Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 88 - 88. Moody On Duty

"Magnus... Stop playing with the phoenix. We gotta go back or else our parents will start looking." Bobby was currently in the process of dragging the king of Britain.

"Just one more pet, Bobby. I promise. Look how cute he is." Magnus protested. ​​

"You\'ve been saying that for the past hour." Bobby did not succumb to his words.

"Why don\'t you use the portkey?" Grandma Martha voiced.

Magnus, Ragnar, Bobby and Severus turned to her. Magnus asked, "Where does it lead to?"

"In your Castle near London." She revealed.

"I got more Castles? COOL..." He cheered.

"You actually own 36 Castles across the world. You will own more when you get crowned." Martha revealed.

Magnus was in shock, "Do... Do I pay taxes on them?"

"No, most are magical properties." She cleared his doubts. Magnus hated losing money the most.

"This means I can also come back here whenever I want? That\'s awesome. Let\'s go back and I will bring my mum and dad here." Magnus decided.

"Follow me, I will show you the portkey room. It is the most well-guarded place in the castle as it\'s the only place where normal people can portkey into. Other than this, the whole Island is anti portkey and apparition." She told them as they walked.

Soon, they arrived in a room with lots of statues. But these statues were actually permanent portkeys. The real security in the room was a wall of fire covering it from the sides. Only when someone enters does it split from one side. And if an intruder enters, the room gets flooded with fire.

"Which one to London?" Magnus asked.

"The one with the weird long cylinder hat. I always found London people weird so I made it like that." Martha pointed to a statue.

"Okay. Grandma Martha, I will return later with my parents and pet dragon. The dragon will remain here as keeping a level five beast out there can land me in a lot of trouble." Magnus notified her.

Hearing him, Martha\'s red eyes shined, "That would be wonderful. I always wanted a dragon to be here, as the king had a dragon in the name."

"Hehe, true. Okay, see you later then. Take care, grandma Martha." Magnus waved his hand and went close to the statue.

"Bobby, come here. This is a portkey. It can teleport you from one place to another. Though let me warn you, you will feel weird in the stomach after using it. But, do not take your hand off it no matter what." He warned.

Ragnar and Severus also came up to it and put their hand on it. At last, Magnus put it on and muttered.



"Well that was exciting, I should cook good food for him when he comes next time. After all, he calls me grandma." Martha muttered after Magnus left.




All of them started vomiting as soon as they reached the place.

"Wh-Why are you vomiting?" Ragnar asked.

"WHAT... YOU THINK I\'M USED TO THIS CRAP?" Magnus replied while trying not to vomit.

"UWAAAA... I HATE PORTKEY." Bobby also cried.

Snape thought was silently vomiting because of how edgy he was.

"WAIT! We returned to London, how will Sev go back?" Magnus asked.

Snape\'s eyes also widened as he realised that. He quickly made a plan, "Lend me your broom."

"Okay, but you should go tomorrow. It\'ll soon be going dark." Magnus suggested.

He nodded at that. Nobody wants to travel at night, even less so a kid. After all, if even grown-ups could get scared of the monster under their bed, what were 11-year-old kids?

"Cool, come to my place then. Ah, we must clean this vomit though." Magnus sighed.

"Buy some house-elves," Ragnar suggested.

"NO! No to slavery." Magnus immediately denied.

"Who said you need to treat them like slaves? Just give them a better life while they work for you." Ragnar insisted.

"Actually, you\'re right. Hmm, I will go to the Ministry to look for two elves tomorrow. Let\'s see how big this castle is first." Magnus decided.

The best way to look at how big it was was to go outside and look at it from a distance. So, they got on the brooms and flew into the sky. Soon, it became clear. The castle was a fairly big one, but not as big as some other castles they\'d seen. The best part though was the greenery surrounding it.

"Okay, let\'s postpone exploring it and go back home first. My mum will get into super detective mode otherwise. Bobby, are you staying at my place too?" Magnus asked.

"No, I gotta go home today. Or maybe I can come back after showing my face at my home once." Bobby said.

"Do just that," he said.

