Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 134 - 134. Electric Shock

Magnus and Ragnar were alert the whole time they sat there. But soon some kind of music started and some little kids started to sing some songs at the front. They were very good at it and sounded pleasant.

"Aw... look at them, they are dressed as little angels." Grace fawned over them. ​​

Magnus nodded, "Indeed, they are looking cute,"

"Oh, look, there\'s a girl of our age too, she\'s looking at us." Ragnar pointed out.

"She\'s looking at you, maybe she likes you," Magnus suggested with a chuckle.

Ragnar scowled, "Nah, she\'s probably looking at Aunt Grace too."

Magnus could not refute it though. Grace was shining so bright in that hall, she had worn a white long sundress and was not looking less than an angel.

~God, will people really start calling mom Mother Grace once she becomes Queen Mother?~ Magnus wondered.

The singing only lasted a few minutes and then the church service began and lasted about an hour. Magnus had no idea what was going on, he was never taken to a church before.

But, he was eagerly waiting for the whole event to end and go to eat food. So, when it finally ended he grabbed Grace\'s hand and headed out to the lawn.

"Mag, look, some of them are coming toward us," Ragnar whispered to him.

Magnus looked at the men and smirked, the next moment all of them fell down face first, all their pretty looking suits got spoiled. It was an embarrassment of utmost category.

Grace gawked at the scene, "Are they fine?"

"Mum, let\'s go, I\'m hungry." Magnus dragged her out.

Soon after they arrived outside, Ragnar went his way to see what was there to eat, while Magnus went with Grace to eat and talk with people, he wasn\'t interested in talking but someone needed to be with the walking angel.

After a while, some old aunties and started talking to Grace while pulling his cheeks, he hated it but held himself from casting a jinx on them. These women would faint in the future when he becomes the king, knowing they had pulled the king of Britain\'s cheeks. Grace was also boasting about him getting the George Cross at the age of 9.

For the most part, Magnus just had a plate in his hand and was eating roasted vegetables with some tofu. He had to agree, this church offered better food than many restaurants.

He looked around and saw the gazes of many men towards where he and Grace were, but he didn\'t care about them as they would not dare to walk anytime soon.

Then, his eyes fell on Ragnar, who was standing in front of what looked like a souvenir shop. There was a nun on the other side and beside the nun were the same children who were singing in the church. Some of the small ones were playing behind her.

~What\'s Ragnar doing? Did he really fall for that girl?~ Magnus wondered and decided to go there.

"Mum, I\'m going to Ragnar." He told Grace.

"Okay, sweetie," She replied with a smile and let him go.

Magnus arrived beside Ragnar and asked, "What\'s going on?"

Ragnar showed him a cookie box, "They are selling biscuits to fund their orphanage."

"Wait... weren\'t orphanages being abolished?" Magnus asked in confusion.

"No dear, not anytime soon. Abolishing all orphanages from Britain will be a very big and costly thing, so it\'s happening slowly. I am Sister Mary." The nun spoke. She was probably in her 40s.

Magnus nodded and looked at the biscuits. They were surely handmade as most lacked a perfect shape. But as Magnus was looking, a cute little kid came to him, he still had little angel wings on his back from the performance.

"I made that one... They are very tasty... I promise." He tried to persuade Magnus. He chuckled and guessed the kid\'s age, it must not be more than 7 or 8.

"Hehe... really? Then I will take it. I will take all of the biscuits." He told them.

Sister Mary gasped, "WHAT? BUT... don\'t you need your parent\'s permission?"

She was a very kind person and didn\'t want Magnus to get scolded later on.

Hearing her worries, Magnus kindly smiled, "Don\'t worry, it\'s all my money. I own a company that makes a lot of money for me. So don\'t worry. May I ask why you need to do this to gather funds? I thought the government provided aid?"

Sister Mary turned sad, "They do provide aid, but it is never enough to realistically give all the children a good life. So, for all the past years, my elder brother used to contribute most of his earnings. But, a few months back, he passed away due to Tuberculosis. Not wanting to make their lives worse, I decided to gather funds like this on every Sunday."

~Ah, what a saint-like family.~ Magnus thought.

"And how is it turning out?" He inquired.

"Not too good, all these biscuits are made by the kids for fun, so they don\'t always look the same and very tasty. But, dear, you shouldn\'t worry about such things, God will surely help us in a way." She smilingly said.

~I think he already did.~ Ragnar thought internally. He looked at the various kids happily laughing, uncaring about what problems were going on. He saw them as himself. A kid with no parents, no family to take care of you.

"Okay, I have decided, I will donate all my savings to the orphanage," Ragnar muttered.

But, the Nun didn\'t know that Ragnar\'s saving was not a kid\'s saving. He had a lot of money from his potions.

Magnus quickly stopped him, "No, you don\'t do that. I will. I will adopt the orphanage. Sister Mary, where is the Orphanage?"

"Oh, it\'s a little distance away from here. We came in a bus we hired." She revealed in shock.

"Ragnar, we will be going with them to their Orphanage." Magnus decided.

Ragnar was already onboard the plan. And Magnus went to tell his mother about it before Sister Mary could say anything. He made sure to take here to the side and secretly tell her everything.

And the next thing he knew, he was showered with kisses on his head by Grace, "Aww... you are so kind, of course, we have so much money, we should help them. Let\'s go, I\'ll go with you."

