Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 122 - 122. Big Duck

"Yes, mum and dad, listen to my idea first." Magnus started explaining everything as soon as they reached home.

Adam and Grace took a seat while Magnus walked back and forth in front of them. This was just day one and Magnus had already given them a shock. ​​

"Okay, I am 12, right? But I want to take the throne as soon as I turn 18. But, there is a problem, even if the queen abdicates and makes me the king, the people of this country will question me, because they don\'t know me, and don\'t love me.

"So, we need to start early. We need to make the world see me as the best possible king to ever sit on the throne. I have confidence that I can impress them, Merlin was a master when it came to propaganda.

"What the problem is my family history. We need to heavily edit it, and for me to be a legitimate king, I need to show my relationship to the queen. For this, Dad will become Queen\'s eldest son, who lived his life away from the royal lifestyle, with some distant relatives of the queen.

"Next will be mummy, you will be from a noble family, that is directly related to King Arthur Pendragon. This will explain my name to the world." Magnus explained in detail.

"But what about my parents? They are still alive, you know." Grace spoke up.

"I know, but Grandpa has no other family left. We will just make him the main descendant of King Arthur, from there it will extend to you. Dad already has nobody except us so it\'ll be even easier." Magnus said.

Adam and Grace looked at each other\'s faces as if talking with eyes.

"Will the queen even agree to all this?" Adam asked in doubt.

"She will, it\'s not like she has a choice. Also, me taking the throne doesn\'t mean she was a fake queen. It\'s just that by the rule of blood, I\'m more eligible than her. I will talk to her, don\'t worry. I heard she goes to Balmoral Castle in Scotland every year to spend her summer. *Sigh* Royals really need to find a job." Magnus planned.

"I will come with you, then," Grace decided.

But Magnus immediately denied her, "No, mum. You shouldn\'t. Besides, it will be a talk between two monarchs and don\'t worry about my safety. I will take security with me."

"Ah, you did tell me about your Detective Agency," Adam exclaimed.

"They are already expanding now and have opened more branches in other countries. You two should prepare yourself though, for becoming a public figure. I can promise that the media will only trouble you at the start, after that, I will make sure they leave you alone." Magnus assured him.

Grace though suddenly had an idea, "Sweetie, will it help you if your mum turns out to be a famous doctor who invented something life-saving?"

Magnus, Adam and Ragnar stared at her face, already knowing she was onto something.

"Absolutely, mummy. They might just start calling you goddess then, what is it you invented?" Magnus inquired excitedly.

"No no, I will not tell you right now. Give me some time, once it\'s all done, I might need help from Ted with some legal matters about patents." Grace requested.

Magnus laughed, "Of course, they will help you whenever you want. Ah... Wait a second, I need to bring Arthur to ask him something."

He quickly went to his room and brought a painting of Arthur and Merlin where they were lazily sitting in a garden.

"Ah, hello, children." Arthur greeted everyone.

Magnus quickly asked, "Arthur, I\'m preparing for my inevitable coronation. For that, I need my parents to be royals too. So, I was thinking of making my Mum take your surname too. That is if you don\'t have a problem."

Arthur burst into laughter, "Haha... No need to ask, Magnus. Ah, I always wanted a daughter, now I\'m getting such a pretty and intelligent one. Grace Grant Pendragon, it\'ll be a good name."

"See, Old Arthur is cool with it," Magnus said, but he noticed Merlin being silent.

"Why are you being sad, Merlin?" He asked.

Arthur chuckled, "Haha, he\'s sad that his name is not being taken."

Magnus shook his head seeing such an act from an old man, "Well, all my future kids and family will have Merlin\'s name too."

"WAIT! KIDS? Do you have a girlfriend, Mag?" Adam quickly asked.

Magnus wanted to say something but noticed Ragnar\'s mouth slowly opening. He ran up to him at full speed and covered his mouth.

"No, dad! I\'m too young for all that, right?" He said and started to whisper in Ragnar\'s ears.

"Fool, why are you so adamant about ruining my life? Emma is not my girlfriend, I don\'t see her in a romantic way, she\'s childish." He whispered.

Ragnar smirked, "I was just going to sneeze."

"Yeah, fool someone else, not me." Magnus was not buying his words.

"Okay okay... Go and take a bath, then go to sleep... Ah... It\'s 3 AM. Quick." Grace quickly pushed them. They didn\'t even realise how much time had passed in their talk.

Magnus and Ragnar went to their own rooms. Each bedroom had its own bathroom so it was very useful. But, before taking a bath, Magnus wrote a letter to Ted and Adrian, telling them about his upcoming trip.


What did Grace and Adam do with the 2 million pounds they received from the government as compensation?

Magnus didn\'t know it and he felt it was unnecessary to ask.

In reality, Grace had actually set up a personal research lab in half of the basement while Adam had set up his engineering workshop in the other half. They spent most of the money on these, but they were also running low on funds now. And, both of them were against taking foreign investment in their research as then they would also have to share the patents of their inventions.

Grace was currently working on a heart stent. It was actually a much-improved design of the ones already in the market. She had been working on it for a while now, but only after having so much funds, she was able to make quick progress.

Now, all that was left was human trials and as long as they are successful these new stents can be mass-produced. But, filing the patent first was the most important part.

Adam, on the other hand, was working on a newer car engine. It was a concept at the time and was not in the final stages like Grace\'s. It was an engine that was a lot more fuel-efficient, and could also run on electricity. But there were no good enough batteries in the world that could take the car too far with a single charge. So, he was forced to research batteries at the same time and that was like a money pit of research.

~Sigh, if it goes like this, I\'m afraid I\'ll have to ask Magnus for investment.~ he thought to himself.


In another special location in the building, Ragnar was also researching a new Potion. If successful, it would be widely famous in both the magical and muggle world, especially among girls. Drinking this new Potion would make one vomit most of the impurities in their blood. This would help people with a lot of acne on their body and faces.

But its other medical uses were also limitless. Because fewer impurities in the blood would mean better general health of the body and all organs.

~GAH!... Test 16,876 also failed. But I\'m getting there.~ he angrily noted on his diary and continued to work.


Unlike everyone else, Magnus was sleeping with no care in the world. Chad was sleeping on his stomach while Summer was sitting on her wooden fake branch Magnus had put on the wall. Only Duck was missing and Magnus was going to meet him the next day.



Magnus woke up the next morning. Instead of waiting, he quickly called Abraham.

"Take me to Camelot, will you?" He asked.

"Sure, sir. Let\'s go." Abraham immediately teleported with him.

He reached the portkey room and then moved to reach the throne room.


But, even before Magnus could reach there, he heard a very loud and terrifying roar.

"Is that...?"

He looked to the side at the huge frameless window. On the other side was a black dot, that was getting bigger and bigger. Soon, Magnus realised what it was.

"How did he grow so big... WAIT! WHY ISN\'T HE STOPPING?"

"SLOW DOWN, DUCK!" he shouted.

But, Duck was too excited, obvious from his happy giant face.

10 metres

5 metres

1 metre


Duck barged in from the window and jumped on Magnus, next thing he knew, Duck\'s sandpaper-like tongue was licking his face.

But Magnus couldn\'t be angry at him. Duck was just excited to see him. He quickly patted his head, "Hahaha... What the hell have you been eating, boy?"

"Grawwwww..." Duck purred.

[You can see the Grown-up Duck on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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