Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 96 - 96. Gifts

Once again, they came to the underground part of the castle.

"Okay, close your eyes." He told his parents. ​​

They obliged seeing his excited face and closed them. After that, Magnus went forward and opened the vault. Immediately, eye-piercing shine from all the gold and jewellery came. Magnus felt a bit of stiffness in his body whenever he sees how rich he was. It was just crazy.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." He said.

And then, as Magnus expected, Grace lost her balance. Adam was quick enough to catch her, even though his face had also turned white with shock.

"W-Wha... I-Is this all yours?" Grace asked while stuttering.

Magnus proudly replied, "Yes, I got two more Vaults with combined wealth nearly similar to this. But that one also got precious books and weapons so I like those more."

Then, Magnus took out a small box from his pocket. "Mummy, this one is for you."

Grace confusedly opened the box and found a ring. It turned out to be a diamond ring, and not just any diamond, a fricking red diamond with clear textures. There were only about 20 of them in the world. And none of them was as clear as this one. The ring would alone get millions of pounds if auctioned.

"This is for the best mummy in the world. This is a red diamond. Extremely rare, so, it\'ll be better if you tell people that it\'s just a gemstone. Don\'t worry about its price, I got a few hundred of them in this vault, don\'t know about the Gringotts vault though." Magnus revealed.

"H-How much would it cost outside?" She asked.

"Umm, about a few million I guess," Magnus replied.

This made Grace start shivering while holding it in her hand.

"Haha, don\'t worry about the cost, mummy. Just wear it like the Queen Mother you are. Now, for dad. I know you\'re not much into jewellery, so I asked the Goblins to make something for you. As you probably know from storybooks, Goblins are the best smiths. So, they made this new pistol for you. It looks the same as a normal pistol but, it\'s got magic in it.

"For starters, it\'s highly durable. Then, to the main point. It can fire any round, as long as it\'s not a sniper rifle bullet as the cartridge can magically make itself smaller or bigger. It will negate the recoil too, increasing the aim," Magnus revealed a revolver with a black body and silver handle. It had hidden runes and other goblin enchantments on it.

Adam loved it and excitedly checked it out. Of course, it was empty for now.

Then, Magnus\' gaze fell on an excited Ragnar. *Sigh* "Yes, I bought cauldrons for you."

"YES, YOU\'RE THE BEST BROTHER." Ragnar jumped in excitement.

Magnus rolled his eyes and entered deeper into the vault while they were busy with the Christmas presents.

The vault was much more organised now as Martha had done the job. Now everything was separated. Magnus went to the diamond section and picked a fist-sized clean blue diamond. It was the second rarest type, Magnus had decided not to sell the red diamonds as they were just too precious and would look better in his crown.

After that, he picked up an old 10th-century gold coin. It was in mint condition. Then, he picked a random unenchanted sword. It was also in mint condition and its gold plated hilt was still looking beautiful. Whoever it belonged to must\'ve been important. But Arthur probably never thought about his enemies once defeating them so he just threw all the stuff he wins in his vaults.

With that, he was done. He took his parents back to the main castle to have dinner. There was not much to do when you knew Santa was not real and gifts were already given. Technically, the time to give gifts was the next day, but Magnus dealt with it tonight.

After all this, Magnus took his parents to sleep in his favourite place, the highest balcony, under the open sky. Magnus made themselves a big bed. As they laid down, they started to talk. He even called Grandma Martha to join.

"What are you planning on doing after school, Magnus?" Grace asked.

Magnus was lying in the middle of Adam and Grace. Ragnar was on the other side of grace, alongside Martha.

"Umm... I will be the king, so I will try to make this country the best in everything. But, as Merlin\'s descendant, I have a bigger responsibility of uniting the wizards and end discrimination from the world. I just want to make this planet awesome to live on for future generations." Magnus revealed.

"That\'s a lot to do for a young boy like you," Adam said.

"Hehe... well, we wizards live a very long life so there should be no problem in achieving this dream." Magnus retorted.

"How long do they live?" Grace inquired.

"Well, normal ones surely reach 150-200. Then there are a few crazy ones, who have used some special methods to stay alive for 600-700 years." Said Magnus.


"Lucky Wizards. We simple humans hardly reach 90." Adam jokingly said.

Hearing him, Magnus felt sad. He held Grace and Adam\'s hand, "Don\'t worry, you won\'t be like normal humans. You will live for hundreds of years."

"Okay, sweetie. We will be waiting for your cure to not ageing then. Hmm... What about you, Ragnar? What do you want to do after school?" She asked.

Ragnar was relaxingly looking at the sky with a smile. His both arms were under his head, supporting it.

"I... I will become the greatest potioneer and runesmith to ever exist in magical history. Of course, after having my revenge." Ragnar answered.

"Revenge? What do you mean?" Grace asked.

"Ahaha... He was talking about orange. He wants to make an orchid..." Magnus awkwardly intervened.


"It\'s alright, Magnus," Ragnar spoke up. Then he finally told his story, not in a third person, but as himself. He guessed that if he was going to live with them, there was no point in hiding such things.

By the end, Ragnar\'s eyes were watery. "Mummy used to tell me stories of great knights and wizards like King Arthur and Merlin. I wished to be her little knight, but they took her from me before I could complete my training."

Grace also had tears in her eyes for him. For little Ragnar to go through all that. It was bound to be tough. She gave him a hug. Then, from the other side, Grandma Martha also gave a soft pat on his face. "Little One, your Grandma will teach you Potions from now on. I\'m the best at it."


Magnus suddenly jumped on them, pressing Ragnar. "And I will be your brother and help you beat those basta... I mean bad boys."

Ragnar chuckled, "Thanks, everyone."

"Only strangers say thanks to friends and family. You\'re a part of the family now, Ragnar." Adam also jumped closer and hugged them all.

And so, they spent Christmas Eve at peak wholesomeness.


But Magnus\' wholesome deeds had not ended there. He had sent a special Christmas package to Bobby. It was already sitting at the bottom of the family Christmas tree. Inside, it had the yet unreleased Intel 8008 chip. The first eight-bit processor produced by Intel. Bobby was going to go nuts with it.


Cokeworth, England.

Lily Evans lived in the same town as Severus. But the location where her house was situated was in a much better location, as her locality had many people living there, as compared to where Severus used to live, that place was completely abandoned.

As it was Christmas Eve, Severus was celebrating it with his mother. It was officially the start of their new life in their new home. It was bigger than the one in Spinner\'s End, and much cleaner. It already had all the furniture so they never had to do anything except live there. Magnus really did things all the way.

Severus wanted to give a gift to Lily as her fairly close new neighbour. But he couldn\'t find anything. However, then his mother came to him and told him that a courier came for him that morning.

On it said, "From your bro."

He immediately understood who it was. He opened it and found a letter and a small box. He first read the letter.

"How are you doing in your new home, Sev? Hope you\'re well. By the way, I know you\'ll be looking forward to giving a present to Lily. So, I took the liberty to send you this. Hehe... We are brothers, I got your back. Merry Christmas to you and aunty." He read the letter.

Amused by the box, he opened it. Only to find a goldish bracelet with green and red stones on it, shaped in the form of leaves and a rose. Then there was a small note, "Don\'t worry, it\'s pretty cheap. Made it with a mixture of a Galleon and a Sickle. Green and red are common gemstones and not something precious. Hopefully, she\'ll like it. FINGERS CROSSED!"

Severus smiled while reading it, then looked at the small bracelet. He could imagine it looking good on her, as she also had red hair.

~Tomorrow she should be coming to that tree.~ he thought and went to sleep.

[You can see Grace\'s ring and the bracelet on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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