And so, to all the kid\'s shock, the angel they saw in the church was sitting with them in the bus. All of them had surrounded Grace and were talking about silly things.

Magnus meanwhile secretly called George and told him to bring the car to the orphanage later for them to return.

The drive took them about an hour, it was on the other side of London. Once they arrived, they saw a pretty looking property. There were gardens around the building. It was outside the city so this meant better air.

"We grow most of the vegetables ourselves. It brings down the cost of running the place. The most is spent on their education and well being." Sister Mary told them.

All the kids quickly ran inside the building to change their clothes. Only now they saw some older kids living in the orphanage, it seems they were left behind to take care of the too young to be out ones. Magnus noticed 3 older girls, many between 14 and 16. Then there were 2 boys, one 14 and one 16.

Magnus and Ragnar were looking around at the building, it was a big countryside house, with a lot of flowers and greenery around it. It was surely a very good environment for kids.

But when it came to the condition of the building, it didn\'t look very good. From outside, he could see the roof needed repairs, there were some broken windows and the walls were also chipping. Inside the house, the floor needed work too.

But it was decently big to accommodate all the 51 kids living there. But, only Sister Mary was the adult there to take care of them. Some other church nuns would also come every once in a while to take care of them.

Ragnar was having the same thoughts. He just wanted to help these kids, so they won\'t be sad like he was initially. He saw the various clothes of kids and all of them looked old.

He turned to Magnus and whispered, "Tell George to also bring a bunch of clothes for the age group of 1 to 17, both boys and girls."

Magnus nodded. But, he also needed to call someone else. Stepping to the side, he went to the telephone and called Ted.

"Ted, can you send someone to the Saint Albert Orphanage? I am adopting an orphanage and it needs some work done. Tell that person to bring a construction contractor along." He requested.

Ted sighed and made a quick decision, "You know what, Magnus. I am sending a new Paralegal. She sucks at law but is very good at managing things, just hire her as your secretary, okay?"

Magnus started laughing, "HAHA... am I this annoying?"

"No, no, it\'s not that. I\'m just so busy these days that I find it hard to focus on non-law related things. I have offices in 5 different countries to run now. And seeing your vision, I\'m sure you will want many more things done. So, I\'m getting you an assistant. Don\'t share anything about your family status though, just tell her you\'re rich. Test her on her loyalty. Also, you can still use my company resources with her being the point of contact in the company.

"You can still call me though, I am always ready to help. But, as I have just started expanding, I am very busy and don\'t want to do a halfhearted job when it comes to your projects." Ted tried to make Magnus understand without offending him.

Magnus shrugged, "Okay, I can understand. Just send that lady fast."

Magnus hung up and looked behind, there was an older boy teenage from the orphanage. Looking at Magnus with interest. "That landline costs, you know."

Magnus chuckled, "I know, but don\'t worry. I will pay Sister Mary."

"I heard what you talked about. Are you really going to adopt this orphanage?" the boy inquired.

Magnus nodded, "Yes. I am the owner of Dragon Holdings. I want to do this so I\'m doing it. The smiles on the faces of those kids should never diminish."

The boy smiled and walked to him to shake hands, "Thank you, I was worried for them since uncle Jack passed away. I am David, by the way."

Magnus shook hands with him.


But, for some reason, Magnus felt an electric shock on his hand. From the reaction, David felt it too.

"AH! Sorry, for some reason my body is prone to static discharge," David explained awkwardly.

But, Magnus was not buying it. They were not wearing clothes that would cause this and from David\'s own words, it happens a lot. Magnus felt a suspicion grow in his mind, a possibility.

"When did you come to this Orphanage?" Magnus asked directly.

David smiled with a sad face, "Strange thing to ask. I came here on my 11th birthday, the day my parents died in a car crash and my other relatives refused to take me in."

Taking that information, Magnus decided to keep an eye on him to make sure if his hypothesis was true or false.

When he returned back to the hall, he saw all the kids playing around Grace, while Ragnar chased them.

~Ah, what a great sight. I wonder if some of them will turn out to be wizards too.~ he though.


Suddenly a loud car horn came from outside. Magnus and Ragnar quickly went out and saw the white Range Rover standing there. The kids also followed them.

But, to Magnus\' shock, he saw George was personally driving it. He went to the driver\'s side and asked, "Do your feet even reach the pedal?"

George smirked, "Of course not, but I used magic."

"And how did you drive? Did you crash somewhere?" Magnus asked further.

But then he saw George averting his gaze and realised. ~HE CRASHED IT SOMEWHERE!~

George guiltily confessed, "I swear, sir. The cat came out of nowhere and I tried to save it and crashed into a lampost. But I fixed everything with magic."

"And the cat?" Magnus asked him.


"I brought it along." George replied and handed the small ginger cat, actually, it was a kitten.

"KITYYYYY..." All the little kids joyously shouted.

Seeing this, Magnus chuckled while caressing the small kitten, "Well, I guess this kitten has a new home now."


[A/N: Any guesses about that David kid?

Also, Sister Mary will be a recurring character. And all the things Magnus is doing will benefit him in the future once he takes the throne. He will need all the public support he can gather to take the place of the Queen, who is beloved by the masses. He needs to be a publicly loved king for him to be able to bring the kinds of reforms he wants to.]

[You can see the orphanage on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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