Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 124 - 124. Meeting The Queen

"Wrehehe..." Duck made a noise that could only be taken as a loud chuckle.

The Queen and Prince Charles gathered some courage and looked up. And there was towering Dragon, the head eclipsing the sun, making a strange halo behind the Dragon\'s head. It looked so Majestic... and scary. ​​

"Haha... don\'t be scared." All of a sudden a voice came from the top of the dragon and Magnus jumped down from there, in his new clothes. With his boots, he looked tall enough to not seem like a little kid. He had also sent words to Ted that he didn\'t need security anymore, because Duck and Grandma Martha were with him.

"It\'s a lovely day, isn\'t it?" Magnus spoke.

The queen knew his face like the back of her hand. She calmed herself down, despite there being a scary dragon. "M-Magnus... it\'s a good day indeed."

"Glad you know my face. We finally met today. Let\'s sit and have a chat... Ah, don\'t mind Annihilus, he\'s as harmless as a duck." Magnus said while patting Duck\'s legs and took out his wand.

The Queen and Prince Charles stiffened seeing it, knowing the damage this stick could cause. But Magnus just waved his hand and transfigured their jeep into a table and a few chairs. It was very easy for him as there was no change in the material\'s molecular structure taking place. Metal was just changing colour and shape.

"Come," He led them to have a set.

"Grandma Martha, do you have something to eat or drink?" He asked.


Martha flew down from the top of Duck and hovered near the table, "Of course, dear. Here you go."

She just snapped her paw and a beautiful tea set with some lemon cakes appeared on the table. They were magical and the kettle poured tea in the glasses on itself.

The Queen had by now calmed down fully. She had seen a fair share of magic in her life, but Prince Charles was still new to all this as he was told about the magical world only after the crisis on Royal Family appeared.

"Drink it, you will feel refreshed. Don\'t worry, there is no poison in it, if I wanted to do something I would have told Annihilus to stomp on you." Magnus said nonchalantly.

"Hey Mag, the deer is fine. He was shot in the lungs but my potion worked." Ragnar came back with the deer that was shot not long ago by the queen. The deer was licking Ragnar\'s face all the while, as if saying thank you.

Magnus shook his head and asked, "What\'s so entertaining in killing such a beautiful creature and seeing them painfully losing their breath?"

"It\'s human nature, we have been hunting for hundreds of years." The queen argued.

But Magnus had a reply ready, "Is that so? Humans also used to roam around naked and live in caves, you don\'t see that happening now. Humans used to use stones to light a fire, we don\'t see chefs igniting their stoves with stones. Did you forget that humans have evolved into a much-civilized society now? And to kill such innocent creatures just for fun is nothing but barbaric.

"Were you going to eat it?"

"No, we were going to take its deer hide." Prince Charles answered.

Magnus sighed, "At least complete the cycle of life by eating the animal you kill. Do you see people killing chickens and ducks only to take their feathers?"

"GRAAAAA..." Duck protested loudly.

Magnus chuckled, "Haha... I was talking about real ducks,"

But, leaving the matter behind, Magnus talked about the important stuff, "You must have some idea why I\'m here, right?"

"Of course, you are the reason why I am stressed so much these days. Who knew the little boy I awarded the George cross would turn out to be King Arthur\'s descendant." She tiredly said.

"Haha... I actually met you even before that, when I came to the Palace for the tour with my class, you dropped your handkerchief and I was the one who gave it back." Magnus reminded her.

The Queen\'s eyes widened as she remembered it, "Yes yes... I remember now. Did you know about your heritage at that time?"

"No, I only found out later. Are you not angry at me? I am the reason behind what your life has become." Magnus interestedly asked her.

She sipped her tea for a few seconds. Her mind was trying to prepare herself. She had not expected the meeting with Magnus to be so sudden and like this.

"I was... Not long ago I was cursing you daily. I would have pounced on you to kill you if I was like that right now. But, my senses prevailed. When I was crowned or my predecessors were, it was announced that we were chosen by the grace of God. Meaning that it is God\'s mandate that we rule.

"Now, if you, a direct descendant of King Arthur, are to take the throne, then that must also be due to the grace of God. The stone tablet left behind by King Arthur is real and it\'s his direct will, and it supersedes everything, even my wishes.

"I did get angry because my family is in danger due to that tablet, but I can understand why such steps were taken. If I had not known about the imminent death for hurting you, I would have done something... very bad to stay on the throne. That\'s the life of a royal, unlike the old days, it\'s much less about physical fighting now and more about secret plots and assassinations. The world sees us as people living a life of a fairy tale, but the truth is, this is a very dark world we live in, where people backstab you while showing a friendly smile on their faces.

