He just needed to wait for the letter to reach him. Oh, he just looked at James and thought about sending him one too.

~Hehe, let\'s see if these two so-called best friends can stand this test of a love triangle?~


And with that, the train moved, to send them back home.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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