After that, they flew for 15 minutes and reached 10 Privet Drive. The place looked amazing from the sky, with lights lighting up the houses and streets. Also, there were the Christmas lights. Magnus\'s dad was also there, putting the lights on the house. He was back into his happy and active mood because of getting his job back, salary increment and also the promotion. But, what made him feel so good and dreamy was knowing his son was actually going to be the king of Britain. His pride was touching the sky.

The same was the case with grace. She had cooked a meal enough to feed a few hungry horses. She just wanted to celebrate everything good that had happened.

"Ah, Dad, let me help you." Magnus took out his wand and waved it.

All the long strips of lights flew around the house and placed them neatly. Some also flew to the small lawn and decorated the tree on it.

"Light them up, dad," Magnus said.

Adam quickly put the plugs in and switched it on.

"WOAAAH..." Bobby exclaimed.

Magnus had put the lights in a way to make a giant dragon spewing fire. The lights on the house made a dragon and the one on the lawn was the fire.

"Magic is so convenient," Adam muttered to himself.


"DAD! Let\'s go in, mummy has cooked some good stuff it seems." Magnus excitedly ran into his home.

"MUM! I\'M BACK." he entered his house with a loud announcement.

Grace was in the kitchen and her chuckles reached, Magnus. So, he ran to her to see what she cooked that day.

"Hmmm... the smell is so good. Let me guess... Chicken?" He asked.

"With gravy, and also meatball spaghetti, lasagna and also ice-cream brownies." She added.

"Nice, Bobby, Ragnar and another of my friends will be coming to eat and stay today," Magnus told her to be sure there was enough food.

She felt energised, "The more noise there is the more livelier the dinner will be. Go and get your friends to wash their hands. I will put the dinner on the table."


Magnus looked at Duck, who was wearing a cute little t-shirt and sitting over the refrigerator.

"Hey there, Duck. Where are Chad and Summer?" Magnus asked.

Grace pointed towards the living room, where Summer and Chad were sitting in front of the television as it showed Tom and Jerry.

"Haha, I guess they aren\'t much different from real children," Magnus chuckled.

"You have no idea. Summer is such a good girl. She even greeted the milkman today morning, though her face might have looked scary from the window and the milkman screamed like a little girl." Grace remembered what happened in the morning.

Magnus loudly laughed and went to the living room to give hugs to Summer.

"By the way, Mag, there was a letter for you. It said it came from the crown and had your longer name, so I didn\'t open it. It\'s on the coffee table." Grace told him.

With interest, Magnus took the letter. On the cover, it gave Magnus\' address but it was actually addressed to Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. His full name was only popular in the wizarding world and maybe the royal family also knew it.

~Hmmm... is it another threat or an apology?~ he wondered and opened it. Grace, Adam, Snape, Ragnar and Bobby also came to him to see what it was.


Across the street, inside the house rented by the Order of the Phoenix, 2 people were keeping an eye on the Grant home.

"WOAH... look at that decoration. He\'s certainly not hiding he\'s a Pendragon." the woman bodyguard said.

Kingsley came to the window and looked. "WAIT! It was not there a minute ago. IS THAT MAGNUS? HE USED MAGIC?"

He was horrified. Magnus just broke 2 laws. performing magic in the presence of muggles and also underage magic.

"No, it just appeared out of nowhere." the woman clarified.


Moody arrived. Kingsley quickly explained the situation.

"Did you get a notification about underage magic being performed?" Moody asked.

"No, I got nothing," Kingsley answered.

"Hmph.. that brat. It seems the trace does not work on him. Truly, born with God\'s blessing." he muttered and grumpily spied on the Grant house. He was here because he had received some bad news from the ministry. About the dark mark that recently appeared in Knockturn alley.

~I hope those bastards don\'t show up here. I hate killing during the Christmas holidays.~ Moody complained to himself while holding his staff tightly. He was not going to show any leniency to anybody who tried to hurt Magnus or his family. Not because Magnus saved him once, but because he really liked the kid and genuinely wanted to see him grow up and rule.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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