"Now, you want to face all that? Then be my guest, but, from what I gathered from this little show of yours, you\'re no pushover and are most likely to be a strong king. All I can say now is, good luck."

Magnus was not expecting her to be so calm right now. He guessed that she would shout and scream. But, this was also nice.

"That... I wasn\'t expecting you to be so nice to me. What brought this change?" He asked her.

"My husband. I realized that what he did was to protect his family, no matter how twisted it was. Then you retaliated and that was also for your family. I realized that we both love our family dearly. And it\'s wise to accept what the Stone Tablet said rather than foolishly fight you for a royal position that doesn\'t even give you that much power." She explained.

Magnus nodded, "Good decision on your part. But, I am not going to be a simple ceremonial king. I have plans for this country. You must have done background checks about me. I am a genius in both magical and muggle studies. I am wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. I will make our country the most ideal place to live for anyone, the world will envy us and the people of the world will dream of someday getting to live here. Wealthy, Advanced, Beautiful, and kind, that\'s what I will change this country into."

"Hmm... so you\'re an idealistic sort. I also dreamt of removing world poverty when I took the crown too, but soon realized I was being childish. But you... with all the might of Merlin and Arthur, you might just really do what you said. Again, good luck." The queen said.

"Hehe... thank you. Now, the main reason I came here was to talk to you about my coronation, which will happen on 16th January 1978. I will turn 18 on 15th January that year. I want to assume the role early so I can work more. Don\'t worry about the public, I will make them fall in love with me soon.

"What I need from you is your help, to create a legitimate background so nobody questions my right and statue of secrecy is not broken. There is profit for you in it too. For this, I want you to change your family records. My father will become your legitimate eldest son, who you had sent to live a common life after being born with health complications, now he\'s healed and well, working in the military." He proposed.

"WHAT?!" this was shocking to her.

Magnus chuckled, "Come on, granny, don\'t you want a cool, super smart, strong and awesome grandson like me to become the king? People will worship you for bringing someone like me into this world."

"Tsk... Narcissistic." Ragnar interjected.

"Well, you get the right to be narcissistic with a good brain and power." Magnus jokingly defended himself.

Meanwhile, the queen was thinking fast. She was talking to herself in her brain.

~Wait... won\'t doing this solve all my troubles too? I was afraid I would have to disgracefully step down and become just a noble family. But if I turn out to be Magnus\' grandma, then I can still be called Old Queen or something. I will still be a royal, my children and grandchildren will also be princes and princesses, just with less money and benefits. And if I know him right, he might just give no benefits to all royals except the main crown. But, this will still save my image from tarnishing. This could be a smooth, scandal-free transition of the monarchy.~

"What about your mother?" She asked.

"Hmm, she will also be a princess, but, she will be a direct relative of King Arthur from my grandfather\'s side. This way, I can keep my current name when I become the king as well." He revealed.

Queen Elizabeth nodded in agreement. The plans were already made, now all that was left was to execute them correctly.

"Your plan is a fine one. I find myself comfortable with this and will gladly help you if it means the nation will benefit. But, I want everything you told me you would do for this country written on a piece of paper with your signature." She requested.

She already knew everything that was to be known about Magnus. She knew he was super intelligent and powerful, with a sharp mind for politics. He had survived various assassination attempts as well.

"Sure, I will gladly give you that. Now, when should I bring my parents here? You will need to start rehearsing with my dad. I can assure you that you will like them, both of them are very intelligent, just like me. The addition of them in the crown will increase the reputation of it." Magnus boasted. It was usually parents doing it but here it was the other way around.

The queen knew this as well. "Why not bring them here right now? I have more than enough time."

"Okay. I\'ll be back soon. Ragnar, keep an eye on Annihilus, he\'s chasing butterflies, don\'t let him fly too far" He instructed and left with George Washington, the elf.

As soon as Magnus left, Prince Charles who was silent till now spoke, "Is he really 12 years old?"

"Yes, why? He\'s too smart?" The Queen asked back.

"Yes, but he also has this different air around him... he\'ll make a fine king it seems. Fewer worries for me now, I can be free of all responsibilities." Prince Charles happily stated.

But the queen scoffed, "Huh... don\'t think your alcohol ban has been lifted now. You may not have royal responsibilities but you will still be a prince. You cannot be photographed in objectionable clothing at parties anymore. Or he might just disown you and take away your titles."

"Argh..." Charles was displeased but shut his mouth, knowing that it would only do more damage to his pocket money, he was just 24-year-old fun-loving youth at the time after all.

[You can see the Magnus\' clothes on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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